Kids Books - Trending Books

Solitary: Escape from Furnace 2

Solitary: Escape from Furnace 2

By Alexander Gordon Smith

Almost all the Furnace books are the same, Alex tries to escape from Furnace. All the books are really the best books ever, they are always putting you at the edge of your seat and this book is what picks you up after the first book's cliff hanger.

Connect the Stars

Connect the Stars

By Marisa de los Santos, David Teague

When thirteen-year-olds Aaron and Audrey meet at a wilderness camp in the desert, they think their quirks are enough to prevent them from ever having friends. But as they trek through the challenging and unforgiving landscape, they learn that they each have what it takes to make the other whole.

Who Was Susan B. Anthony?

Who Was Susan B. Anthony?

By Pam Pollack, Meg Belviso

Susan Brownell Anthony was born on Feb. 15, 1820 was American woman suffragist. She grew up in Quaker family who believed that men and women are equal. She fought for better teachers' pay for women, worked for anti-slavery, and get the right to vote. In 1850s, Anthony met another woman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Two ladies worked and fought together to gain the right to vote. For 60 years, Anthony had fought for right to vote and in 1906, her death happened. About 14 years later, one Kentucky governor had signed the 19th Amendment which allow women to vote. 19th Amendment also known as Susan B. Anthony Amendment. - Happy Reading!

The Five Impossible Tasks of Eden Smith

The Five Impossible Tasks of Eden Smith

By Llewellyn, Tom

Very curious what the tasks are to rescue gramps and stay alive!

Finding the Worm (Twerp Sequel)

Finding the Worm (Twerp Sequel)

By Mark Goldblatt

Finding the worm has a complicated title, but it has heart. This story is about Julian, "Jules", Tweski, a Jewish person living in Flushing, Queens. It is a superb book, of decent writing. In the end, the themes in this book were very thought-provoking. The style, in regards to using many commas and ands, added to the experience of being a relatable book. A brief description: Quentin, "Quick Quentin", has a tumor. The kids on the block, Lonnie, Shlomo, Julian, Eric, and Howie, who live in the Dorado House or such named buildings, go on with their lives, and Julian, whose Bar Mitzvah is coming up, learns from the rabbi (a very good character with witty lines) about death. All the while, Julian Tweski records his thoughts about life and all the events that happen during this time. It was interesting reading a book that portrayed the 70s and life in New York so well, painting a vivid picture of the activities of those living in this time. Many of the landmarks described within this book I could find on the Internet; likewise with the baseball players. It's a sequel to the book TWERP but you don't have to read that one (it does give you some spoilers though). All in all, a sad and thoughtful book at the end, but some middle parts, describing their daily activities, were a little "meh". It is a contemplative realistic fiction book with good dialogue.

Beyond the Bright Sea

Beyond the Bright Sea

By Lauren Wolk

This book is really good. It is about a girl named Crow, and her real parents put her in a crib and sent her off in the ocean. She lives with a man named Osh, who took Crow in. The two of them live on an island.

Lucky Dog: Twelve Tales of Rescued Dogs

Lucky Dog: Twelve Tales of Rescued Dogs

By Various, Randi Barrow, Marlane Kennedy, Elizabeth Cody Kimmel, C. Alexander London


I think this book is really good. All twelve authors that wrote it did an amazing job. All twelve stories are very exciting, suspenseful, and heart warming. It'll make you want to read more and picture the story in your mind.

Little Dolphin Rescue (Little Animal Rescue)

Little Dolphin Rescue (Little Animal Rescue)

By Rachel Delahaye

-1 rating -1 review

Fliss loves animals and will do anything to save them! Join her on her adventures to save wild an...

The Never Girls Collection #1 (Disney: The Never Girls) (Disney Fairies)

The Never Girls Collection #1 (Disney: The Never Girls) (Disney Fairies)

By Various

I like this book because its really unique, tho you might.think "fairies are.for baby's" it will bring the magic to you, you can get it on a digital library or order.them, remember, this is MY opinion

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business (Book & CD)

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business (Book & CD)

By Barbara Park

this book is so fun/ funny because.... this book is about when junieb's mom is pregnant with a baby and junie b jones hated that news! she had to sleep over at her grandpa's house! when her grandma came back from the hospital and told junie b jones that her brother looks like a cute monkey! junie b got so excited that at show and tell she told everyone that she has a monkey brother, not a human!!!!! everyone laughed and laughed!then at recess lucille and grace fighted for who will see junie b's monkey brother first! they kept on giving junie b stuff and being kind of nice! then she went to the office to explain what was going on! she told the principal about her monkey brother and she said: i am not joking, my grandma hellen miller told me this! then the principal said called home then he got the joke and explained it to junie b! the end!

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