Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity

By Jeff Brown

38 ratings 49 reviews 10 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 2 - 3Grades 3 - 5n/a4.44926

Saddle up with Flat Stanley

Ever since Stanley was flattened by a bulletin board, every trip is an adventure!

The whole Lambchop family is off to see Mount Rushmore. But when Flat Stanley and his brother, Arthur, team up with a scrappy cowgirl named Calamity Jasper, their vacation turns into the Wild West experience of a lifetime. Pretty soon, they find themselves in a real tight spot—even for a flat boy like Stanley!

Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN-13: 9780061429910
ISBN-10: 0061429910
Published on 4/21/2009
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 96

Book Reviews (49)

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I really want to read flat Stanley's worldwide adventure mostly because i love the plot of flat Stanley. I have read a few books before on flat Stanley and i LOVED it. And plus Jeff Brown is one of my favorite personal authors of all time!

i have read all the flat stanley series and it was really written i think that this one could use some more detail but other than that it is a great book

This was a wonderful book it was about Stanley who is flat because a bulletin board fell on him and this time he went to Mt. Rushmore and had a great aventure and also had several problems (example got trapped in a cave

The Lovable Flat Stanley Strikes again with the Flat Boy who got smashed by a bulletin board. The Lambchops decide to go to Mt Rushmore, but when the brothers are teamed up with a crazy cowgirl its quite a ride. Join Stanley and his family as they travel around the World solving new problems,and teaching others about famous landmarks.

Flat Stanley books- never tired of them! The first adventure in the series, Stanley sets off with his family to go to Mount Rushmore. With jam packed exciting scenes, you can imagine being there with Stanley.

I really like how flat Stanley goes flat in all of his adventures. My school also did a field trip to a flat Stanley play.

This is one of the best books i ever read it was andevnter it was sad and doint forget the best book ever worte ever

The Lambchop family drives to South Dakota, hoping to escape the attention brought on by the accident that flattened Stanley, where they become involved in an awesome wild west adventure at Mount Rushmore.

This was ok. I like Flat Stanley, and this was ok, but it was really short, so I finished it fast.

Flat stanely is a a boy who got crushed by a billboard when he was asleep. When he goes to mount Rushmore he saves some peoples lives

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