Kids Books - Social

Little Women

Little Women

By Louisa May Alcott

This is a wonderful book. It is about four sisters: the March sisters. Meg; the eldest and the prettiest, Jo; the tomboyish, author, Beth; the sweet, shy one, and Amy; the youngest and most self conscious artist. They and their wise mother have to face the brave of the war going on, with the hanging feeling that their soldier father might not come home. While so, they meet a young man named Laurie, who soon is like a part of the family. Later in the book, Laurie falls in love with Jo. Jo, however, does not feel the same way.When Laurie confesses, Jo breaks his heart. I for one, disagree with this. I feel Laurie and Jo would have made a lovely couple. Later on, Beth gets brushed with death once, but manages to survive. I was really sad when Beth died from scarlet fever, and I wish she didn't. When the girls grow up, each one goes to pursue their dreams except for Meg, who marries John Brooke, Laurie's old tutor. They have twins, and have a happy family. As for Amy, she heads off to Europe with grumpy old Aunt March to paint. While in Europe, she stumbles upon Laurie, who also tried to escape from home for a while to try to mend his heartbreak. Honestly, I think Laurie was being a little creepy. But of course, Amy and Laurie fall in love and get married. And for the last but best character, Jo, she escaped to New York City to study, and writes a book. While there, she falls in love with a college professor, and they later get married. It was a very good story. I recommend it to anyone looking for a relatable historical fiction with excellent vocabulary.

Amelia's Guide to Gossip

Amelia's Guide to Gossip

By Marissa Moss

After I read Amelia Writes Again by Marissa Moss,I searched online to see if there were any books written by her.Then I realised the Amelia books were a set!My mom bought it for me,and I read this one first.The story is extremely funny,with goofy pictures,silly games and a great story.

Amelia Fang and the Memory Thief

Amelia Fang and the Memory Thief

By Laura Ellen Anderson

it was so exciting and it show love can do any thing

The Adventures of a Girl Called Bicycle

The Adventures of a Girl Called Bicycle

By Christina Uss

This book is one of my FAVORITE BOOKS EVER!!!!!! The author, Christina Uss, tells the story of a very quiet orphaned girl who, one day when she was around four, showed up on the doorstep of a monastery in a pink shirt with a bicycle on it. Since she has no name, one of the nuns that live in the monastery, Sister Wanda, names her "Bicycle" after her shirt. She grows up living and being homeschooled in the monastery. Bicycle is a very quiet girl who has trouble making friends and is happy to stay in the monastery with Sister Wanda, the monks, and her beloved bicycle Clunk. But Sister Wanda thinks she should make more friends, so she signs Bicycle up for a summer camp called the "Friendship Factory" that promises "three guaranteed friends by the end of the summer". Well, Bicycle does not like this idea ONE BIT, so she decides to make a friend on her own terms. Bicycle runs away to bike all the way across the country to meet her idol, a famous biker who is holding a bike festival in California. She thinks she can convince him to be her friend so that Sister Wanda will se that she CAN make friends. On the way, her bike gets haunted, she meets a lady with yummy cookies, gets knocked unconscious, rescues a bicycle-obsessed racehorse, and saves a slow-food food chain. I think this book is amazingly funny and I totally reccommend it!

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls

By Liz Kessler

In the sixth book of the Emily Windsnap series, Emily and Aaron goes on a trip to a mysterious island, only to find another adventure for them! They both spot a ghostly ship that only they can see and not anyone else. Emily Windsnap and her friends confront the island's keeper and discover the story of a ship called the Prosperous II, that was caught between land and sea, day and and death

The War that Saved My Life

The War that Saved My Life

By Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

This book takes place in World War II. Ava and her little brother Jamie are living with their abusive mother in a small apartment shack in London. Ava has an unfixed clubfoot, and because of it, Ava's mother doesn't let her go out in public, go to school, use a normal bathroom, and treats Ava like she is nothing but a burden in life. One day, Jamie finds out about a train taking kids to the country, where it will be safer than London when the bombs come. Ava's mother doesn't want Ava to go, but Ava sneaks out with Jamie and they take the train. When they arrive, nobody wants to take them in, so they are taken to a women named Susan. Susan does not have kids nor does she want kids, but she is forced to take them. At Susan's house, Ava's world is changed. For the first time in her life, she is allowed to go outside at free will. At Susan's house, she discovers so many new things, like grass and a horse named Butter, which she learns to ride. She gets three good meals a day, and gets to use a normal bathroom, not a bucket. Eventually, Ava and Jamie start to grow on Susan, and she starts to grow on them. Ava finally has someone to comfort her, and to tuck her in at night. She gets an education, and has the possibility to get her clubfoot fixed. And for the first time ever, Ava gets something she's never got before. Ava gets to be loved. The War That Saved My Life is a wonderful book. Kimberly Brubaker Bradley did an amazing job writing this book, and did a really great job having you connect with the character, as if you were right there beside her the whole time. I recommend this book to boys and girls ages 11+.

The Unwanteds

The Unwanteds

By Lisa McMann

In the book “The Unwanteds” Alex and Aaron Stowe await their fates. In which there is a magical world named Artimé of magic, art, and singing. Yet still a dreary place called Quill where being creative is a death sentence. One can either be a Wanted in which one gets to go to a university, or be Necessary in which one is sent to do the chores, or one could be an Unwanted in which one is sent to their grave. Alexander and Aaron Stowe are thirteen and it is the day of Purge. Alex knows his chances of becoming a Wanted are limited because he has been seen drawing in the dirt before. Aaron thinks that he will become a Wanted. When they are separated Alex tries to get back to Aaron in the university, while Aaron has completely discarded Alex from his life. Who will get their way? Read the book to find out! This book was exciting, intense, and full of action. I didn't even want to put the book down. I gave this a five star rating because it was everything I liked.

The Mysterious Benedict Society Collection

The Mysterious Benedict Society Collection

By Trenton Lee Stewart

The Mysterious Benedict Society follows the adventures of Reynie Muldoon, Sticky Washington, Kate Wetherall, and Constance Contraire, who form the Society. These four have much in common: orphaned, courageous, intelligent, truthful, and most of all, undying devotion to their founder, Mr. Benedict. But when a certain Ledroptha Curtain, brilliant scientist and inventor, nudges his way into the spotlight, things become deathly for the Mysterious Benedict Society. The endings are conclusions you will never forget.

Pluto: A Wonder Story

Pluto: A Wonder Story

By R. J. Palacio

This book wasn't worth the trouble. One star from me! After waiting a long, long time to read this book, I finally got it on the ebook library. I was waiting for it so bad, but when I got it, it wasn't worth the trouble of waiting. I did not like this book very much. For one thing, the time it took place was in the middle of the school year and was only about one day. I thought it would be interesting like Wonder, and I hoped it would at least be okay like The Julian Chapter, but it was way, way below. The ending wasn't satisfying, and the whole book was 100% BORING. I didn't like this book at ALL. I feel like R. J. Polacio only wrote this book because people loved Wonder so much, and she thought that Pluto would sell well because of that. If that was her train of thought, then she was right, and I bet this book will sell REALLY well because lots of people want to read this. (I wanted to!) But I think that lots of people will be disappointed. Although, I must say that even though Pluto wasn't good, I still want to read Shingaling (which is from Charlotte's perspective).

Kristy and the Snobs (The Baby-Sitters Club #11)

Kristy and the Snobs (The Baby-Sitters Club #11)

By Ann Matthews Martin

Another great work of Ann M. Martin. She is a master! Kristy Thomas, president of the BSC and one of my favorite BSC members (Stacey is my other favorite!), has recently moved because her mother has remarried. But her new stepfather is rich, so thus she moves into a ritzy neighborhood where one of her neighbors has a tennis court in her backyard! Kristy is feeing let down and not worthy. But when something unexpected and sad happens to Kristy and her family, she becomes more comfortable with her new neighborhood, and she even makes a new friend! I suggest this for people who like friendship, babysitters, and animals! 5 stars!

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