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A Mango-Shaped Space

A Mango-Shaped Space

By Wendy Mass

Mia, a thirteen-year-old eighth grader, wants nothing more than to be absolutely normal. That is, however, until she discovers that the secret that would make her known as a freak, the fact that she can see colors for letters, numbers, and sounds, is not insanity but a gift known as synesthesia. The book A Mango-Shaped Space is about a snapshot in Mia's journey through adolescence, which is anything but normal. Throughout the book, Mia interacts with a slew of interesting, original characters, such as handsome fourteen-year-old synesthete Adam Dickinson, Mia's younger brother Zack, who's kept a chart of every McDonald's hamburger he's consumed; her older sister Beth, who is obsessed with hair-dye, vegetarianism, and yoga; her outspoken best friend Jenna, the cute-for-a-grown-up neurologist Jerry; Roger, a boy who may be more than just her partner for history homework; Billy Henkle, a five-year-old boy who is thought crazy by his family because of his synesthesia; and, of course, Mango, Mia's beloved cat who wheezes and meows in shades of orange-yellow, holds a piece of Mia's grandfather's soul, and will steal the heart of the reader. A Mango Shaped Space is an interesting, moving novel that will warm the reader's heart and send tears to his or her eyes. When I first began this book, it reminded me of many other books that I'd read. However, as the story progressed, I saw that this is not the typical story of a gifted middle-schooler. In A Mango-Shaped Space, author Wendy Mass tells an intriguing, original story. However, I wouldn't saw this book is for everyone. If you like high-action stories or dislike realistic fiction, this may not be the book for you. But, if your favorite books are inspiring, emotional, and moving, you would like A Mango-Shaped Space. Also, if you're a cat-lover like I am, you will relate with Mia, the protagonist, because of her love for Mango, and will probably appreciate and be saddened by Mia and Mango's story. If you are looking for a heart-warming, original, sensitive book to read, you will thoroughly enjoy A Mango-Shaped Space.

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars

By John Green

Ok, if you haven’t read this book, WHAT ARE YOU DOING????!!!!!???? SUMMARY: Hazel has cancer. She has had it for a while now, and it doesn’t look like it’s getting any better. She is taking her meds, and attending support group. Her life is pretty predictable. But during one support group meeting, she meets Augustus—a kind and compassionate young man who is a cancer veteran. Augustus is a sophisticated young man; he is scared of oblivion, “smokes” cigarettes, but doesn’t light them because it is a metaphor. ” You put the killing thing in your mouth, but don’t let it do the killing.” As Hazel starts hanging out with Augustus, “she falls in love with him the way he falls asleep; slowly, then all at once.” Hazel introduces him to her favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, and he is soon engrossed in it as well, and the rapid end of the book has them searching for answers. As much a love story as a story centered about a book, this heartstring-tugging cancer love story WILL make you cry. THOUGHTS: I can not even begin to tell you how much I loved this book. I just can’t. It was SO FLIPPING GOOD. It is a perfect book. Beautiful. I don’t know where to begin. Okay, okay (haha, lol). John Green’s writing was incredible. You can tell that he is sage and knows how to write—because this novel was written flawlessly. The characters were so real and you fell in love with them as they did each other. To give you an idea—I did cry. See picture at bottom. This book is definitely a “feels” book. Augustus is a genuine character; a caring, metaphor-loving, honest, meaningful person. I thought it was really cool that this book was kind of partly centered around this one book that they both loved. It was pretty cool, seeing them trying to get in contact with the secluded author. This book had so many perfect quotes—I highlighted so many passages from the book on my Kindle. I can not stop raving about this book, and I am so excited to see the movie because I want more TFIOS in my life. It is going to make me cry even more than the book made me cry. I loved this book so much and I can not wait to pick up Paper Towns, which I just got!

The Baby-Sitters Club: Kristy's Great Idea

The Baby-Sitters Club: Kristy's Great Idea

By Ann M. Martin

Many have grown to love the BSC series, but how was this brilliant business started? This book tells the story of how twelve-year-old Kristy Thomas, alongside her friends Mary Anne Spier, Claudia Kishi, and Stacey McGill, started the thriving, babysitting company called The Babysitter's Club. With teamwork, stick-to-itiveness, and business skills, the four friends build a strong business. I thought this book was great! It is the first book but unlike most first books of series, this one immediately gets you invested and interested in the entire series. This book teaches entrepreneur skills. It is fun to read, funny, and all about babysitting. This is a great book to welcome readers into an even greater series. I suggest if you like friendship, business starting, and babysitting. Happy reading!



By Cynthia Lord

A lot of the time people don't think about how it would feel to have someone in your family with autism. In the book Rules by Cynthia Lord the main character is Catherine, a twelve year old girl who desperately wants a normal life, but it seems impossible when you have a brother with autism. Catherine tries many things to help her brother David, like making rules for him to follow. Another conflict in this book along with have an autistic brother is Catherine tries her best to make friends like Kristi, her new next door neighbor but to Catherine's surprise she makes a friend named Jason, a boy that she never expected to be friends with. Catherine is the protagonist in this book and David and Catherine's parents are the antagonists. David can't help that he has autism but Catherine wants a normal life so bad it makes it hard on her. Her parents don't seem to understand how hard it is for her and seem to give all of their attention to David. The turning point in this book is when Catherine tries to learn how to accept her brother for who he is… But will she ever fully learn how to accept him? The setting in Rules is in Maine during the summer around Catherine's house, her friends house and her neighborhood. I really recommend you read this book! It gives you great perspective on Catherine's life and can be very relatable for someone in middle school.

Rotten Apple #1: Mean Ghouls

Rotten Apple #1: Mean Ghouls

By Stacia Deutsch

It is about a girl named Megan that is slowly turning into a "Zombie". She has to go to a school called ZA (Zombie Academy). She has already made 2 friends, Sam and Happy. If she gets too moody, her decaying into a "Zombie" will come much much much faster. I recommend this book to all readers in 1st-6th.

The Amazing Day of Abby Hayes, Vol. 1

The Amazing Day of Abby Hayes, Vol. 1

By Anne Mazer

I loved this book. It is not a hard email, but still lots of fun. I like how in the book they put some parts of her dairy

A Good Kind of Trouble

A Good Kind of Trouble

By Lisa Moore Ramée

Seventh Grade is filled with tough decisions for Shayla, she is faced with the fear of making wrong decisions, but even worse she scared to make the right decision. Shayla is very thankful for her long time best friends Julia and Isabella. However, now that Seventh grade has started, she feels like they are drifting apart. For some reason Shayla is faced with the problem of fitting in. Her older sister Hana encourages her to participate with her in the Black Lives Matter Movement, at first Shayla is skeptical about joining her sister, but with the way things are going for her in school and with her best friends, she decides to join her sister, however she is fearful of making wrong decisions! She's allergic to trouble! This book includes bonds of friendship and rising up against power I recommend this book to anyone who interested in social rights, self empowerment, and friendship

Real Friends

Real Friends

By Shannon Hale

I think this book is awesome, amazing and a great book this book is called Real Friends. The author's name is Shannon Hale and the illustrator is Leuyen Pham. The main characters are Shannon, Adrienne, Jenifer and Jenny. Shannon and Adrienne have been best friends ever since they were little. But one day, Adrienne starts hanging out with Jenifer, the most poplar girl in class and the leader of a circle of friends called The Group. Everyone in the group wants to be Jenifer's #1, and some girls would do anything to stay on top ... even if it means bullying others. I like this book because it was a awesome graphic novel. The book had exciting action when Shannon played wonder twins with Adrienne.Or when Shannon typed the story with all her friends in the story. And the story has a great message was in the book the message was don't choose to be mean choose to be the nicest as you can be! Other kids would like this book if they like graphic novels or if they like books with good message. That is why other kids would like this book. Read Real Friends to find out what happens next.

Big Nate Blasts Off

Big Nate Blasts Off

By Lincoln Peirce

Title and Author: Big Nate Blast of, Lincoln Peirce. Genre: fiction (adventure) l chose rating three because it has a lot of words but not a lot of sentences. Could choose rating two but this book has a lot of pages but the meaning of this book is easy. I learned from the weak that you can become the strongest. By only training and learning. I found it interesting that there is a game that is called a mud ball. There was a lot of surprises in this book

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl

By Rachel Renée Russell

Dork Diaries Tales From a Not-So-Popular Party Girl is written by Rachel Renée Russell. I would recommend this book to the people that aren't popular at school or doesn't have a lot of friends because this book tells us to be confident and believe in yourself, don't be ashamed of yourself. I really like this book because McKenzie always tries to humiliate Nikki but it never works, in the end, Nikki always fixes everything and McKenzie would be very angry all the time. I think that McKenzie is jealous about Nikki because Brandon always talks to her. And when McKenzie asked Brandon to be her date, Brandon said no to her. The thing that made me really mad is that McKenzie canceled the Halloween Dance just because Brandon didn't agree to be her date ,instead, Brandon asked Nikki to be his date. Also, McKenzie purposely told her aunt that Nikki is very good at drawing and that she can help the little kid to draw their faces, and she bought Nikki a rat costume that was really stinky and dirty. But I'm really happy that Nikki cares about her friends so much that she didn't tell them the truth because she didn't want to hurt their hearts after what they saw their crushes did. And she also didn't tell Brandon that she was supposed to spend the night with her friends, Chloe and Zoey. But because she wanted to satisfy everyone at the same time, she had to run three places and change into three different costumes at the same time. Also, she had to make sure that non of them saw her at the same time. I found out that evil people never wins and kind people always has a happy ending. And I wish everyone could be like Nikki and have a happy ending like her's. I wish that no one would be like McKenzie, treating others badly and trying to humiliate other people that she doesn't like and acting all innocent.

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