A rat that went to space. An eagle with a printed beak. Spiders that spun silk in space. These are just three of the 125 animals that change the world. In 125 Animals That changed the World, you will read about many amazing animals and how they changed the world . I like 125 Animals That Changed the World because I didn't know some of the animals mentioned in the book existed. This is the perfect book for you if you enjoy reading about animals.

125 Animals That Changed the World
By Brenna Maloney
This collection of heartwarming and surprising true tales celebrate heroic animals who saved the day, impart important lessons, and can inspire us to help change the world.
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes -- and many hail from the animal kingdom! Get ready to meet animals that made significant contributions to mankind and accomplished great things in their lifetimes. From top dog Sergeant Stubby, who earned a medal for his brave actions in World War I, to Winter, the courageous dolphin who received a prosthetic tail, this collection of short stories is inspirational, hilarious, and action-packed. Each tale is paired with amazing National Geographic photos and loads of animal facts to offer tons of fuzzy, furry, feathery fun on every page.
Book Reviews (21)
It looks amazing like wow!!! I love pigs oh and please follow me my username is faithgirl6482 because I only have 9 followers and I follow 44 PEOPLE and I only have 9 so yeah anyway I love this book
This book is so good. It's so cute the stories of the animals I love animals they are so cool. In this book it tells you stories about animals I think it is really interesting. Also animals DO change the world! I couldn't live in a world without animals. They are really WORLD changers.
It sounds so fun! I can't wait to read it! I think I will cry if I read this book, just the cover sounds so touching!
It sounds so fun! I can't wait to read it!
Looks fun.
I actually won this book from DOGO, and I read it over and over! There are so many cool stories! My favorite is when someone left a cat in a library drop-box and the librarian took it in as the library’s mascot. (It is on the last page you can turn to, bottom left) I TOTALLY recommend this book!
its so intresting and fun
penguins need respect STOP OIL SPILLS!!! who is with me?
Why did there hamsters turn super hamster? These animal books are so crazy! What happens at the end and the start is your flying dolphin power!