I definitely loved this book! So awesome! It's about these two main characters, June and Day. The setting is in a future U.S, only that it is not the U.S. but the country is broken in to half - the Republic (west of U.S.) and the Colonies (east of U.S.). Most of the people who lived in the Colonies tried to run away to the Republic because some parts of the Colonies land was just sinking into the ocean. The Republic blocked the Colonies side from them. The Republic also has some thing called the trials. This is the test that holds their future. They take it at age ten. They fail - they eventually die. They pass, they go to high schools, universities and gets really good jobs. June, is an only prodigy who got a perfect score of 1500 on the trials. At 15, she went to a university. She has an older brother, Metias, whom she really loves. Day, a boy, is the Republic's most wanted criminal. He is in a disguise when he does crime. He never killed someone. Day has an older brother, John, and a younger brother, Eden. He loves his family, although his mom and brother Eden does not know he is alive. Only John knows. Day stays with Tess, a girl 2 years younger than him. Day knows Eden is sick, so he goes to a hospital to steal medicine. He fails to get medicine, though. In the process of stealing medicine, he stabs a solider (Metias), But never kills hom. But June figures out Metias is dead. She vows to hunt the killer. As she does, she finds a boy that isn't suspicious (ha, only because she likes him). Then she figures out- it's Day.
(I revealed like 1/4 of the book. Hint: if I spent this much time to write about this book YOU SHOULD READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) iiiii neeeed toooo REEEAAADDD theeee laaasssttt booooook.... My favorite book, come to meee.