Ms. Herbert's Activity (31)
cocoviv added a book review.
Bridge to Terabithia was a really sad book. I loved it because relationships are important in life. Jess(e) was determined to be the fastest kid in the fifth grade. When Leslie entered Jess’s life the friendship looked hopeless, but it became strong. Leslie and Jess made a place for them to be alone and thats why its really good. I started to cry when I was reading it. I highly recommend it because its a very good book and it made me cry.
About 10 years agococoviv has read this book.
About 10 years agochlobee added a book review.
Terabithia Book review This book is very heartwarming and I think you’ll like it.This book is about a boy named Jess and his friend leslie he meet leslie by her beating him at being the fastest 5th grade runner. Also they made this place called Terabithia and they both rule it. At the end it is so sad I cryed it is a really good book and I hope you like it to.
About 10 years agokaciem1 added a book review.
This book is such a great book! it is really interesting because in the book surprising things happen that you don't think will happen,all the chapters leave you hanging so you will keep wondering what will happen next! The book also switches emotions all the time it goes from happiness to sadness and then right back to happiness again. I recommend this book!
About 10 years agograce10 added a book review.
This book is so good! It is a commendation of happiness and sadness too. My favourite character’s is Winn-Dixie and Opal. They are my favourite! This book is great and I love it. I find that Gloria is nice person even if she is kind of blind. I recommend this book!
About 10 years agograce10 has read this book.
About 10 years agokaciem1 has read this book.
About 10 years agochlobee has read this book.
About 10 years agodarmanitan added a book review.
A wrinkle in time was really good because its like science but a little bit more interesting.My favorite character was Charles Wallace.I liked Meg too but Charles Wallace was better.Because he was one of the main characters at the end.But at first Calvin Charles Wallace and Meg were looking for Megs father.And Charles wallaces father to rescued him but at the end they ended up trying to save Charles Wallace.And I recommend it to everybody who likes science a bit.
Over 10 years agomrodrigoom added a book review.
I recommend this book because it a fun fiction book with 2 boys and 1 one girl. There names are meg,Charles Wallace and Calvin.The only parts i did not like was the end when it left you off on when of the question from the beginning. The first chapter did not really make sense that much.But overall you should read this book.
Over 10 years ago