Kids Books - Trending Books

Who Is Jane Goodall?

Who Is Jane Goodall?

By Roberta Edwards

Ever since Jane goodall had a chimpanzee stuffed animal when she was young she wanted to spend her life with chimpanzees . But it was hard to make that dream come true. After awhile of working her friend invites her to her new home in Africa which is exactly where she wants to go. Only thing is it's expensive . So she works and works. You'll have to read the book to find out what happens next. I love this book so much! I recommend to all ages and I rate this book 5/5 stars . Thank you for this review! 😁 - Pizzagirl7 😁

Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?

Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?

By Margaret Frith

Thomas always had been interested in things. When he was young he saw a bird eat a worm and then fly away so he though if he did the same thing he could fly!😂 🐦! Thomas worked very hard . Staying up for a long time working on projects that would one day change the world 🌎! I recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 3/5 stars I thought it was kinda good. (Thats just my opinion!)! - Pizzagirl7 💋

Who Was Marco Polo?

Who Was Marco Polo?

By Joan Holub

We learned about him in history class!

Who Is Maria Tallchief?

Who Is Maria Tallchief?

By Catherine Gourley

It's a little funny

Who Was Jim Henson?

Who Was Jim Henson?

By Joan Holub

Jim always loved to draw! When he got a little older he started being a puppeteer. He worked on that hard until it formed the Muppets . Jim loved what he did! Jim soon got to be on tv with his puppets but he knew he wanted to be more than a puppeteer. You'll have read it to find out his entire life story. I loved this book!I recommend to all ages and I rate this book 4/5 stars ! 😁 - Pizzagirl7 😉

Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt

Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt

By Gare Thompson


This is the best biography book I read I did this book for a book report and its about Eleanor was a girl and her mom didn't care about her because she didn't have the looks like her mom only her dad cared about her and her dad a had a problem with drinking and he went to a other countries to get help but then her mother had a baby later later passes he's mother is sick and dies and then her dad and she goes to college and she meets her cousin and they fell in love and got married and they studied hard then his husband ran for president and his uncle teddy rosavelt came too but find out when you read it

UC Who Was Leonardo da Vinci?

UC Who Was Leonardo da Vinci?

By Roberta Edwards

When Leonardo was born nobody seemed to love him or want him. I bet they didn't know what he would turn into. Leonardo was a great painter . Although he didn't paint tons of painting the ones he did where amazing . This is a great book for all ages . I rate this book 3/5 stars . Thank you for reading!-Pizzagirl7❤

Who Was William Shakespeare?

Who Was William Shakespeare?

By Celeste Davidson Mannis

Ryan Staudenm

I like William shake sphere because he was as cool

Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?

Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?

By S. A. Kramer

I read about him to learn and get information on him for my part in the Wax Museum. (We dress up like our character and recite a paragraph from memory in our "museum".) He also has to do with my heritage of the Philliphines.

Who Was John F. Kennedy?

Who Was John F. Kennedy?

By Yona Zeldis McDonough

John F. Kennedy was The 35th President of The United States. When he was in the U.S Navy he saved a man's life when there boat was destroyed. He was apart of the House of Representatives & the Senate and he was married and had 2 children. I'm 1963 he was assassinated while riding in a parade in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald. J.F.K is a president that no one will fail to remeber. If you want to learn more about him I never highly recommended this book. Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

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