Many things in nature happen in cycles. There is the water cycle, where water evaporates, condenses into clouds, and falls again. But the most important cycle is the cycle of life. This cycle happens when animals give birth and die. Their babies give birth to new babies, and the process continues. But if animals do not die, they can not be part of the cycle anymore. All of this, the Tucks inform Winnie Foster. One day, Winnie decides to take a walk in the woods. She's tired of all the grownups in her family fussing over her. As she's walking in the woods, Winnie discovers a spring and a boy. She asks to drink from the spring, but the boy does not allow it. Suddenly, more people show up and kidnap her. These people, called Tucks, tell an interesting story. Many years ago, they drank from the spring, and when one person fell from a tree, he did not break his neck. When another cut her hand on a knife, she didn't get hurt. Soon, they realized that the spring was making them immortal! Winnie must decide whether she should drink from the spring and live forever. Or should she not drink, and die? And who is the suspicious man in the yellow coat? The descriptions were probably the best in all the books I read, but it can be boring sometimes.

Tuck Everlasting
By Natalie Babbitt
Book Reviews (10)
It isn't really that good a book. The detail is kind of mangy, and the dialogue is scarce. But it was good, but it was too off beat. I really do like this, and it is suspenseful.
I haven't read this book in a while, but it's really good. It's about a girl named Winnie, and when she discovers a magical spring in the woods that gives eternal life she has to choose between living forever and a normal life. Her new friend begs her to drink the water when she is eighteen like him and they will run away and get married, but she does not. She decides that she is destined to die someday and gives the last of her magical water to a toad.
We're reading this in my class, it's really good! Winnie foster is the main character, and the plot is about a drinking water that can make you live forever. It's really nice, with comedy, and other things. Definitely a must read in 5th grade.
the book was boring and short but I love the movie
Imagine living forever! That is what Winnie Foster wonders when she finds a stream with water that lets you be immune to death, also called immortality. But...should she join the Tucks on their never ending journey? Find out more in this gracefully written story! By the way, this isn't very action packed.
i love the book but like the movie better
Imagine having the choice at 9 years old to live forever and not age, or keep living and age. In the book that I read, Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. The main character Winnie, a 9 year old little girl, has the decision to live forever or keep ageing. The setting is in the woods, her house, and the tucks house. Winnie met this boy in the woods one day when she was wandering around. The boy's family ended up kidnapping her. They brought her to their house where there were 2 brothers and 1 sister. The siblings' names are Miles, Jesse, and Mae. I really liked watching Winnie develop a connection with the Tucks. Winne gets treated like she’s one of their siblings and appreciates everything they do for her. I thought Winnie was going to end up wanting to go home the whole time she was at the Tucks house, but she wanted to stay. She ended up not wanting to go home after meeting the Tucks. They were like her own family, she loved them. The connection that they developed I thought was so sweet. Did she end up drinking the water? I don’t know I guess you'll have to read it… You should read this book if you like confusing and lots of decision making. This book makes you kind of anxious, I always felt like I needed to know what was going to happen next. I would recommend this book for 6th graders and up because it gets confusing at some points in the book that maybe younger readers wouldn't understand.
Tuck Everlasting is the story where after Winnie Foster runs away to the other side of the fence where the forest of Treegap , meeting Jesse Tuck and his family soon after learning the secret that they drank some spring water that granted them immortality (as in never seeming to grow old and can't die). But there's someone else that they'll soon meet that wants to sell that water for profit. Connecting this to my life, it reminds me of my awareness of mortality and other books that tell you something important, but in a subtle way. I really liked this book because of its writing and its way of storytelling. The only reason that this review is 4 stars and not 5 is because nothing really struck out to be, for me at least, an extreme page turner. Overall this book is great for lots of kids. 4/5 Would recommend.
This is a book about a ten year old girl named Winnie Foster. One day she decides to run away only to stumble upon a boy drinking from a spring. It turns out that boy and his family can live forever. Winnie then learns that living forever isn't the best thing. She agrees to keep it a secret, but things worsen when a man in a yellow suit follows the Tucks and overhear their story. He plans on selling the water which would be bad in many ways. I loved this book even thought this was my second time reading it. It showed me how delicate life is and it made me think. What would it be like to live forever. I for sure give this a five star