Kids Books - Trending Books
What Was the Battle of Gettysburg?
By Jim O'Connor
After LIncolns speech the three day battle turned into a war. You should go read this book because it gives gret details about the battle of Gettysburg. I can relate to this book because my granpa read it to me when I was young. I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars because I liked learning about the battle of Gettysburg.
Who Was Harry Houdini?
By Tui Sutherland
when Harry was a kid he ran away at 12 so he could try to make money for his mom . I bet she never knew he would be so popular, or how much money he would make!. Harry went through a lot of different acts in his life. He did tons of dangerous acts. When Harry got to be older a war broke out . But he was too old to join the army . So he wanted to do his shows to raise money for the army . But during this time his mother died . This got Harry very sad. Harry was also getting pretty old and tired and stressed because Beth ( his wife ) had food poisoning. One day before a show a reporter was talking to him . ( but he wasn't really listening ) when he asked him if someone punched him would be really not be hurt. Then he said could be punch harry. Harry said yes because he wasn't listening and since he wasn't listening he didn't have time to get ready . Harry ended up getting very hurt . But still be performed his act. But in the middle of the show he collapsed on stage. He was brought to the hospital and it turned the guy who punched him ,accidentally ruptured his appendix which was very dangerous. The doctors removed it but they still knew that he would die from such a bad injury . I LOVED this book it was one of my favorites . I recommend it to all ages and I rate it 5/ 5 stars! - Pizzagirl7💋
Who Was Ben Franklin?
By Dennis Brindell Fradin
Who Was Ben Franklin?, by Dennis Brindell Fradin, says that even if you have had sad times, you can still live an accomplished life. Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 at Boston, Massachusetts, died in 1790, and had a miserable childhood. When Benjamin was still a teenager, he was an apprentice at his brother’s printing shop. His brother, however, was cruel to him, and he didn’t like his work. However, he moved to Pennslyvania and started a new life. He became a founding father of the U.S.A, and one of the best American inventors of all time. I recommend this biography for boys and girls, grades third to fifth.
Who Was Albert Einstein?
By Jess Brallier
I thought this book was obviously to inform you about Albert Einstein's life, but it was also very entertaining and enjoyable. This book is about how Albert's life exceeded. He was a shy one, but a huge intelligence span. He became famous in physics, and is now famous all around the world. I relate to this book because I am on the shyer end, and I enjoy physics. It is interesting to me and I would love to read another book about him. I rate it 5 stars because I enjoyed all the facts I got to learn about him and his life overtime.
Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers (Captain Underpants #9)
By Dav Pilkey
Here we go again with Harold,and George getting in trouble like usual.they try to take on bigger kids but mean Mr. Krupp stops them.Have you every really liked to do something?well In this book Harold and George love to make comics.And Tippy try's to taco over the world!!I give this a 5/5 and recommend it for everyone!
The Kingdom of Fantasy (Geronimo Stilton)
By Geronimo Stilton
This book’s genre is fantasy or adventure and it was written by Geronimo Stilton. This book is about a team of animals who set a journey to save a queen from an evil sleeping spell. Even though the quest was difficult and depressing, they didn’t quit. The main character is a mouse that is always frightened of anything and wants to run away because he isn’t used to the unusual things and the boiling lava. Two key events that they added to the plot is that Boils(a chameleon) gave the queen a poisoned rose that a witch gave him(which caused the queen to fall into a deep sleep), and that something strange is trying to prevent them from saving the queen. In the first chapters the animals are terrified because the mission was hard. But the father back they went they met more friends who encouraged them to keep on going. An unanswered question I have for the author is what was Enigma’s riddle about the Sphinx called? What I enjoyed the most about this book is the adventures, fun characters, and it teaches us about a kind, caring, and light heart. I would recommend this book because it is long, creative and original. Kids might like it because it’s exciting, full of morals, and it teaches you about being a caring human. It also tells you about being brave, curious, thoughtful, and generous.
Deltora Quest: The Complete Series
By Emily Rodda
If you like fantasy adventure books you will like this. I recommend it!
Eragon (Inheritance)
By Christopher Paolini
I am not usually the type of person who loves fantasy, but I read Eragon for a reading challenge and liked it. Eragon was a normal boy who lived on a farm with his uncle and cousin. But when he was out hunting one day, he came across a quite unusual blue stone that was hollow and seemed unbreakable. As he was laying in his room one night, the stone starting cracking. He was stunned when a dragon popped out from the egg, which he thought was a stone. From then on, Eragon's life was changed forever. He goes on a quest with the town storyteller Brom to kill the Ra'zac, who murdered Eragon's uncle Garrow. I really loved this book, and plan on reading the rest of the series in the future. I rate this book 4/5 because it was a little boring at times, but overall it was a great book. I recommend this book to boys and girls ages 11+.
Dark Days (Skulduggery Pleasant)
By Derek Landy
The Skulduggery Pleasant series broke my heart when Skulduggery was pulled in. I didn't know if Valkyrie would ever get him out. But she did. And is was Awesome!