I think it would be a relly good book

Hazel Haven 2: Of Slaves & Treasure Hunters
By Clark Nielsen
After reuniting with her friends from Hazel Haven, Heather sets out to find the legendary treasure on the island of Darby's Grave. But their plans hit a snag when they're forced to deal with the slave/prison system of another island and run into other pirates looking for the same stash. And, of course, old rivals are still on the lookout for Heather, waiting for the chance to get their revenge.
Of Slaves & Treasure Hunters is the second book in the Hazel Haven trilogy. The series is a labor of love that combines the quirky characters and over-the-top fights of Japanese anime with a Western sense of humor and pacing. Inspired by stories like One Piece and Ranma 1/2, this lighthearted tale of islands, monsters, pirates, and castaways is a fun read for all ages.
Of Slaves & Treasure Hunters is the second book in the Hazel Haven trilogy. The series is a labor of love that combines the quirky characters and over-the-top fights of Japanese anime with a Western sense of humor and pacing. Inspired by stories like One Piece and Ranma 1/2, this lighthearted tale of islands, monsters, pirates, and castaways is a fun read for all ages.
Publisher: Nielsen
Published on 11/18/2014
Binding: Kindle Edition
Number of pages: 76