still reading on chapter 7 i mean its okay

The Time Trilogy: A Swiftly Tilting Planet, A Wind in the Door and A Wrinkle in Time
By Madeleine L'Engle
Fifty years ago, Madeleine L’Engle introduced the world to A Wrinkle in Time and the wonderful and unforgettable characters Meg and Charles Wallace Murry, and their friend Calvin O’Keefe. Now their first three adventures are together in one volume. In the Newbery Award winner A Wrinkle in Time, the children learn that Mr. Murry has been captured by the Dark Thing, and they must time travel to Camazotz to save him. In A Wind in the Door, Meg, Calvin and Mr. Jenkins (their grade school principal) must travel inside C.W. and battle to save Charles’s life—as well as the balance of the universe. And in A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Meg’s brother Charles Wallace has twenty-four hours to stop the tragedy of nuclear war from occurring. Read the iconic novels that continue to inspire millions of fans around the world.
Book Reviews (10)
Hmmm, let me think about this. The story line is perfect, so good! This book would've deserved 4 stars if it would'nt have made the ending so vague. SPOILER- At the end when they rescue Charles, they forget about the rest of the world. I didn't like that last part. Other than that 3 stars is good. Totally recommend a classic. 😁
I have the whole individual collection!!
A Wrinkle in Time is an amazing fantasy story of a girl named Meg, her little brother Charles Wallace, and their friend, Calvin O'Keeffe. They go with three mostly unknown, magical women to a terrible planet to save Meg and Charles Wallace's father, who is a scientist and has been missing for years. I won't tell you the end, but the first book is an amazing story and left me thinking about time in a whole different way. I am currently reading book two and it is just as powerful as the first book. I recommend reading both. I also recommend watching the movie because I loved it so much, although it was quite scary.
This book is fun scary magical and cool it tells the story of a shy girl that can't find her father and sets of on a journey to find him. not much for Sci-Fi but i do have to admit it DOES have some good parts!! Its very good so far!
This book was confusing at first but then when i read more into it, it was really good! I love the movie too!
*(add on) It can be, at some times, dragging. Overall, put it on your reading list if you enjoy fantasy and action.
I kept seeing this novel on bookshelves everywhere, but had never gotten the chance to read this myself. Now that I have read it, I can give this book a solid 3.5. The story is so creative and mezmorizing
This was my favorite book as a child. I loved the mystery of the tesseract. I related to Meg because she seemed a lot like me. Madeline L'Engle creates a story that champions the themes of individuality and love triumphs over evil. A MUST read!