The book opens with a strange statement... Some mysterious sixth graders have won the New York academic championship... How did it happen? What? The View from Saturday tells of the rise of the mysterious sixth graders who somehow beat the eighth graders. It tells of how Noah learned calligraphy, how Nadia rescued some sea turtles, how Ethan met Julian, and how Julian saved a canine from an embarrassing fate. Then it tells of how the 4 humans drank TEA and conspired to help Mrs. Olinski, a teacher who has been PARALYZED from the waist down. It is a strange and exciting tale, full of subtle humor. But it was sort of hard to get into, and the plot was confusing. But it all made sense in the end. Anyway gooood booooook. You should read it if you like realistic fiction.

The View from Saturday
By E. L. Konigsburg
Book Reviews (8)
I love this book! I first read this in 3rd grade! Awesome 💙
First, there are short tales of how Noah, Nadia, and Ethan are related. All because of a wedding. When they get back to school Julian a mysterious and fun boy appears. He then invites Noah, Nadia, and Ethan to a tea party at the Sillington house. There they have chose the name for themselves, the souls. They don’t know it yet but, they will have a bond far greater because of an event they are clueless about. Meanwhile Mrs. Olinski is in the midst of teaching all four of them, for they are all in the same class. This odd and mysterious theory relating to Alice in the Wonderland. Oh of course, the world atlas. Each of the members of the souls wins a question because Mrs. Olinski choose them because each was good with a subject. Ethan, Nadia, Julian, and Noah all play a part in winning the Academic Bowl. Mrs. Olinski finally learns the answer to the question of, how did you choose your team? You will have to read the book to find your answer but Mrs. Olinski stated, the team of the souls came on a journey, Julian’s the longest. They all found each other and Mrs. Olinski found a cup of kindness. And, that concludes that Humpty Dumpty is in Through the Looking Glass and not in Alice in the Wonderland.
This book was boring and very confusing because of all the changes in point of view and the flashbacks. Don’t really recommend.
I am a fifth grader and I thought this book was astounding and at first I didn’t like it you will
I rate this book as excellent since I appreciate that the author makes the protagonist, Ms. Olinski, choose four students to be part of her team for an academic competition. One of the student's’ dad knows information about Ms. Olinski that I do not expect he will know, which makes me admire what Konigsburg writes. The students, Julian, Ethan, Noah, and Nadia, have different ways that unite them to become part of the chosen students for the competition. I think that Konigsburg uses a unique way to explain how the students become friends, which is a tea party that Julian invites them to. I think that Julian having these tea parties leads to Julian’s dad wondering how Ms. Olinski chose them, since the tea parties take place at Julian’s home. She claims that she does not tell anybody how she chose those students, but Julian’s dad surprises her with his knowledge and encourages her when she feels worried and unaccomplished. I also appreciate Julian’s personality. He shows bravery when he is asked a question. When he knows that one of his answers are correct but the judge says that his answer is incorrect, Julian keeps arguing with him, although his team, The Souls, can become disqualified from the competition. Eventually, the judges find out that Julian’s answer is correct and give his team more points, but before that, Julian keeps disagreeing with the judges. This makes the judges end up speechless since they probably do not have a rebuttal against Julian’s answer. Another trait I appreciate about Julian is when he also shows self-control when the opposing team, from a school called Maxwell, answers a question with an answer that Julian considers wrong, and Julian does not say anything. Julian shows self-control even though he wants to blurt out another answer and say that Maxwell’s answer is incorrect. What these characteristics show about Julian is that although he talks back to authority since he has confidence, he is additionally respectful of what other people say.
No matter what, These 5 great stars represent a acomplishment on the book. This author is one of the most wonderful authors thatwrit books. I would recommend this to anyone who is intrested in great books. Happy Reading! xoxoxo
Students who want to succeed and win in life find time to work on their academics outside of school. The students in this book, led by their teacher go where their school has never gone academic competition!