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blackcm1 added a book review.
I liked this book a lot but i would rate it a 6 and a half because this book had no real adventure but was very good because this kid named August had a facial abnormality. Also wonder was about August making friends and loosing some to. I recommend this book from 4 through 7 grade. My favorite part was when August made his first friend named Summer this was my favorite part because August had no friends and this moment in the book was very dramatic.Will August make more friends?......................... This book was happy, sad, weird, cool and boring at the same time does August keep going to school? If you like this book you will probably like these books to August and me, Julian , Mr. browns precepts. by Jack
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
Wonder is based about a boy who´s name is august he has a facial abnormality in his face when he was little he had to have his hip bone removed.It went in his jaw because he did not have a jaw. He is starting his first day of school.August and summer are best friends they are doing a Egyptian project.When august met summer it reminded me from when I met my first friend. I recommend this book for fourth grade through seventh grade. My favorite part was when he met summer and now they are best friends. I know y,all are getting exited about this book so you better get to reading. And don forget about the other books in the series. by Grant
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
wonder is about a boy named August. I love this book so much because it has you doing different feelings. Also August has had a lot of surgeries on his face because he was a deformed baby.i could relate someone to August and that is my dads sister which is my aunt she is handy cap and she has a deformed face . I feel really bad for her sense she is in my family. I absolutely love the part where August goes to school and makes some friends. I would recommend this book to kids that have problems like August has. I think this book kids grades 5th trough 8th should be able to read it to them self. I also love the part where August goes to school and he gets his first high five i thought that would be pretty cool sense he barely had any friends . Do you think that August will stay in school or will he try and leave . If you love this book like i do you can read a lot more books the just this go cheak by Delacey
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
The book wonder is about a boy named August. He is different . He had so many surgery's on his face. And his best friend was summer. She was the first one to sit with him at lunch. It was changing because he was starting a different school. It is like when I started school. I was very scared to go but I was excited to. And other kids would make fun of him. And on his face was Facial Abnormality. It was very sad. But you have to go for it. I think 4th through 8th could read it also there is more books to follow. Like by the character. But wonder is a good book. My favorite part is when summer sit's down with August. by Kylee
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
Wonder is about a boy named August and he had a lot of surgeries when he was little.He was born with a a deformed face. If you like Wonder there are more books after and there is a movie. Read to find out! I like Wonder because i is a good book because it shows different feelings through different characters . It could help kids like August because some kids like August need friends like every other human being. My favorite part is when August first goes to school and makes new friends! August get talked about be hind his back . Does August remain going to school? I would rate Wonder a ten because Wonder shows feelings and kindness to other people, and it can teach other people how to be kind and not bully people.I would recommend this book for grades fifth through eighth grades because fifth grade through eighth will be able to understand Wonder better than other younger people. by Shalei
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
The book wonder was about a boy named August and he had facial abnormality he's best friend is summer, Charlotte , jack and Jullian . He doesn't want to go to school but hes parents make him go to school me too when i was in kindergarten i didnt want to go to school my favorite part of the book is when he gets more friends and go to school . For August it was a hard time making friends i would rate this book a 9/10. I thought the book was sad/happy . I think August was a kindness. will August get more friends or leave school . I recommend this book to 5,6,7, graders . Read to find out what will happen to August and will he make more frinds will he leave school will jack turn on him. If u like this book there more book to find. by Om
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
The book Wonder is about a boy named August with a facial abnormality. August is starting fifth grade. He has been home schooled his whole life. August goes into the school for a tour with some other kids. The kids are Charlotte, Jack, and Julian. Charlotte and Jack were nice to him but Julian was just rude. August decided to go to school and doesn't have the best time. Other kids avoided touching him, getting near him and a lot of other things. After a little school others got used to his face. Julian and his mean squad was still mean about it though. One day at lunch a girl named Summer sat down with August. They became friends. Others are still mean though. Read the book to find out more!!! I wound rate this book a 10/10. Wonder is a sad/happy book. I give this book a 10/10 because it had some sad parts but it is all about being kind. August makes friends and is still not normal but we are all different. I recommend this book for grades 4 through 7. Will August keep going to school with his few friends or will he quit because of the mean kids like Julian?! Read the book to find out. By the way there are more books in the series. by Ashley
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
The book wonder is about a boy named August. August has facial abnormality. August is starting to go to school for his first time. This book talks about what it was like for August to start school and try to make friends. He has a best friend named summer. I remember when I was in kindergarten i was so scared just like August. I really like this book because it teaches kids about kindness and don't judge a book by its cover. My favorite part was when summer came over to August table because she wanted nice friends. I would rate the book wonder a 9 because there was not that many adventures but it was still really good! This book was sad and happy.I recommend this book for 4th throw 7th grade. If you like the book wonder get excited because theirs more.Will August start to like school? Read to find out! by Avery Kate
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
The book wonder is about a boy named August who has a facial abnormality. It is his first time going to a public school his mother taught him at home.And when he went this boy named juilen was really mean to him his first few month's of going to public school. When I had my first day at school I was so nervous I could barley breath that is how nervous I was. Aggie's best friend is summer. In my opinion wonder is a great book it is really entertaining so far. I recommend 4th thru 8th grade should read this book. This book reminds me of my first year going to school. If you like wonder there are sequel's to wonder. If you have already read wonder read the other books. Read the other books to find out more about the charecters from the first book wonder. by Leia
Over 7 years agoblackcm1 added a book review.
The book, Wonder is about a kid named August and his family but, August has a facial abnormality. It's also about how other people see him and how he has has a hard time making friends with his facial abnormality and it's way harder for him now than ever because he is going to a new school. Will he make new friends at the new school? Read to find out! I recommend this to children from third through fifth grade and people that like sad stories and funny/exiting stories too. My opinion is this book is sad because people treat him bad.Also it is a good book to read because it is exiting. Via/august sister is like my sister because they are both really nice.My favorite part his when they are talking about the farting nurse for august's mom when she was giving birth to august. I recomend other books by,R.J.Palacio by Tyler
Over 7 years ago