

By Gordon Korman

57 ratings 119 reviews 62 followers
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Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 6n/a5.246970
Cameron Boxer is very happy to spend his life avoiding homework, hanging out with his friends, and gaming for hours in his basement. It's not too hard for him to get away with it . . . until he gets so caught up in one game that he almost lets his house burn down around him.
It's time for some serious damage control--so Cameron and his friends invent a fake school club that will make it seem like they're doing good deeds instead of slacking off. The problem? Some kids think the club is real--and Cameron is stuck being president.
Soon Cameron is part of a mission to save a beaver named Elvis from certain extinction. Along the way, he makes some new friends--and some powerful new enemies. The guy who never cared about anything is now at the center of everything . . . and it's going to take all his slacker skills to win this round.

Publisher: Scholastic Press
ISBN-13: 9780545823166
ISBN-10: 0545823161
Published on 4/25/2017
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 240

Book Reviews (121)

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When video gamer Cameron nearly burns down his house, his parents say he has to join a club or sport. So he and his friends hack the school website and make a fake club, with Cameron as president. But when other people want to join, it gets out of hand

This book is another AWESOME book by Gordon Korman. If you have read Ungifted, the Swindle series, the Hypnotists, the Masterminds series, or any other books that Gordon Korman has wrote, you have to read this book! Cameron Boxer was playing a video game. One hour later, his parents are screaming at him because they need to buy a new front door. Cameron and his friends create a fake school club that nobody was supposed to join so his parent's expectations would stay up. But too many people needed the club to improve their lives. So in two weeks, Cameron ends up getting this club an opportunity to help his community. A day after the event, he is a town hero and practically the entire middle school joins his club. But the high version of the club is getting pretty steamed about how the middle school club is getting more publicity. Soon, the high school goes out at night, trashes wherever the middle school went, and pins it on them. In the fight to keep their town and a beaver alive, the two clubs try to save the beaver. They catch him, but they forget about the highway that was about to be destroyed. Thankfully, their parents arrive on the scene, and the state postpones the project by 3 years. In the end, everything ends well. If you're every wondering what happened to the door, read the book and find out!

In this book, Cam (Cameron) Boxer is a video-game player. His parents tell him that he need to get involved or he can't play video games. Cam and his friends make a club in school called the P.A.G, or The Positive Action Group in which they say they do things but the actually don't. This puts Cam's parents under the delusion that Cam is involved and is now a hero. The kids believe that no one will join and Cam can keep playing video-games until Daphne Leibowitz tries to join the club. Daphne gets the club some publicity. Then other students such as a football player who needs better grades, or a kid running for president join. The club then starts doing good deeds such as pulling weeds form senior citzens gardens and painting the YMCA. But then, the P.A.G. of the highschool (Friends of Fuzzy) starts demolishing the P.A.G. reputation. Eventually, the Positive Action Group is shot down, but they still stop a constrcution crew from tearing down the freeway which helps the parents pf the town. Finally, Cam Boxer's life was still almost filled with video games and he made to competition level at his favorite game, Rule The World. He also finds out that his video-game arch enemy is actually his sister. As you can see, Slacker is a great book just like all of Gordan Korman's books.

This book is so good Oordon Korman is one of my favoite authers I love reading these books so much It is all about slackers!!!!

I really loved this book a lot because it was funny and interesting at the same time. I totally recomend this to any one. LOVE IT!!!!

Cameron lives to play video games, but when he is so concentrated on one that he doesn't take a casserole out of the oven and the local firemen respond and ax through the front door, his parents are NOT pleased. His parents are concerned because he does nothing else, and while they don't take his video console out into the backyard and set fire to it (like I would!), they demand that he participate in other activities at school to get him out of the basement. With friends Chuck and Pavel, he creates a Positive Action Group, and posts a blurb about it on the school web site. Thinking he can show that to his parents and be done, he contentedly goes back to trying to best Evil McKillPeople on his game... until the ultra-motivated Daphne shows up at his front door, demanding to join. Her purpose is to get help in saving a local beaver, Elvis, whose home has been destroyed by a new highway off ramp project. It gets worse when she brings the group to the attention of Mr. Fanshaw, who hopes to use the group to sell raffle tickets for a fundraiser. Soon, a class president wannabe, a football players on academic probation, and a huge number of other students want to join the group. Cameron is forced to do something. After trying to sneak off to play video games while raking leaves for senior citizens, Cameron accidentally saves an elderly lady who has fallen and makes the news. This encourages more students to join, but also brings the group to the attention of the high school groups, the Friends of Fuzzy. Their leader, Jen, wants all of the attention for herself, so gets her group to sabotage the P.A.G. Things culminate when both groups decide to work against the old highway off ramp being taken down. Will Cameron be able to go back to his old ways once he is no longer in danger of losing his video gaming privileges? Cameron starts off as a fairly nondescript character, but that is a perfect foil for the outspoken Daphne, self-involved String, and deliciously and deceptively evil younger sister Melody. The parents are supportive and helpful but rather clueless, which is a brilliant way to depict parents in a middle grade book. Mr. Fanshaw (whose name Cameron can't remember, leading to a host of amusing attempts like "Mr. Fanny-pack") and the other teachers are humorous, but also sympathetic and realistic. As with any Korman book, the biggest draw for me is the writing. It is fast-paced (all middle grade books should start with an explosion, or with immolating ziti!) and packed with laugh out loud phrases. My favorite passage (from the ARC): "How many members does the Positive Action Group have?" Members? Exactly the same number as the Stick-Your-Head-in-the-Furnace Club and the Leap-the -Grand-Canyon Society."

Cameron Boxer. When this name is told to any schoolkid they think of the lazy, fall-asleep-in-class slacker. All he and his friends have for a passion is video games. But his parents want him to start doing something. They say that they will take away his video games if he doesn't begin to do an after school activity. Problem- Cameron doesn't like sports our chess our any of the other activities offered (I guess they don't do video games as an activity). So with the help of his friends he creates PAG (Positive Action Group). It's not a real group but when he hacks into the school website and posts his group - his parents fall for it. But will the PAG solve Cameron's problem once and for all?

Cameron's life revolves around video games. So when his parents tell him to get involved in something worthwhile, he has no idea how to save his lifestyle. But with the help of his friends, he creates the perfect solution - a fake club that he is the president of! His parents are totally fooled and it is the perfect solution - until people want to join the club and soon things get out of hand.

This is a funny book that probably many kids can relate to because people are more lazy and slack around. It's a very entertaining book for anybody.

my mom made me read this when i stayed up all night playing video games. i didnt really know this stuff could really happen it was amazing . this book was totally fun to read but not something i want to happen in real life

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