I recommend this book. It is about a girl named Jane Goodall who studied chimpanzees. It starts with her childhood and how she got interested in animals. When she was little she tried to keep earthworms under her pillow! It was her dream to go study animals in Africa and that is what she did. There are also great pictures in the book.

Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall
By Anita Silvey
From the Hardcover Library Binding edition.
Book Reviews (19)
This book wasn't really good. It was a biography of Jane Goodall. I think it could have been worded much better. I would recommend this book for people that like Jane Goodall or animals but otherwise I wouldn't really recommend this book.
Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall is a explorer like Louis and has been through what Louis had in his childhood. the book was a great biography and it was fun reading it.
This is a very interesting book about Jane Goodall, her life and her work with apes. This book reads more like a biography then a story book, is one thing you should know. Over all this is a very good book and I very much recommend it.
I love animals and I heard about Jane Goodall. I learned a lot about her in the book. I think she did great work and this book was interesting.
Since I love wildlife when this book first came out I started reading it right away at Barns and Nobles. I admit that it's a little hard for me even though I can pretty much read a lot of books higher than my level! This is a AMAZE-BALLS book!!!!
Great book. But for some reason I was not interested at first, but once I started reading it it was great. I really liked the book. I was glade to get to know her lifestyle better.
Really interesting book from "Summer Reading List" about Jane Goodall, who lived with the monkeys and apes to explore about them! This book ties perfectly with Earth Day, and explains some hideouts Jane uses for it. It is super interesting, and I recommend it for animal and ape lovers! This book, in conclusion, is awesome.
I have to admit, when I first saw this book, I was like nahh. But it was on the "Summer Reading List", and I knew who Jane Goodall is (amazing person) and I was like, "Lets give it a try!" Will never regret. I learned all about Jane Goodall and her life with the gorillas, <heart> AMAZING! I am personally a HUGE animal fan, and NatGeo Graphic books are so amazing, and those mix to epicness! Good, because it was Earth Day yesterday, and this book was really related to the biosphere. I LOVED IT!! THANKS, DOGO!