I would love to have this coloring book because it has my first favorite Ben 10 alien named is Astrodactyl and I can squawk like Astrodactyl and he has really cool energy whips and he can shoot really cool energy beams out of r beak Iike mouth.

The Ultimate Ben 10 Coloring Book Age 3-12: Great Coloring Book for Kids and Any Fan of Ben 10 (Perfect for Children) With 38 High-quality Illustration
By Parker Press
Book Reviews (2)
I would love to look at this book of The Ultimate Ben 10 Coloring Book Age 3-12: Great Coloring Book for Kids and Any Fan of Ben 10 (Perfect for Children) With 38 High-quality Illustration because it has my favorite aliens from Ben 10 like Astrodactyl, Blitzwolfer, XLR8and any others aliens from Ben 10 series and shows on cartoon network on tv and my personal favorite is Astrodactyl because he can fly, and he has his really cool energy whips. And makes me want to have shape shifting powers so I could shape shift into Astrodactyl myself but a female version of Astrodactyl. And I also my other personal favorite is Blitzwolfer because he is a alien werewolf.And I also love to shape shift into Blitzwolfer but a female version of Blitzwolfer.And even though I love all the Ben 10 series shows on cartoon network.