Kids Books - Social

The Candy Smash (The Lemonade War Series)

The Candy Smash (The Lemonade War Series)

By Jacqueline Davies

The fourth book in the Lemonade Wars series follows the life of Evan, a fourth grader who wrestles with a secret crush, Valentines Day arts and crafts, and discovering his true self. His younger sister, Jessie is trying to make Evan's fourth grade year as miserable as possible. The precocious journalist believes everything should be publi; Evan however, believes in privacy. As these two siblings battle eaxh other, they first have to make it through fourth grade. Davies presents a true coming-of-age story of self-discovery, that is sure to entertain fans of the Lemonade Wars series. What I thought about it: I usually prefer first-person point pf views, but in this case I love the third person narrative. The author perfectly described every character's feelings exceedingly well. The hardships that the characters had to overcome were relatable to me, and the story was realistic. The book kind of reminds me of Andrew Clements' novels which I love. The short entries of poetry were very enlightening. I've noticed that the books have become more and more serious as the series progresses, and I hate to admit it, but that's just part of growing up. The added twist to the story was the mystery of the candy hearts and I think that it tied the story together very well. Overall I think that boys and girls alike would enjoy this story. ~ifeelbookish

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)

By J. K. Rowling

I haven't read this series in... forever... I read the whole series when I was in third grade... (PRESENT) but I was looking at my mini library... and I saw the thick hardcover book(I even blew out the dust on the cover :P)... and it brought back so many memories :)... I remembered watching the awesome movies (Emma Watson and the twins lol), and going to Orlando to go the World of Harry Potter... NOTE: YOU HAVE TO DRINK THE BUTTERBEER... IT'S AMAZING...I really wished they have something like this in Cali... but I heard they are going to make a Harry Potter World in Universal *squeal* and I am soooooooooooooooooo excited :-D... but now I'm kinda getting off topic... so back to the subject... I blew the dust... and I started reading it over... and this is a *a kind of a SPOILER* So Dumbledore passed away *sobbing* from Snape; and now there are so many sacrifices to protect Harry from the evil Voldemort... Like Mad Eye had passed away *tears* and one of the twins (Fred and George [my fave/hilarious characters] ) got really hurt... by using a potion to look like Harry...but they do arrive at the Burrow.... Anyways they are looking for the Hocruxes to officially get rid of Voldemort for good... Later on a wizard tell Harry, Ron, and Hermoine about the Deathly Hallows... So honestly I really do not want to spoil anything... but here it goes... a lot happens... so most of it there's a lot of action where some people (SPOILER) gets tortured... SPOILER: Also Snape was actually one of the good guys (my suspicion was actually correct... Some of my friends who read these series thought I was crazy :D) *yay...* Anyways they are still looking for the remaining Hocruxes... Will Harry and his friends find the Horcruxes before it is too late? Will Harry defeat Voldemort for good or will he strike back? Well it is up to you to read and find out... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS AMZING BOOK AND SERIES FROM THIS REALLY TALENTED AUTHOR!!! Hope you enjoy :-D!!!!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

By J.K. Rowling

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" continues the magical journey of Harry Potter and his friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with breathtaking excitement and enchantment. J.K. Rowling once again proves herself as a master storyteller, seamlessly weaving together elements of mystery, adventure, and friendship in a tale that will leave readers spellbound from start to finish. As Harry returns to Hogwarts for his second year, he finds himself embroiled in yet another thrilling adventure, this time involving dark secrets hidden within the school's very walls. From the moment Harry sets foot in Diagon Alley to the climactic showdown in the Chamber of Secrets, Rowling takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and intrigue. The mystery of the Chamber and the identity of the heir of Slytherin keep readers guessing until the very end, while the discovery of Tom Riddle's diary adds a chilling layer of depth to the story. But "Chamber of Secrets" is not just about plot twists and turns - it's also about character growth and development. Rowling delves deeper into the personalities of her beloved characters, allowing us to see new sides of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the gang. From Hermione's relentless pursuit of knowledge to Ron's unwavering loyalty, each character shines in their own unique way, making us laugh, cry, and cheer along with them every step of the way. Of course, no review of "Chamber of Secrets" would be complete without mentioning the delightful world-building that Rowling is known for. From the bustling streets of Diagon Alley to the eerie corridors of Hogwarts, the wizarding world comes alive with vivid detail and imagination, transporting readers to a place where magic is real and anything is possible. In conclusion, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is a triumphant continuation of the beloved series, filled with thrills, laughter, and heartwarming moments that will stay with readers long after they've turned the final page. With its unforgettable characters, mesmerizing plot, and richly imagined world, it's a book that deserves every bit of praise it has received. Whether you're a fan of fantasy or simply love a good story, "Chamber of Secrets" is not to be missed. Highly recommended.



By Gordon Korman

How many people want a restart on life? A clean slate, a fresh page, a do-over? Chase Ambrose got exactly this. Chase fell off the roof of his house-- but he barely remembers doing it. He hit his head at the bottom of his fall and got amnesia, and he can't remember ANYTHING. His family, friends, and past life? Forgotten. Gone. So Chase is more than a little confused when at school, everyone keeps their distance from him, except two kids named Aaron and Bear, who were apparently his best friends in his life before amnesia. But they're very confused with the way he acts, and tell him that he's a lot different now then he used to be before his fall. Chase soon finds out he was a bully and a jerk to everyone in the life he can't remember, but he doesn't want to be one in his new restart on life. It will take a lot of work to show everyone he's changed, though. Through finding real friends in video club, exploring his unknown past, and even a court trial, Chase discovers the importance of being true to himself. This is definitely a book you won't forget (unlike Chase :D) and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a lot of laughs, a middle school setting, and an amazing story. This book kept me on the edge of my seat, and it's one of the best books I've read this year so far! I recommend this great read to ages 8+



By Jen Wang

This book talks about Christine and the moon. Moon and her mom were poor so there was a lady who said that the moon can get food . Then Christine's mom said that they can move next door.Ten moon does tell Christine her deepest secrets. moon also wishes that she can be bold because her favorite pop song has her hair bold then moon show Christine how the song goes.Then moon needed to get brain surgery and Christine thought that was her fault.

Kodiak (The Puppy Place #56)

Kodiak (The Puppy Place #56)

By Ellen Miles

Kodiak by Ellen Miles tells about when Lizzie and her friends go on a trip to a cabin in the woods and find a lost malamute. They name is Kodiak and he stays with them until the end of their trip, but during the trip they lose him. After searching for a while, they found him under the porch of a cabin. When they get back from their trip will they find the perfect home? Read more of the book to find out!

Roll with It

Roll with It

By Jamie Sumner

Roll with it by Jamie Sumner tells about a young girl Ellie Cowan tells about her life with Cebral Palsey. As a young girl in a wheel chair Ellies life is tough. It Is hard to find friends but when her and her mom move in with her grand parents to help take care of her grandpa. She also is a very talented baker. When they move she has to start all over again at a new school and in a new town,but she is not just a new kid she is a new kid in a wheel chair who lives in a trailer park on the wrong side of town. Now she has to convince her mom this might be the best thing that ever happened.

The Meltdown (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13)

The Meltdown (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 13)

By Jeff Kinney

I love the wimpy kid books! They're all very funny, and they have great plots throughout the story. Here are some of my favorites in the series: Old school, Double down, Diary of a Wimpy kid, and Dog Days. I always read the Wimpy kid books in my spare time. But I recommend reading the books to yourself because tbh it doesn't have much words and when I was first introducing the book to my friend I read it aloud and my friend didn't like the book as much as she does now when she reads them to herself my other friends also agree that reading it to yourself makes the wimpy kid book seem better. But overall I love reading the wimpy kid books, the characters are very funny, I also like the movies, probably not as much as I like the books though because the books are sooooo good.

Save Me a Seat

Save Me a Seat

By Sarah Weeks, Gita Varadarajan

When you hear the name Albert Einstein, you think of the words smart of intelligent, but at Albert Einstein Elementary school that's not the case. When Ravi was back home in India, he was the best student, he was athletic, had a best friend, was very good in math, and pretty much aced school. At his new school, Albert Einstein Elementary School everything is the opposite of what he thought! He can't seem to impress his teacher with his smarts, he has zero friends, the class bully, Dillion, calls him Curryhead, and everything here at this new school is different than in his old school back in India. Joe has lived in America since forever! He goes to Albert Einstein Elementary School and hates every subject except for lunch. He also hates Dillion for always bullying him. Not to mention he hates the Dillion wannabees and the girls in his class, because they are Dillion fans. But when Ravi comes along maybe now is his chance to finally have a friend and maybe school won't be so bad after all! I really enjoyed 'Save Me A Seat', by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan. I highly recommend this book! Happy reading!

I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871 (I Survived #11)

I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871 (I Survived #11)

By Lauren Tarshis

Oscar Starling was an 11 year old boy who never wanted to go to Chicago. When he was at his farm in Castle a few years ago his dad died in a blizzard. But since that happened things have changed. His mom married another man named Mr. Morrow, he was an artist in Chicago. When he was there he painted a picture of the farm. When he and they left Castle they went to Chicago. At the train station there the suitcases were taken by a girl. Oscar followed her to her house from the Palmer House Hotel. At her house embers were flying everywhere making new fires.

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