Kids Books - Trending Books

Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret

Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret

By Judy Blume

This book represents the awkwardness of growing up. Margaret is experiences this difficulties that all of us girls can relate to. Judy Blume's heartwarming and interesting touch kept me from putting this book down. And the religious aspect, absolutely outstanding! Margaret's parents are Atheist, or don't believe in God. Margaret secretly prays to the God she felt is there in her heart, rather than what she learned from her parents. This book teaches us that growing up is difficult and that we aren't alone.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (Fudge)

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (Fudge)

By Judy Blume

Tales of a fourth grade nothing is a really funny book it is when Pete Hatcher, Fudge Hatcher(Farley Dextrel Hatcher), Jimmy Fargo and Sheila Tuban live all in the same apartment not differ houses in the apartment they go to the same school together and Jimmy is Peters best friend in the whole entire world and Sheila and Peter are not best friends there the best engines in the whole entire world I think this is a really good book and the funny but mostly sad part is when fudge wants to fly like a bird but he jumps off a jungle gym and breaks his two front teeth his mother,Sheila and Peter thinks he lost them or just swallowed them but he did get scrapes all over his self he got scrapes on his knees his face his elbows his arms his neck his hand I mean he got scrapes every where and the book wages he cried a lot I felt really bad for fudge but I hope somebody buys this book for you or you can by it yourself but I really hope you enjoy this book as much as I did bye.

Piano Adventures: Lesson Book Primer Level (Piano Adventures Library)

Piano Adventures: Lesson Book Primer Level (Piano Adventures Library)

By Nancy Faber, Randall Faber

I think it really improves your piano skills. There are different levels and I have learned a lot from these books . These books are really good if you would like to learn piano. They also explain the scales, Chords, ext..... These books can be very fun.

Fear,The (The Enemy)

Fear,The (The Enemy)

By Charlie Higson

This book is as usual contains Charlie's best new ideas. Like all the other books it is also amazing.

Enemy,The (The Enemy)

Enemy,The (The Enemy)

By Charlie Higson

THIS BOOK IS AMAZING. It gives you chills and nightmares. If your looking for a great zombie book i would turn to this one. I do not recomend this for kids under 12. Such a page turner. Your eyes are glued to this book.

Lockdown: Escape from Furnace 1

Lockdown: Escape from Furnace 1

By Alexander Gordon Smith


I would definitely recommend this book. It has many twists and turns, and there is a lot of suspense. I would say this book is a mystery book, because you don't know if Alex, the main character, will escape the inescapable prison called the Furnace. If you like mystery, I would seriously recommend this book.

Fugitives: Escape from Furnace 4

Fugitives: Escape from Furnace 4

By Alexander Gordon Smith

I absolutely loved this book. I couldn't believe Alex and his "friends" had done what they always wished for. More problems occurred in this book, and it just got more exciting for every word I read.

Full Tilt

Full Tilt

By Neal Shusterman


This book is the best book I have ever read. As you are reading, it feels like you are a part of the book.

Execution: Escape from Furnace 5

Execution: Escape from Furnace 5

By Alexander Gordon Smith

This book reveals so much! I can't believe people gave up on the series before reading this. It is so good. I hate to see the end of such a great series but at least Alex is okay. He has gone through so much and I hope that he finally can just relax, he already saved the world more times than most people know.

Death Sentence: Escape from Furnace 3

Death Sentence: Escape from Furnace 3

By Alexander Gordon Smith

It will keep you wanting to read more. I couldn't stop reading it and it was very addicting. Each chapter left me wanting more. I would spend hours reading this book if only it would last that long.

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