Kids Books - Social



By Jerry Spinelli

David's mother died almost a year ago, and his father is burying his grief at work. So David, 9, lives with his grandmother and takes out all of his anger and pain on her. Primrose, 13, never knew her father, and her mother is so distant that Primrose has moved into a van in the backyard. David meets Primrose while she is pretending to be dead at an Easter egg hunt, and the two begin sneaking out at night, roaming the town looking for trash to sell. As these two angry, hurting children squabble and connect, both find something in the other that allows them to begin to heal. There's surreal magic to the scenes where David and Primrose are abroad together in the night, almost as if they have entered another world. By flashlight and moonlight, they explore their town, searching for trash or night crawlers, hanging out with a kindly junkman, constantly bickering, but learning more and more about each other. Spinelli has a keen eye for character and motivation, and even though from the outside the kids' behavior would seem bizarre, as Spinelli takes readers inside, their actions start to seem not just understandable -- but familiar. The central metaphor, which recurs again and again in ways both obvious and subtle, will give discussion groups lots to talk about. So will the difficult and complicated relationships here: the central one between David and Primrose, of course, but also between the children and the adults in their lives. By turns moving, magical, and startlingly original. 5/5 stars :)

Fashion Kitty

Fashion Kitty

By Charise Mericle Harper

i love thiz book its the bomdigity and its super cool i love all of the books kitty is very cool and she really has fashion

Locomotion (Coretta Scott King Author Honor Books)

Locomotion (Coretta Scott King Author Honor Books)

By Jacqueline Woodson

This is one of my All-Time Favorites!

Ghost (Track)

Ghost (Track)

By Jason Reynolds

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get chased by your own dad with a gun. My book is Ghost by Jason Reynolds. The book’s setting is in modern times and it takes place in at the track field and middle school. The protagonist or main character is cash he is a african american boy who runs like no other boy on his middle school elite track team. He calls himself ghost he has two friends and is poor. First conflict is: he really doesn’t have a father figure in his life because his father tried to shoot his mom and him. So they ran to a little general store down the street where Mr.Charles the owner works they hid in back closet from his dad. The second conflict is this bully at school he bullies him about his clothes and that his mom works in a Cafeteria. He attempts to solve one of the conflicts by ignoring the bully but he can’t hold back and knocks the bully on the jaw. I would recommend this book to an audience of a mature level because it has some violence and swears other than that I personally think you should read this book.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14

By Jeff Kinney

It's spring so that means spring cleaning for Greg. He finds bunch of his old stuff that he either has to keep or throw away or donate so he decides to make some money out of it. Things don't go according to plan though. When his great aunt dies, she leaves some money for his family and his mum decides to do some additions to the house. Again, things don't go to plan. But then his mum has an even better idea to use the inheritance money which is to buy a bigger house in a new neighborhood. Greg is all excited to move and when he tells this news to his best friend, Rowley, he doesn't take it well. Will they stay best friends? I don't know may be or may be not or may be things will not go according to plan once again. Much like Greg, I am not a fan of spring cleaning, it stresses me out too. I never know what I want to keep, what I want to throw and what I want to give to charity either so I can relate there. A nice addition about renovations, dealing with cranky neighbors and looking for a new place and moving and above all telling your best friend that you are moving. I enjoyed this but I was also on an edge the entire time thinking what else is going to go wrong now and much, too much goes wrong which is funny but also anxiety inducing. Greg and Rowley's goodbye was pretty emotional too and that I did not expect. I also loved the part where Greg's dad wants Greg and Rodrick to learn things like fixing stuff around the house and he tries to lead by example, only to fail. That was hilarious. As usual, the sketches are absolutely brilliant. 4 stars

Gymnastics Queen (Kylie Jean)

Gymnastics Queen (Kylie Jean)

By Marci Peschke

Kylie Jean, a young girl who is most passionate girl in her family. One day, when she was just watching the gymnastic competition with her mother, she suddenly wants to do gymnastics so her mother has signed Kylie Jean up for gymnastics and she loved it! This book are for a young kids but older kids could read this if they like to. - Happy Reading!

Nancy's Mysterious Letter (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, Book 8)

Nancy's Mysterious Letter (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, Book 8)

By Carolyn Keene


All Nancy Drew did was invite a mail man to her house for refreshments, after all he is retiring soon, how bad can it be? Well, when his pouch and its contents get stolen Nancy finds herself plunged into another mystery, which might just be connected to her mysterious letter........ I suggest this book for anyone who loves the hardy boys, Sherlock Holmes, or any other great mysteries.

The Austere Academy (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 5)

The Austere Academy (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 5)

By Lemony Snicket

I love A Series of Unfortunate Events! I think this is my favorite book in the series. The Baudelaires have been sent to an evil villain, a reptile enthusiast, a woman who's afraid of everything, and a man called Sir who apparently does not know what child labor laws are, and now they are sent to a wretched boarding school. Vice Principal Nero is a violin-obsessed, mimicking, and very, very rude person. The orphans are forced to live in a shack with ugly wallpaper, dripping fungus, and VERY territorial crabs. However, there is one good thing about the school. They make friends with two wonderful triplets named Duncan and Isadora, who are also orphans. But when Count Olaf shows up at the school in yet another ridiculous disguise, the orphans wonder how they can ever get away from this ruthless villain. Between S.O.R.E., comprehensive exams, and owing a terrible violinist MANY bags of candy, can the Baudelaires and their friends manage to stay out of Count Olaf's clutches?

Poached (FunJungle)

Poached (FunJungle)

By Stuart Gibbs

This is the second book in the FunJungle series by Stuart Gibbs, Teddy gets accused of stealing a koala by Large Marge, the head of security, who has a serious grudge on Teddy because he is always playing pranks. But he would never break the law! In order to prove his innocence, he has to find the real kidnapper, even though J.J. McKracken told him not to, or else he might fire his parents. Teddy, once again turns out to be smarter than Large Marge, who is so focused on busting him, she almost lets the kidnapper get away. On top of all that, he is getting bullied at school, but in the end, everything turns out fine, and Teddy even ends up at the popular table in the cafeteria. This book was all right, but I think that all of Stuart Gibbs' books are pretty much the same, it's always the same plot, same writing style, and same character personalities. My favorite series of his is Spy School, but after that it gets pretty repetitive.

The Truth About Stacey: Full-Color Edition (The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix #2)

The Truth About Stacey: Full-Color Edition (The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix #2)

By Ann M. Martin

This book is the second book in the baby-sitters club graphic novel series, and it is in Stacey's perspective. This time, The Baby-Sitter's Club has competition, in the form of another baby-sitters club. But this club looks way more professional and is called "The Baby-Sitters Agency." The members are older, can stay out later, and appear more responsible to the parents who need baby-sitters. This agency, however, may not actually be how it seems. Kristy, Claudia, Mary Anne, and Stacey have seen these agency members around their school and doubt that they are good baby-sitters, but they don't know how to inform the parents without looking like bad sports, so they decide to improve the club they already have and work even harder than before. It isn't until they find one of the kids, that an agency member is supposed to be baby-sitting, playing outside in the street during the cold weather that they have the proof they need. The Baby-Sitters club unites to solve a common problem and their friendship grows stronger as a result. This was a good story and a very easy read, so I would recommend it to anyone 10 and up who enjoys graphic novels.

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