Jane Goodall is one of my many idols. She is such a strong and compassionate person. I can't wait to read this.

Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall
By Anita Silvey
From the Hardcover Library Binding edition.
Book Reviews (19)
I love Jane Goodall. I think she's incredible with what she did with the chimps. It must have been really scary to be in such a different place with animals that could kill you. She trusted them, though, and it really paid off.
Wow! Reading this book made me realize just how much i did not know about Jane Goodall! She really did have a very interesting life!
This book is absolutely amazing, I learned so much about Jane Goodall. You can learn so much about her and her childhood & Gombe (which is in Africa where she studied chimpanzees) , Even see pictures of some of the chimps. There's also an amazing timeline of her life. Great book, perfect for anyone who loves animals. Thanks for reading. -Ajg15
Jane goodall has always enjoyed animals all of her life .ever since she was young she wanted to go to Africa and when she got older she got to go! She is AMAZING with a lot of animals especially chimpanzees,monkeys and gorillas her story is amazing!I recommend this book to all ages and rate it 5 stars! -pizzagirl7
This Untamed book by National geographic is all about the life of Jane Goodall. It takes you from when she was a young girl till her current age. A great autobiography on how Jane Goodall made such an impact in the scientific community and for the chimps. This book is filled with a lot of uncut information and telling photographs. Great for readers who want to know loads about Goodall and her life.
this a hilarious book about a gorilla and the people trying on the gorilla i read this book online and lost my place but it didn't matter i read it all over again because of how amazing it is
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a great biography about Jane Goodall. Jane did amazing researching. I was always learning new things as I was reading this book. This is great to read if you know very little about Jane Goodall.
Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall is a really good book about Jane Goodall who has loved animals her whole life and devotes her life to helping and researching chimpanzees.
I like this book because it was all fact and no fiction (not that I don't like fiction). I also liked it because it was a biography that showed lots of things about Jane Goodall. The book talked about how she wanted to study chimpanzees. At the end of the book it talks about her wanting to save chimpanzees. She was a very devoted scientist and could have written a book just as good as this.