Kids Books - Trending Books

What Were the Salem Witch Trials? (What Was?)

What Were the Salem Witch Trials? (What Was?)

By Joan Holub

This book was like the most unhappy book that I have ever read. The book tells you how the Salem witch trials started. At the end it tells you how the people who started it were most likely faking because what they "had" something like that happened to other people.

What Is the Super Bowl? (What Was?)

What Is the Super Bowl? (What Was?)

By Dina Anastasio

It is awsome

What Was Hurricane Katrina?

What Was Hurricane Katrina?

By Robin Koontz

When hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf hard people knew it was coming, it was very sad many peoples homes were gone and half of the people became homeless no one had a place to live their houses flooded with water there was no severe no wifi and people had a hard time trying to figure what's going to happen next. People had to stay either on top of there roof or in their attics many people got helped and a lot of people didn't. Many died because they drown in the water. A lot of people who had boats saved people and risk their lives for them. Half of the people left and half of them didn't. Read this book for more information. This reminds me of a time where there was a big storm and we had to go to the basement it was so scary I didn't know what to do it was coming closer to where we lived tornado sirens were going off the winds super strong and the sky dark gray my parents said everything was going to be okay. ten minutes later the weather reporter told us it had move somewhere else I was super happy. I give this book a 5 I never knew so many things about this storm if I lived there I would be super scared I really enjoy things like this.

What Was D-Day?

What Was D-Day?

By Patricia Brennan Demuth

If you like reading about war then this book will really interest you. Plus it is also non fiction which means it is real. I do like learning about actual historical events rather then made u stories. It is a solid book to learn more about d-day and it's importance in World War II.

What Was the Alamo?

What Was the Alamo?

By Pam Pollack,Meg Belviso David Groff

not just about the Alamo but the whole texas fever and mexican-american war

What Was Pearl Harbor?

What Was Pearl Harbor?

By Patricia Brennan Demuth

A little sad,but good!

What Was the Boston Tea Party?

What Was the Boston Tea Party?

By Kathleen Krull

This is a good book for information about the Boston Tea Party. It all starts off normal, people just living their own lives. When they started putting taxes on tea, people were very angry and upset. A few people dumped crates of tea into the water to show what they think of the taxes. This is why the Boston Tea Party happened. I made a connection with this book because this was a real life tragedy that actually happened a long time ago that shows we can't get what we want, and you shouldn't make things worse. I give this book a 5 star review because it provides many reasons and examples why this event occurred, and how we can prevent this from happening again.

What Was the Gold Rush?

What Was the Gold Rush?

By Joan Holub

If you are looking for a good book with history this book is for you. It tells the story of California gold rush in the 1900s. Everyone was scrambling to get rich and find gold. Read the book to find out what happenened!

What Was the Battle of Gettysburg?

What Was the Battle of Gettysburg?

By Jim O'Connor

After LIncolns speech the three day battle turned into a war. You should go read this book because it gives gret details about the battle of Gettysburg. I can relate to this book because my granpa read it to me when I was young. I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars because I liked learning about the battle of Gettysburg.

What Was the March on Washington?

What Was the March on Washington?

By Kathleen Krull


This book was good.

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