Kids Books - Romance

Frosted Kisses

Frosted Kisses

By Heather Hepler

it is very cool

Anne of Avonlea (Second Book in the Anne of Green Gables Series.)

Anne of Avonlea (Second Book in the Anne of Green Gables Series.)

By L M Montgomery

This book... This book is such a beloved classic for such good reason. It was so full of imagery and brilliant plot that I was sad to reach the end. One thing I will say though, is that Avonlea seems just a little too perfect. Aside from the one disaster and some minor scrapes, everything happens so that life flows idylly. Other than that, the book was written splendidly with lots of care. Even though this book is suitable for readers of all ages, there are many profound quotes and little gems that may not be picked up by a younger crowd. It just refreshes and makes me happy every time I read an "Anne of" book because they're so wholesome and gracefully written. The author, L.M. Montgomery is a literary genius. I can't wait to follow Anne along on her journey.



By Lauren Kate

Just finished this book today, and I have to say, it was pretty good. It has a few curse words, and a detailed description of a murdered woman, so I would not recommend for younger readers. But I will be anticipating the next book!



By Marie Lu

This was an AMAZING book! If you like non stop action, neverending suspense, and even a little a bit of drama, then you would LOVE THIS BOOK! *minor spoilers ahead, read at your own risk!* This story takes place in the future, Los Angeles, where your future mainly depends on how you do in your trial, a test you take when you reach 10 years old. so far in this story, the book has two main characters, Day and June, Where Day has escaped his death after failing his trial and became a criminal to save his family, and then we have June, A real-life prodigy after being the only person to earn a perfect score on her trial. These two were never really destined to meet each other until one day, Day got away with a robbery by killing Junes brother, Metias. Now that Metias is dead, June is now destined to kill Metias's killer, Day. So now it's a challenging game of tag or hides and seeks, Day now needs to get enough money to save his brother, Eden, against the plague cure, and we have June, who joined the Republic to help her find Day and kill him, But what they don't realize is that there's a real dark secret about the Republic and the plagues, And now after June figures out from Metias, who sent her a secret message before he died, Now it becomes a race against time; June is now trying to rescue Day from the Republic without giving away that shes trying to help day, and figures out the truth about what happened to Day during his trial. In a book about Action, suspense, and drama, this is one of the greatest books I've read yet and now I'm excited to read the sequel to this book, Prodigy.

The Heir (The Selection)

The Heir (The Selection)

By Kiera Cass

I read the entire Selection series and was seriously upset when I finished. Like the the Percy Jackson series and the Harry Potter books, I didn't want it to end. Nearly two months after I had finished the series, a friend told me that there were going to be more books! At first I wasn't sure what to think, because the series had seemed so resolved, but once I got over the initial shock, I was obsessed! I was on my toes, searching for the release date of the next two books every other day! When it finally came out, I had just spent all my money at the book fair. Luckily, somebody let me borrow the book, just the other day. I was over the moon! I immediately started it, and couldn't put it down. I finished it the next day (sadly), and can honestly say my only complaint is that the next book isn't out yet. :'( I loved reading through and meeting the children of all my favorite characters, catching up with them, and reading Maxon and America's reactions to what goes on in Eadlyn's selection. I can't wait for the fifth book, five stars all the way!

Undertow (The Undertow Trilogy)

Undertow (The Undertow Trilogy)

By Michael Buckley

Lyric Walker, a girl who lives in Coney Island and her life changes in one night when she witnessed the arrival of The Alpha or First Men. (They are basically normal people only they live underwater, some have scales, tails, sharp teeth, and other traits) Several Alpha teenagers are forced to go to her high school. And despite her efforts she is told to help the Alpha Prince, Fathom, learn to adjust to being an American Teenager. But, after they spend time together (Lyric is teaching him things like reading english, and doing things that are normal to her) she finds that she may like him a lot more then she would've ever thought. It would be very dangerous if they were to go places together as both sides (The Alpha + Humans) right to keep them and everyone else seperated, there's riots, gangs, and government officials saying basically, the Alpha are horrible, dangerous, violent people. But there are people (like lyric and her friends Bex + Shadow) Who try to show everyone is basically equal and should be aloud to even talk and/or hang out together. and with ALL of this happening Lyric and her parents have a huge secret that could endanger there lives. What an amazing read, exciting, adventurous, and never a dull moment! Recommended to 14 and up. Thanks for reading -Ajg15's Reviews

The One (The Selection)

The One (The Selection)

By Kiera Cass

THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!! In the third book of the Selection series things really heat up. Towards the start of the One two Northern Rebels, August and Georgia, come to visit Maxon and America. During the meeting, the rebels told Maxon that they could help get rid of the Southern Rebels. They also say that they would like Maxon to try and eliminate the castes. The rebels and America and Maxon get along fairly well and part ways with a new ally. Also, in the third book America finally starts to make friends with the rest of the Elite. Anyways, America soon faces yet another challenge called the Conviction. During the Conviction each of the Elite are supposed to help sentence criminals, but America doesn't see this as fair. While she thinks there should be justice, she also doesn't agree with the man she is punishing's sentence time. He was supposed to go to jail for life for stealing clothes for his daughters. Since America sees this as unjust she gives the man the super expensive earrings and bracelet Maxon gave her, and the bird necklace her dad gave her to pay for his crimes to the King. This makes the King hate her even more. A little later in this masterpiece book America and Maxon decide that they need to speak to August and Georgia again. With a little help from Aspen the couple gets to talk to the rebel leaders, and on their way of leaving they get attacked by the Southern Rebels. America gets shot and Maxon helps her escape into the streets alone. She runs into an alley way cradling her wounded arm and meets an eight named Paige. Paige stays with America until Maxon soon arrives. America then asks Maxon if Paige can come work at the palace for helping her and the Prince agrees to it. Paige was very happy to be off the streets and into a much safer place. Then, right before Christmas the book takes an extremely sad turn. (EXTREME SPOILER COMING UP!!!!!!!!!) America's father dies of a heart attack. While America travels home to mourn her Dad, Maxon sends both Celeste and Elise home to narrow the Selection down to Kriss and America. After returning to the palace she and Maxon have a very intimate night together and the Prince tells her he is going to choose her. Then when she was trying to tell Aspen that she and him are officially over Maxon catches her touching his chest. She meant the touch as a sort of push to emphasize what she is saying to him. However, Maxon thinks she is with Aspen and tells her that he will now choose Kriss. Finally, in the end the Southerners attack and Maxon gets shot in the chest protecting America. He realizes that he loves her and that he is willing to die for her. So finally after the attack ends, Maxon is okay, and proposes to her as the new King (both his Mother and Father died) . America says yes and she and Maxon were married. I loved this book and highly recommend it to 7th graders and up. Kiera Cass is an amazing author. You NEED to read the One.

The Selection (4 Book Series)

The Selection (4 Book Series)

By Kiera Cass

In the future, the U.S. is split up by castes and is run by a king. America and Aspen are in love, but when America gets picked to compete for the crown, she finds herself surprised by the prince who she didn't see a future with. Will America deicide that she wants to be with the price or will she make it to the next level? Super good series!

The Elite (The Selection)

The Elite (The Selection)

By Kiera Cass

THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS!!! The Elite is an awesome story about a 16 year old named America Singer. In this novel America is one of the six Elite (the name for the last 6 girls still in the contest for Prince Maxon's heart) and Maxon is quite taken with her. Towards the middle of the book Maxon resurrects Halloween to make America happy. The palace then holds a ball celebrating the holiday where America and Maxon decide they want to marry each other. However, the next day a terrible event occurs causing America to not want to have to make a final choice between her ex, Aspen, and Maxon. Next, while on TV she suggests that the King (Maxon's Dad) should try to eliminate the caste system pushing him to attempt to send her home. In addition to all these problems many rebel attacks were occurring at the palace. During one attack America and Maxon ended up alone together and America had to tend to Maxon's wounds. Despite his previous intentions of getting rid of her, the King decides to allow America to stay in the Selection because she saved Maxon during the attack. Sadly, the King still wanted America gone, but she was and is willing to fight to stay in the Selection and compete for Maxon's love. Read this book to find out how America gets out of all this trouble, and how she plans to win Maxon. I loved this book and I recommend it to 7th graders on up.

A Silent Voice 1

A Silent Voice 1

By Yoshitoki Oima

Amazing story, great art, and the anime is a must-watch

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