Unidentified Suburban Object

Unidentified Suburban Object

By Mike Jung

27 ratings 36 reviews 23 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 4 - 6n/a5.249981
The next person who compares Chloe Cho with famous violinist Abigail Yang is going to HEAR it. Chloe has just about had it with people not knowing the difference between someone who's Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. She's had it with people thinking that everything she does well -- getting good grades, winning first chair in the orchestra, et CETera -- are because she's ASIAN.
Of course, her own parents don't want to have anything to DO with their Korean background. Any time Chloe asks them a question they change the subject. They seem perfectly happy to be the only Asian family in town. It's only when Chloe's with her best friend, Shelly, that she doesn't feel like a total alien.
Then a new teacher comes to town: Ms. Lee. She's Korean American, and for the first time Chloe has a person to talk to who seems to understand completely. For Ms. Lee's class, Chloe finally gets to explore her family history. But what she unearths is light-years away from what she expected.

Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
ISBN-13: 9780545782272
ISBN-10: 0545782279
Published on 5/30/2017
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 272

Book Reviews (36)

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dad dad

it is cool

It's so funny

The preview sounds good,so I want this book

I read the preview and I want the actual book

I have heard that this book is good