Kids Books - Trending Books
Old School (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
By Jeff Kinney
It was very enjoyable to read Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School which is a comical and humorous novel. Throughout the story, Greg Heffley found out whether life was better in the old days as his modern life is taken away from him. It was interesting that the author wrote in a very casual tone that made me feel he was talking to me in an everyday conversation. Kinney also used lots of funny vocabularies throughout this book that made me laugh lots of times. I never came upon confusion when reading the book because everything was written in simple and short sentences. I especially loved the illustrations that went along with the story. They were very neat, and I thought it was fun to read the text boxes inside them because they were often silly and amusing. The transition between different subjects were quite smooth, and Kinney had done a good job relating each scene to the others. However, I thought the Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School could be improved if there was a more central story that the novel could follow. I found that Kinney always wrote about different subjects when describing the story, but sometimes I felt it would have been better if he just focused on the main story, and added more details on the actions, thoughts, and surroundings of the characters. In summary, I would recommend Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School to younger children or people who have weaker reading abilities and like a playful and easy read.
Claudia and Mean Janine: Full-Color Edition (The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix #4)
By M. Martin Ann, Ann M. Martin
I read this book and then re-read it again and again. Its a great little twist on the real babysitters club. The part with Mimi having a stroke made me cry just because of the detail and descriptions. It was a great read.
By R. J. Palacio
Wonder was a book I first read 2 years ago, and over the years, I just couldn't stop re-reading it. The kids at my school call this book "childish", "horrible," and "weird just like the kid in the book." I think just the opposite. August is a normal kid on the inside, but not on the outside. His face has a 'deformity', which is pretty much one of the best words I could think of to describe it. Wherever he goes, people get frightened of him, scream, and run away. August always wanted a normal life and a normal face. August has always been homeschooled, but now he has to face a new challenge - actually going to school, surrounded by his peers. He was shown around by three of the 'nicest kids in school,' Jack, Julian, and Charlotte. August later finds out that Julian is not very nice at all. Once he starts going to school, August becomes best friends with Jack and people quickly start getting used to his face after weeks and months go by. He also becomes friends with Summer, and they make their lunch table, a "Summer-Only Table." At Halloween, August goes to school in a Bleeding Scream costume, when everyone thought he was going in a Boba Fett costume. August overhears Jack talking to Julian about their friendship. Jack said some very uncaring remarks about August, which he didn't really mean. But August got hurt and decided to not to be friends with Jack anymore. He was so hurt that he wanted to quit school, but his sister Via, convinces him not to. His sister Via was the one who had stuck up for him through thick and thin. Jack is very confused to why August doesn't talk to him anymore (since he didn't know it was August in the Bleeding Scream costume.) He asks Summer (who August had confided in) and Summer says, "Bleeding Scream," but Jack doesn't understand. Later, when Jack and August are paired for a science project. Jack pieces together the whole thing and realized that August was the person in the Bleeding Scream costume. Then, when Jack is talking with Julian and Julian calls August a freak, Jack punches Julian, defending his friend. Julian's mom takes it out on August instead, saying that August shouldn't even be in Beecher Prep. Meanwhile, August learns that Jack stood up for him and they become friends again. There are many characters, and each character takes a turn telling the story, so there are many chapters about the characters, side-stories, kind of. In these chapters, August and Via's dog, Daisy, dies. It is very sad and whenever I read it, I keep crying because of their sadness. Via also stars in a play and makes up with her friend Miranda, who she had separated from earlier in the book. Near the end of the book, the whole fifth grade (the grade that August is in) takes a trip to a nature reserve park. While August and Jack are in the woods, some seventh graders insult August, calling him "Gollum" and "Freddy Krueger", which was similar to the insults my friends said about August. Miles, Amos, and Henry, who were formerly friends with Julian, stood up for him. This reminds me when my friends and I all stood up against a bully, who was a common enemy. In the end of the book, we learn that Julian will not be returning to Beecher Prep in the fall. Also, as the school year finishes, there is an award ceremony. In the award ceremony, the principal gives a speech on how someone in this room accomplished great things, and overcame a lot of things. The last award in the book was given to August because he overcame everything, even with so many obstacles thrown in his way. I also want to give a special mention to the quotes in the back of the book, and one (said by August) especially moved me. "Everyone should get a standing ovation at least once in their life, because we all overcometh the world." It was beautiful. To conclude, this book moved me to tears. It was heartwarming, it was beautiful, it taught a wonderful lesson, got me emotional, was hilarious at some parts and was very touching. "This book is a wonder." - Myself.
365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne's Book of Precepts
By R. J. Palacio
This is a very inspiring book that you can read over and over again. The book is a companion to the popular book, Wonder. The book is full of amazing precepts. The some of them are Mr. Browne’s precepts from during the school year, and some are the precepts that students have handed in. There is one precept for every day of the year, in total, 365. I between each month there is a passage. Some are just Mr. Browne talking, but some are e_mails Between students and Mr. Browne. The e-mail’s uncover the answer to a question that Julian, Jack, Summer and Auggie have been asking themselves since the end of the school year. This is a great book to read, and I loved reading the precept of the day each day!!!
Who Is Lebron James? (Who Was?)
By Crystal Hubbard, Who HQ
Good book if you like basketball and LeBron James. I cant believe he left the Cleveland Cavaliers! I play basketball for fun.
The One and Only Ivan
By Katherine Applegate
I loved this book so much it was so sweet and so heart breaking all at the same time. It really made me want to read it more because it was always so mysterious but I always wanted to know what was going to happen next. This book is so good and I have heard this book so much because my great grandma would read this book to me before I would go to bed and my sister when she got to fifth- grade to. This is one of my favorite books I have ever read and I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed hearing the whole story about what happened and not just when he was older.
I loved this book so much i read it over and over again. My favourite part about this book is when the girl in this story put the magic finger on her teacher because she spelt the word cat wrong in class and the teacher said that she was a stuipd girl and that is when she put the magic finger on the teacher and the teacher started growing a tail and whickers. I would recommend this book to people who like funny stories.
Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories
By R. J. Palacio
This books is definitely one of the books I will not forget. I love this book so much and I also love the moral of this story. Julian is one of the those kids in the story that can come off as a nice kid and then different around kid. If I could, I could read this book over and over and it would not get boring. This book is filled with so much excitement and emotion. This is about this 5th grader that is born with facial defects. When he goes to school he meets Julian. Julian gets very upset that he is going to his school. He then finds his own ways to get back at August. Will Julian learn to deal with it or never learn from it? I personally really love this book. I also really recommend that you read all of her other books. They are just as good as this one. If you are looking for a book that is impossible to put down definitely get this one.
Pluto: A Wonder Story
By R. J. Palacio
This book wasn't worth the trouble. One star from me! After waiting a long, long time to read this book, I finally got it on the ebook library. I was waiting for it so bad, but when I got it, it wasn't worth the trouble of waiting. I did not like this book very much. For one thing, the time it took place was in the middle of the school year and was only about one day. I thought it would be interesting like Wonder, and I hoped it would at least be okay like The Julian Chapter, but it was way, way below. The ending wasn't satisfying, and the whole book was 100% BORING. I didn't like this book at ALL. I feel like R. J. Polacio only wrote this book because people loved Wonder so much, and she thought that Pluto would sell well because of that. If that was her train of thought, then she was right, and I bet this book will sell REALLY well because lots of people want to read this. (I wanted to!) But I think that lots of people will be disappointed. Although, I must say that even though Pluto wasn't good, I still want to read Shingaling (which is from Charlotte's perspective).
The Catcher in the Rye
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is a very interesting story about a high school boy called Holden. At the beginning of the story, Holden is annoyed in several situations so he decides to go to New York. Holden tends to do "adult things" but his mind just becomes more and more chaotic. I don't really like the ending of this book because it was unclear as to what happened to Holden. Although this book is slightly complicated, I liked reading and understanding how the world is presented to Holden, his love for his sister and Jane will never change, while everyone else is dirty and complexed. He has to deal with who he is, death of his brother, relationships with everyone, and most importantly, himself. Because of the people he cares about, he has to suffer all the pain himself and hide it deep down his heart. People should definitely read this book, the thoughts Holden has will never get you to stop thinking about our society!