Kids Books - Sports

It's a Numbers Game! Basketball: The math behind the perfect bounce pass, the buzzer-beating bank shot, and so much more! (National Geographic Kids Espn)

It's a Numbers Game! Basketball: The math behind the perfect bounce pass, the buzzer-beating bank shot, and so much more! (National Geographic Kids Espn)

By James Buckley Jr.


basketball is my fave and i loved the book im sure someone who wants to learn about basketball they turn up here and love the book such as much as i did i am kinda new at DOGO and so far so good i see the comments and read here every day and i LOVE IT!!!!! i will recomend this to everyone and if i could to the entire world i would im gonna try to that!!! bye!!!!!!

S.O.R. Losers

S.O.R. Losers

By Avi

This book is HILARIOUS. The characters are so bad at soccer, and so utterly determined to be bad. The mistakes the team makes are plausible, and they don't even win a game! LOL

Ronaldo (World Soccer Legends)

Ronaldo (World Soccer Legends)

By Illugi JĂśkulsson



The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

By Frances Hodgson [illustrated by ruth sanderson] Burnett

The book The Secret Garden was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett in 1911. It is about a rude and spoiled little girl named Mary. She came from India but isn’t Indian. When she was born she wasn't wanted By her father or mother, so they gave her to a lady to watch over her. Mostly, servants took care of Mary and had to do whatever she asked of them or demanded because people didn't want her to throw a fit or cry. This made her grow up, having everything her way and done for her. One day, a great number of people in the household had died from sickness or had fled away in terror and most everyone had seen to disappear. People later found Mary in her nursery and came to take her to live with her Uncle, who is depressed and ends up having no time to pay attention to or love her. Over time she slowly learns to do things on her own and not to rely on everybody else to do things for her. She finds out that there is a secret garden that her uncle’s wife used to love, but she passed away, Which devastated him. So, he shut away the garden and never wanted to see it again. He buried the key to the garden, and no one has seen it for 10 years. Mary later learns to like people other than herself and to enjoy nature and what it has to offer. She meets a kind boy named Dickon, who teaches her a lot about gardens and helps her learn about them. She starts to enjoy plants and animals and has the desire to learn more about them. She starts to spend more time playing outside and sees the beauty of nature. I truly enjoyed this book and rate it a five out of five. I would recommend it to anyone passionate about gardens/plants and classics. Thanks!

The Cricket in Times Square

The Cricket in Times Square

By George Selden

When Chester Cricket lands in New York, he has no idea what's going on or how he got there and is scared out of his wits. Then, a boy named Mario finds him and takes him to his newsstand where his parents agree with Mario to keep it. When they leave Tucker, a city mouse, comes to visit the cricket. Chester tells him his story and they have some meatloaf together. This book is very funny, entertaining and inspiring and tells us that fame isn't everything.

The Art of Holding On and Letting Go

The Art of Holding On and Letting Go

By Kristin Bartley Lenz

i really love it. it shows cara's life and how she is transitioning from being a competitive climber to a regular high school girl. THIS BOOK IS A YOUNG ADULT BOOK

The Super Sluggers: Slumpbuster

The Super Sluggers: Slumpbuster

By Kevin Markey

This book is hilarious. It is great for kids who play baseball. The kids in the book all have funny nicknames like "Flicker Pringle" "Tugboat" and "Ducky". This book is really good!

2008 NFL Record & Fact Book (Official NFL Record & Fact Book)

2008 NFL Record & Fact Book (Official NFL Record & Fact Book)


this book was amazing i can read this over and over again if i wanted to...this had to be one of the best books ever

New York Yankees (Inside Mlb)

New York Yankees (Inside Mlb)

By Brian Howell

I am reading the New York Yankees it is very informational and it makes me want to play ball.



By Robert Hoge

“Ugly” is a true-story about a boy named Robert. Born with a large tumor in the middle of his face, he was different than other kids. With his first operation before the age of 1, he struggled to blend in with the crowd. As a young kid, many of his peers did not notice his differences. As he got older and attending a different school when he transitioned from fourth to fifth grade, people made fun of him and called him names. He went through an operation making medical history, and the hardship of not being able to play the sports he wanted to play. At first, his mom had not wanted to take him home, not because of what she thought of him, but because of what she was afraid others would think. After a month, Robert was taken home. Although he may have not had any legs, he had secret talents such as handwalking, Overall, I think this book was good however Robert’s life story went by fast and I do think the author could have added more details in between. The transitions between ages were well written, however. In conclusion, I recommend this book to grades 3-7. I rate it 4/5 and recommend it to people who are interested in reading books such as “Wonder” and “Out of My Mind”.

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