The book I read was This Journal Belongs to Ratchet
By: Nancy J. Cavanaugh. This book is about a girl named Ratchet
(who's real name is Rachel) who's mom died in a car accident when
she was younger and now she lives with her dad. She is also home schooled and helps her dad with fixing cars. And every time she helps her dad these boys named Evan and Hunter make fun of her and her dad. Also Ratchet was trying to be like her mom so she was trying to find more information about her mom. So Ratchet finds a box under a sink and she asks her dad about it and they get into a big argument. I think this book is very interesting and I also like how it is written because it is short and funny and it teaches you how thing are written and the meaning of it. This book is realist fiction because it can happen to some people in real life. Someone who would like this book is someone who like to read realistic fiction and someone who like to read funny and sad stories. An external conflict happened when her dad told her the truth about her mom and why she left them. An internal conflict happened when ratchet thought that her dad was being mean to her because he didn't want to tell her why her mom left because he didn't want to hurt her feelings.