Hey I still am not done with it but here is a summary so far In the pages 1- 384 of the book The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan, Sadie and Carter are training young magicians, like them. Sadie and Carter have to find the book of Ra. (There are three parts to it.) The first part is at a museum, the second is in a desk, and the third is where they store mummies. Sadie and Carter went together on the first two, but not in the last. Carter wanted to find Zia, his secret crush. So Sadie went to find the scroll with Walt.
Walt is a trainee magician. When they go to find the scroll, Sadie finds out something about Walt. Walt’s family was cursed! His curse was, if he did more magic he could die! When they found the last scroll, Sadie put it together and it said all the steps so Sadie and Carter fallowed them. First they made a portal on top of the Great Pyramid, and then they sailed to the fourth house with some challenges. After that the scrolls lead them to Ra.
When they found Ra, he was acting like a baby. There was still one more step but they did not know what it was. When they went back to the lobby, the time was past the eighth hour; that meant they couldn’t go to the eighth house to figure out the next step. So they went to their father and mother. When they got there, Sadie and Carter told them about what happened, but they already knew. Their mom and dad invited a special, yet dangerous guest. The guest was the moon god. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but he is going to help them. My prediction is that the moon god is going to slow the time down to let them into the eighth house.