First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg is funny and I can really connect to it! I think other kids will be able to connect to it too. It's about a girl named Sarah Hartwell who doesn't want to get out of bed on the first day of school. She has all kinds of excuses to try to not go to school, but Mr. Hartwell makes her go anyway. The surprise ending will shock readers! I think students will connect with Sarah. Most kids have been nervous on the first day of school before also. On my first day at a new school, my mom had to force me to get in the car. She had to walk me to my new class because I was so scared. Sarah acted the same way. Mr. Hartwell had to force her into the car too. The principal even had to walk Sarah to her classroom! I also thought the book was funny because Sarah was trying EVERYTHING to stay at home. The pictures show silly ways she tried to get out of going to school. If you are looking for a funny book that will help you get through your first day of school, you should definitely read First Day Jitters!