Mrs. Gavinski's Activity (5)
mgavinsk added a book review.
Have you ever wondered why in Brave Irene by William Steig Irene is determined to deliver the dress to the duchess? Well i can tell you that. She broke her ankle like it was nothing, she braved through deep snow, and she was just 6 or 7 years old. Irene is determined to get the dress to the dutchess. For example, how she broke her ankle like it was nothing. In the book, irene breaks her ankle and is just like “Meh.” and then she just keeps walking. In the text, it said “ she fell over into a hole with a twisted ankle and managed to get up and keep going.”. And also, if a 6 or 7 year old girl fell over and twisted her ankle, she would probably be like “AAAHHHH!!!!!” but she was like “meh” this shows that she was determined to get to the duchess. Irene is determined to get the dress to the duchess. Like she braved through deep snows. In the book, she was drowned many times by the snow but did not die. She just got up and was like “ I NEED TO GET TO THE DUCHESS SO BAD AND I WILL NOT CRY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I CAN'T BECAUSE I AM SO DEHYDRATED!” and in the text it said “ the snow was up to her knees.” and if snow was up to my knees i would be like “ ugg ugg oh this is so hard.” but she was like “ ( walking sounds)”. And also I am 10 and she is 6 or 7 so she is very determined. This shows she is determined to get to the dutchess. Irene is determined to get the dress to the duchess. Like how she is just 6 or 7 years old. In the book she gets hurt a lot and I think she probably would have got hypothermia but she did not die or cry. And if you look up brave irene on the internet, it will show a cover and if you look closely irene looks a lot like a 6 or 7 year old. And also in the text the mom said “ besides it is starting to snow.” and then Irene said “ but i love snow.” and a 6 or 7 year old woud normally love snow. This shows she is determined to get the dress to the duchess. Iren is determined to get the dress to the duchess. She broke her ankle like it was nothing, she braved through deep snow, and she was just 6 or 7 years old. And would you think that irene would not just yell at the wind when she can yell at herself for making herself go out in the snow?
Over 4 years agomgavinsk replied to a comment in
Over 4 years agomgavinsk has read this book.
Over 4 years agomgavinsk added a book review.
In life people will want you to do things you don't wanna do. In the story ‘’The Other Side’’ by Jacqueline Woodson clover wanted to play with the people on the other side of the fence but her mom and friend Sandra didn’t want her to. Luckily it didn’t stay that way forever. ‘’The Other Side’’ teaches to not always listen to what people say. My first reason for this is that when her mom told her not to play with the people on the other side of the fence, And when her friend told her not to play with the other girl (Annie), And lastly when her mom told her not to play outside on rainy days. My first reason why ‘’The Other Side’’ teaches to not always listen to what people say is when her mom told her not to play with the people on the other side of the fence. What i mean by this is if she had listened to her mom she would have never met Annie. Also if she would have took her mom’s advice the whole book would have never of happened, and there wouldn’t be a story to tell about this. I know this because in the part clover starts explaining where she lives and it says ‘’And mama said, Don’t climb over that fence when you play. She said it wasn’t safe.’’ This shows that if she would have listened to her mom she would have never got to play with Annie. My second reason why ‘’The Other Side’’ teaches to not always listen to what people say is when her friend Sandra told her not to play with Annie. What i mean by this is when they were playing jump rope and Annie walked up to them and asked to play but it says ‘’And my friend Sandra said no without even asking the rest of us.’’ This shows that Sandra probably said no because she didn’t want clover and the other girls to play with Annie. My final reason why ‘’The Other Side’’ teaches to not always listen to what people say is when her mom told her not to play outside on rainy days. If she would have listened to her mom and just stayed inside she might not have got to introduce herself to Annie. In the part that this happened her and her mom were going back and forth about her playing outside on that rainy day and it says ‘’ Mama wouldn’t let me go outside in the rain.’’ This shows that her mom hasn’t really been a help to their friendship. And it is also a good thing that she didn’t listen to her mom.
Over 4 years agomgavinsk has read this book.
Over 4 years ago