Kids Books - Sports

The Black Stallion

The Black Stallion

By Walter Farley

M.T In the beginning of the book Alec Ramsey goes on the Drake (a boat to get to New York) and the boat started to sink and while the boat was sinking, Alec got saved by a huge stallion. The Black(the stallion) brought Alec to a random island. On the island, Alec got the ride of his life! Then a few days later a boat came to save Alec and the Black. Then when Alec and the black got to New York, the Black and another stallion got in a fight. The other stallion was a chestnut color. When Alec got home, ( to his house) he went to his neighbors house and asked if Alec could use their barn. When Ale c's neighbor Henry saw the Black, he knew right away that the Back could race in the match race between Cyclone and Sun Raider. Every morning at 2:00, Henry took the Black and Alec to a track that Henry's friend Jake worked at. Then after a lot of training, Alec, Henry, and the Black went to the match race between Cyclone and Sun Raider in Chicago. When the match race was about to start, Sun Raider kicked the Black and the Black started to bleed. Then when the match race started the Black had to stay behind and then the Black started to race the other horses so that the Black could win. Then the Black won the match race. I would recommend this book to other people.

Middle School: How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill

Middle School: How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill

By James Patterson, Chris Tebbetts

omigosh im sorry this is long i couldnt explain it otherwise It’s summer for Rafe Khatchadorian and his sister Georgia, but they’re going to spend eight weeks of it shipped off to Camp Wannamorra. Rafe could tell from the first day that he was in the worst cabin in Camp Wannamorra. Rafe soon meets his cabinmates and his cabin leader: Rusty, the cabin leader, is muscular but isn’t very observant. Norman (Booger Eater) has the worst nickname possible and is teased for it 24/7. Jake (Dweebs) is tall. Cavanaugh (Cav) is short, and so is everything else about him. Noah (Two Tunz or Tunz) has big bones and a big heart. Jose (Smurf) has blue hair. Justin (Bombardier) has a talent for laying bombs in the latrine that makes everyone leave. Legend scares everyone, and no one knows much about him. Rafe quickly finds out that Doolin and the Bobcats hate the Muskrats, which, unfortunately, is Rafe’s cabin. Doolin and the Bobcats are the camp bullies that are out to get the Muskrats. Rafe tells Leo that he will lay off of the plans so that he won’t get into trouble. At Camp Wannamorra, schooling starts from eight to twelve, and on the first day of schooling, Rafe meets Katie Kim, the beautiful math teacher, his new crush. He also learns during math that Norman was pretending to play dumb. Rafe always sees his nose in a book, but Norman acts like he’s not smart at all. Rafe gets on the bad side of Major Sherwood, AKA the Dictator, and begins to hate Doolin. Doolin bullies the Muskrats and kisses up to Katie Kim, which makes Rafe hate him even more. Doolin and the Bobcats from Bobcat Alley TP the Muskrat cabin and decorate it with signs saying mean stuff about Norman and shaving cream. Rafe, the troublemaking genius, tells his friends that they have to do something about the bullies down Bobcat Alley. After curfew, they sneak over and catch them smoking! Rafe and the Muskrats decide that they are hungry, and creep over to the counselors’ dorm for some “bodacious snacks”. They all raid the dorm until the Dictator catches them. They’re all let off with a warning and a suspension for a day. Norman gets Rafe to read a book and Rafe, in return, tries to make the rest of the Muskrats call Norman by his real name instead of Booger Eater. Rafe learns that Christine, his sister Georgia’s new best friend, is Doolin’s younger sister! Rafe stays away from Christine and Georgia, afraid that Doolin will hear that Rafe insults him. Rafe asks his cabinmates about Legend, the most feared camper at Camp Wannamorra. They tell him about the Legend of Legend. Every year Legend pulls off one giant bad thing, but is never caught. That all change the year Rafe comes to Camp Wannamorra. At the camp dance, Rafe is embarrassed as he dances with Georgia, but the embarrassment doesn’t last long. Soon the Dictator is on a hunt to find out who hung women underwear up on the flagpole during the dance. It gets Rafe out of dancing with Georgia, but dancing with Georgia was not the worst thing that happened. Everyone in camp except for Legend and Norman started barfing like crazy from food poisoning in the refreshments. Legend gets in trouble and is sent home because women underwear and food poisoning was found in his suitcase. But only Rafe knows that the Bobcats framed him so that they could tease the Muskrats all they wanted. Rafe learns more about Norman the night of the camp play, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Doolin humiliates Norman by dressing up like Norman and wearing a shirt that says “I Heart Boogers”. Rafe says that it’s the last straw and devises a plan that will blackmail the Bobcats into leaving them alone. After curfew, the Muskrats snuck out and took pictures of the Bobcats smoking. They leave the Muskrats alone for a while, not knowing that the pictures were too fogged up to tell who and what was in the picture. The Muskrats agree to bluff, but their bluff is soon found out as the Bobcats eavesdrop and hear them saying that they don’t actually have the pictures. When Norman’s trunk of books was found in the lake, everyone finds out that Norman had run away. The search is on for only a few hours, for everyone is ordered to go back to their bunks. Determined Rafe decides to run away from camp and find Norman. He soon sees him on top of Snake Hill with a jar of honey, a jar of peanut butter, and loaf of bread. They stay there for the night and then return to camp. Everyone cheers and congratulates Rafe for something Rafe doesn’t even know about. It turns out that before Norman left, he trashed the Dictator’s cabin with peanut butter and honey. Rafe takes the blame for it so that Norman is able to stay at camp, away from his lazy father. Rafe is ordered to be sent home, but is given 15 minutes to say good-bye to his cabinmates. In those 15 minutes, Rafe, Georgia, and Christine contrive a plan to blackmail Doolin into leaving the Muskrats alone for the rest of the summer. Using Doolin’s embarrassing secret nickname, Pampers, Rafe saves his cabinmates from torment. Although Rafe gets grounded, he knows that it was worth it. i HIGHLY recommend this book! even if ur a girl or boy, it's fantastic either way. it's superfunny and full of twists and turns.

Baseball Card Adventures: 4-Book Grand Slam Collection: Honus & Me, Jackie & Me, Babe & Me, Shoeless Joe & Me

Baseball Card Adventures: 4-Book Grand Slam Collection: Honus & Me, Jackie & Me, Babe & Me, Shoeless Joe & Me

By Dan Gutman

I love all four of these books they are awesome and i am really in to science fiction. Love baseball and love that he mentions the louisville slugger museum

Amelia Fang and the Half-Moon Holiday (The Amelia Fang Series)

Amelia Fang and the Half-Moon Holiday (The Amelia Fang Series)

By Laura Ellen Anderson

I like the bit where they eat the plums

The Adventures of a Girl Called Bicycle

The Adventures of a Girl Called Bicycle

By Christina Uss

This book is one of my FAVORITE BOOKS EVER!!!!!! The author, Christina Uss, tells the story of a very quiet orphaned girl who, one day when she was around four, showed up on the doorstep of a monastery in a pink shirt with a bicycle on it. Since she has no name, one of the nuns that live in the monastery, Sister Wanda, names her "Bicycle" after her shirt. She grows up living and being homeschooled in the monastery. Bicycle is a very quiet girl who has trouble making friends and is happy to stay in the monastery with Sister Wanda, the monks, and her beloved bicycle Clunk. But Sister Wanda thinks she should make more friends, so she signs Bicycle up for a summer camp called the "Friendship Factory" that promises "three guaranteed friends by the end of the summer". Well, Bicycle does not like this idea ONE BIT, so she decides to make a friend on her own terms. Bicycle runs away to bike all the way across the country to meet her idol, a famous biker who is holding a bike festival in California. She thinks she can convince him to be her friend so that Sister Wanda will se that she CAN make friends. On the way, her bike gets haunted, she meets a lady with yummy cookies, gets knocked unconscious, rescues a bicycle-obsessed racehorse, and saves a slow-food food chain. I think this book is amazingly funny and I totally reccommend it!

Baseball Genius (Jeter Publishing)

Baseball Genius (Jeter Publishing)

By Tim Green, Derek Jeter

In the book “Baseball Genius’’, Jalen meets James Yager, a baseball rookie. Jalen has a special talent and he can read what pitch the pitcher is going to throw. So When Yager is up to bat Jalen tells Yager what pitch is being pitched. He tells Yager through an earpiece so no one can hear. Will Jalen be able to help James Yager be a superstar? Read on to find out. You would like this book if you like baseball and long books. This book makes you wonder, is humorous, and exciting. I gave this book 5⭐ 's because I like baseball and I like to wonder.

Go-Kart Rush (Jake Maddox Sports Stories)

Go-Kart Rush (Jake Maddox Sports Stories)

By Jake Maddox

The book Go-Kart Rush Anastasia Suen is an amazing book. Tony is 12 years old and a go-kart racer. When he was younger, he had a go-kart and won a lot of races. When he turned 12 years old, he got a new go-kart. He had to compete against 15 year old boys. His dad helped him in the pit stop. He didn’t win races at first. But, then he got better because he trained. You will learn more about go-karts.

Brian's Hunt (A Hatchet Adventure)

Brian's Hunt (A Hatchet Adventure)

By Gary Paulsen

The book Brian's Hunt by Gary Paulsen is a wonderful read if you enjoy nature, exploring, and hunting. It is about this man named Brian and he was in a plane crash so he had to hunt for food so he would not starve to death. And he had to hunt really big animals so he would have a lot of food to use and not have to go hunting all the time. Another thing if you go hunting a lot some places in this book kinda tell you some hunting tips. Also if you like to build some stuff you would probably like it. Another thing is if you like to use a bow you should definitely read this book. Another main idea is he built a bow made out of wood. So if you like some of those things I would recommend this book for you to read.

The Canyon's Edge

The Canyon's Edge

By Dusti Bowling

This book was a great tale of survival among the unforgiving nature!

It's a Numbers Game! Soccer: The Math Behind the Perfect Goal, the Game-Winning Save, and So Much More!

It's a Numbers Game! Soccer: The Math Behind the Perfect Goal, the Game-Winning Save, and So Much More!

By Buckley Jr., James

My favorite sport is soccer and I'm reading this book that's based on soccer it rely funniest.

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