Kids Books - Trending Books

Who Was Joan of Arc?

Who Was Joan of Arc?

By Pam Pollack, Meg Belviso


Amazing book.

Who Was George Washington Carver?

Who Was George Washington Carver?

By Jim Gigliotti

I liked this book because it gives a good summary about George Washington Carver. It starts off with him being born, and his parents buying a slave, who they took good care of. Then it talks about his invention of peanuts. At the end it talks about his death. This is one of my favorite series of books. I think you should definitely read this book if you're interested in George Washington Carver.

Who Was Abigail Adams?

Who Was Abigail Adams?

By True Kelley

The main lesson in the story (Who was Abigail Adams) is that it is talking about a women rights to live in the whit house because even day you don't see as many women that live in the whit house.Also the second main idea is that when it was election time women weren't allowed ti vote because all back when Geroge Washington was around they still don't want women to vote because of the president at the time,On the other hand you sould check this book out at the libary because if you like to learn about ''facts'' and other people then you sould check it out this book,they have diffrent authors for each story and they are only $5!and they are called the ''who was'' seires. they have books about George Washington,Walt Disney.and one unanswered question is that did you like a president husband?

Who Is Jeff Kinney? (Who Was?)

Who Is Jeff Kinney? (Who Was?)

By Patrick Kinney

When Jeff was young he was the youngest of 3 kids . But Jeff was so happy when he found out how he would be a big brother and not the smallest one. Jeff and Patrick ( the little brother ) loved to hang out , tell jokes , and tell stories . All through out Jeff's life he tried very hard to be a cartoonist.he got to be in newspapers and worked very hard to try. You probably didn't know this but it took him like 8 years to write diary of a wimpy kid. Finally after so many years someone liked his work ( diary of a wimpy kid) and what do u know!? It became a huge hit!. I recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 4/5 stars - Pizzagirl7 😉

Who Was Michael Jackson?

Who Was Michael Jackson?

By Megan Stine

I give this book a 4 out of 5 if you like music and dancing this book is for you. This book gives a lot of information about how he grew up. When he was a kid he got in trouble a lot he was apart of the Jackson 5. He joined before he was eight years old he was born in Gary Indiana he had a good voice when he grew up he mad the moonwalk it became a popular dance.

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

By Dinah Brown

I like the Who was? series and when I saw this in the classroom library I knew I wanted to get it. Malala has always intrested me because of how she fought back at not even age fifteen. After reading this book now I know so much about Malala and the taliban. I reccomend this book for second grade to sixth grade.

Who Was Clara Barton?

Who Was Clara Barton?

By Stephanie Spinner

Who was Clara Barton is a great book. It was a story of her life from the day she was born to the day she died. It told a lot about how she helped so many people. It told who her parents and siblings were and where she moved to. It also told all of the jobs she had and gave you a look at what people’s life was like back then. Of course, it had some gross spots in it because she was a nurse in the civil war. It also told how Doctor’s did stuff back then.

Who Was Gandhi?

Who Was Gandhi?

By Dana Meachen Rau

I decided to read this book because i am from India and I wanted to learn about India got it's INDEPENDENCE. I recommend this book because there is a lot of history in it and Gandhi inspired Martin Luther King jr. Learn how violence is never the answer!

Who Is George Lucas? (Who Was?)

Who Is George Lucas? (Who Was?)

By Pam Pollack, Meg Belviso

This who was book does not disappoint! Learn all about George Lucas’ childhood, teen years, and his early movies. This book is really fasinating, and you will learn a lot!

Who Is Steven Spielberg? (Who Was?)

Who Is Steven Spielberg? (Who Was?)

By Stephanie Spinner

I loved this book! It was really fun learning more about the director who made so many great movies! This book had many interesting facts that I did not know! I loved how Steven Spielberg made the movie “ET” based a little bit on him, and how he felt in the past!

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