Have you ever moved to a completely different place? That's what happened to Lucy. Half a chance by Cynthia Lord is a book about a girl who moves to New Hampshire. Lucy met a boy named Nate who was only there for the summer with grandmother and his family. Lucy and Nate became really good friends. Lucy likes to take pictures and her and Nate do a photography contest. Them and Nate's older sister do something called loon patrol. Which it they check on the loons and see how many there are and what they do. But Nate's old friend Megan gets really jealous because she wants to be Nate's only friend. One major conflict is that Megan deletes some of Lucy's pictures, which was also a turning point. Another one is Lucy's dad is the judge for the contest Lucy and Nate do. The protagonist is Lucy and Megan is the antagonist. I really liked this book I really hope you like it too.