"Call me Ishmael" Ishmael is a young school teacher he meets a man name Queequeg who is a Cannibal he befriends Ishmael and they set out to work on a boat named Pequod to harpoon whales for oil, and a various amount of other things. The Captain - Ahab - is crazy and has swarm vengeance against a White whale named Moby Dick. Moby Dick bit Ahab's right leg off. The story follows them as they hunt and hunt and hunt for the whale. It's a little slow sometimes but the twist ending really got me! Recommended for ages 10+ a definite classic Thanks for reading - Ajg16's reviews

Moby Dick (Great Illustrated Classics)
By Herman Melville
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grade 6 | n/a | 5.3 | 16217 |
Ages 9-12. Retelling of the classic novel for younger readers.
Publisher: Baronet
ISBN-13: 9780866119672
ISBN-10: 0866119671
Published on 6/1/1990
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 238
Book Reviews (5)
This book had lots of exciting moments to it. It always made me want to keep reading more and more. Some of the best parts were that it had lots of descriptive detail and lots of descriptive words.
love it
A book this great shouldn't be transformed into a graphic novel.
It's not really a graphic novel. It's illustrated to interest younger readers.
i like the whales a lot .but i feel bad for them because they got copped up in oil and blubber.