Kids Books - Romance

Unravel Me (Shatter Me)

Unravel Me (Shatter Me)

By Tahereh Mafi

Annie f

i really liked this book and it is really cool i dont think any of my friends have read it though but im going to make them read it!!! and i think that they will like it to because we all have a lot in common and if they dont then i dont think that they are my real friends!!!

This Shattered World: A Starbound Novel

This Shattered World: A Starbound Novel

By Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner

This started out a little slow, but as the story wore on, I began to become invested in the plot, and now I can't wait to read the end to this trio!

These Broken Stars

These Broken Stars

By Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner

This book was incredible. I cannot believe that the sequel will pass this up! For fans of Skyward, Defy the Stars, or space romance!



By Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

I think the first interview was intriguing, but the next 100 pages or so were not that interesting, yet. (Pay a little attention to the word "yet".) Then, once the attacks begin, it reeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy picks up the pace. By that point, it was one of the most exciting books I have ever read, with breathless action and it feels like you can't take your eyes off. If you are willing to get there, then I would definitely recommend this.

Son (Giver Quartet)

Son (Giver Quartet)

By Lois Lowry

What happened afterwards? After Jonas took Gabriel to elsewhere? I had always been a fan of the The Giver quartet. As I was reading this book, I felt like being a part of it since everything came along together smoothly and everything in the book seemed so familiar. If you had read The Giver, I recommend you to finish up this book as well! The reason why will simply be while recalling the exhilarating stories of The Giver, new adventures await. Since Son was written in a totally different point of view, you’ll find out exploring what was happening on the other hand very interesting. Well, not just the story itself, but also the lessons and things I had learnt from it, were all reasons this book is recommended by me. You’ll find out everything has a dark side no matter how perfect it seems. Enjoy the adventure of Claire, Gabriel’s mother, and let your soul be cleansed by her spirit!

The Girl at Midnight

The Girl at Midnight

By Melissa Grey

I read this book because I read the second one as well. I thought it was pretty cool. The suspense the drama, the powers that Echo has. All the tragedies. All of the good things in a book is what this has.

The Crown (The Selection)

The Crown (The Selection)

By Kiera Cass

The crown is a cool way to end The Section Series. Eadlyn is to have the thrown when her parents retire, but their people don't really agree with them, so her parents tell her something she can do. Eadlyn ends up hosting her own Selection only not wanting to find a friend, or a husband. She is only doing it for her parents and to win over her people. Surprisingly she does find some interests from some of the boys and does not like it. And she also has to prepare for becoming Queen. On top of it all her twin brother Ahren goes to France to marry the princess, or how he says it soul mate. Only he doesn't tell anybody. Eadlyn's mother shocked by the news has a heart attack. The king becomes depressed and never leaves her side. Now Eadlyn has a Selection to run and a country. Without her brother she seems helpless, but realizes that she does need a soul mate, only the one she loves isn't a selected. How will her people feel about her if she choses him? Confused she knows she has to make a choice, but how? When she ends up telling her dad this she finds out a lot about his selection and him and his side of the family that she didn't know about. But it is not just him she learns his selection from. When she started the selection her mom told her some stuff too. Finally she knows what to do and doesn't care what anybody else thinks. What will she do? Read the book to find out! If you like the other Selection books I highly recommend this book.

A Ring of Endless Light: The Austin Family Chronicles, Book 4

A Ring of Endless Light: The Austin Family Chronicles, Book 4

By Madeleine L'Engle

So Vicky Austins summer begins: Her ex-boyfriend (who wants her back) capsized in a sailboat, and a close-family friend saves him, but dies.His son turns to her seeking comfort and at the same time, her brothers co-worker asks her if she wants to come and swim with baby dolphins. each of these men are demanding her attention even when she is struggling with the knowledge that her be-loved grandfather has leukimia. She has too much on her plate but is too nice to say back off or no to anyone. How will she ever get out of this mess?

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars

By John Green

Ok, if you haven’t read this book, WHAT ARE YOU DOING????!!!!!???? SUMMARY: Hazel has cancer. She has had it for a while now, and it doesn’t look like it’s getting any better. She is taking her meds, and attending support group. Her life is pretty predictable. But during one support group meeting, she meets Augustus—a kind and compassionate young man who is a cancer veteran. Augustus is a sophisticated young man; he is scared of oblivion, “smokes” cigarettes, but doesn’t light them because it is a metaphor. ” You put the killing thing in your mouth, but don’t let it do the killing.” As Hazel starts hanging out with Augustus, “she falls in love with him the way he falls asleep; slowly, then all at once.” Hazel introduces him to her favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, and he is soon engrossed in it as well, and the rapid end of the book has them searching for answers. As much a love story as a story centered about a book, this heartstring-tugging cancer love story WILL make you cry. THOUGHTS: I can not even begin to tell you how much I loved this book. I just can’t. It was SO FLIPPING GOOD. It is a perfect book. Beautiful. I don’t know where to begin. Okay, okay (haha, lol). John Green’s writing was incredible. You can tell that he is sage and knows how to write—because this novel was written flawlessly. The characters were so real and you fell in love with them as they did each other. To give you an idea—I did cry. See picture at bottom. This book is definitely a “feels” book. Augustus is a genuine character; a caring, metaphor-loving, honest, meaningful person. I thought it was really cool that this book was kind of partly centered around this one book that they both loved. It was pretty cool, seeing them trying to get in contact with the secluded author. This book had so many perfect quotes—I highlighted so many passages from the book on my Kindle. I can not stop raving about this book, and I am so excited to see the movie because I want more TFIOS in my life. It is going to make me cry even more than the book made me cry. I loved this book so much and I can not wait to pick up Paper Towns, which I just got!

[The 5th Wave] (By: Rick Yancey) [published: July, 2013]

[The 5th Wave] (By: Rick Yancey) [published: July, 2013]

By Rick Yancey

The 5th Wave is probably my favourite book that I’ve read this year (it’s only February so hang on). I can’t believe that I have put off reading this for so long because it’s honestly so unbelievable, all of it. The author’s style of writing. The characters. The plot was so good it was insane! The pace of the book, the twists, the whole idea of the book in general - it was just amazing. The author’s writing can put you through a sort of trance; I spent three hours and finished the book in one sitting. This book was also really realistic which I like, because you can barely find any other realistic books that feature dystopian worlds/societies anymore. I especially loved the characters: Ben/Zombie, Cassie, Sam/Nugget, Ringer, Evan, each and every one of them. The author makes them come alive, with different personalities that never get boring. I really had fun reading this book. And as a plus this book gave me so much inspiration for writing my own stories, I literally could not stop writing! The author used a lot of literary devices that just enhanced the reading experience for me. The different points of view sort of made me confused but overall the book was perfect!

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