Kids Books - Trending Books
Who Was Abraham Lincoln?
By Janet Pascal
I gave this book a 4 because Abraham Lincoln was my favorite president and he was one of the best in my opinion. The books talks about Abraham Lincoln's presidency, life , and struggles. He lived during the Civil War, and had to try to stop it. He had 4 kids one died at age 4, and he was very sad. He didn't let it stop him from doing good in life. Finally he fought in the war to serve his country.
Who Was Nelson Mandela?
By Meg Belviso, Pamela D. Pollack
i love this book and he is my favorite historical figure but it's too bad he died.(new copies are sold as who was nelson mandela)
Who Was Alexander Graham Bell?
By Bonnie Bader David Groff
Are you having trouble finding a book about Alexander Graham Bell? Well this book would be good for you. This book will tell you about his life. He was a curious boy who didn't like to study and was stubborn. He is most famous for inventing the first telephone. Learn more about him by reading this book.
Who Is Michelle Obama? (Who Was?)
By Megan Stine, Who HQ
Michelle and her family where really close . Especially her and her brother craig. When Michelle and Barack had there kids they wanted the same thing , a close family. Michelle always felt lonely and worried for Barack when he had too leave but it all got made up when Barack became president and they got to love in the Whitehouse . They always had dinners together. This is a great story that I recommend to all ages! I rate this book 5/5 stars - Pizzagirl7 😉
Who Was Christopher Columbus?
By Bonnie Bader
i think this book will be very cool, because I have been reading these series! Those people who haven't read these series, I think you guys should definitely try this book! You will learn more about our American heritage!
Who Is Bill Gates?
By Patricia Brennan Demuth
Want to learn how Bill Gates started out. This book tells you a time line on the guy who created the future. How did he get the idea of making the computer? How did he run his company? than this is the perfect book for you.
Who Was Daniel Boone?
By Sydelle Kramer
Who was Daniel Boone? Was written by Sydelle Kramer and Illustrated by George Ulrich Does someone that live in the woods and uses natures resources to live on interest you? Daniel Boone was born on November 2, 1734 in Reading Pennsylvania. Daniels daughter Jemima was captured by the Shawnee Indians and was later rescued by Daniel. On July 14, 1776 3 teenage girls were captured by the Shawnee Indians while they were floating on canoes on the Kentucky river, one of which was Jemima, Daniels daughter. Daniel was in constant battle with the Indians for land. That was always a big struggle for Daniel and his wife Rebecca. At one point Daniel decided to work with the Indians they even gave him an Indian name of Sheltowee, or Big Turtle. I enjoyed this book because it dealt with conflicts in the 1700's and even now a days we still have these arguments. But it shows us a positive side of how to work through it.
Who Was Ronald Reagan?
By Joyce Milton
When Ronald was young he liked sports . Although he wasn't too good at them . ( it turned out he needed glasses because he couldn't see the ball.) The point is Ronald did a lot of stuff through out his life. But one of the biggest things was being in so many movies . Ronald Reagan starred in many movies . After (Well kinda in between ) he got voted in office to be president . Ronald did a lot in his life he even had 4 kids. But one of the saddest things was that he had Alzheimer's. But he very much enjoyed his life. I thought this was a pretty good book !I recommend this to all ages and I rate this book 4/5 stars ! 😁 - Pizzagirl7😘
Who Was Pablo Picasso?
By True Kelley
Pablo Picasso did a lot in his life. He went through many stages of painting .( and tried to not care what people thought of them ) and I loved all of them . And went through many many many relationships . He had 7 wifes (and or )girlfriends and had 4 kids! . All of them with 3 different wives . I really think that pablos painting was very awesome . I recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 5/5 stars definitely my favorite who was book yet. - Pizzagirl7
Who Was Franklin Roosevelt?
By Margaret Frith
is Franklin Roosevelt the third president in the united states