3.5 stars---Since I'm a person who gives books second (and sometimes third) chances, I decided to read the fourth book in the School For Good and Evil series. (I'm talking about second chances and all that because I didn't really like the third book). So, "Quests for Glory" was good, but not great. It was much better than the previous book in the series, The Last Ever After, but I just couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. Again, the book was longer than it needed to be, and I felt like too many new characters were introduced all at once (You know, Nicola (even though she has now become one of my favorite people in the series)? Rhian? All the other minor characters whose names I forgot?) Anyway, I just couldn't keep track of who was who because of this. At least Sophie (everyone's FAVORITE character, I'm being sarcastic) seems to have gotten better. She isn't as vain or self-obsessed as she used to be (oh, wait, I take that back. I guess hosting a party EVERY DAY IN HONOR OF YOURSELF IS vain and self obsessed after all). But I mean it about Sophie's personality improving a tiny bit as the story progresses. After meeting Rhian, she somehow snobbed down (I don't think that's a word, but...). I don't know how it happened, though, since she normally gets even MORE annoying than usual (if that's possible) when she has a boyfriend. Also, Tedros. (We're all going to release those exasperated sighs we've been trying to hold in). I had problems with him in the third book too, and HIS personality, unfortunately, has NOT improved. NOT ONE BIT. Despite being crowned king of Camelot, he's still brash, arrogant, and selfish (I mean, other kingdoms are in trouble, and he has the power to help them but he doesn't? Because he acts like he's worried about the bankruptcy of his own kingdom, though he does absolutely NOTHING to help the poor people? No wonder they liked Rhian better, even though he was the villain all along). And then, there's the plot. Though the plots in the previous School for Good and Evil books were unique and intriguing, this one didn't really hook me. People going on valiant quests that quickly spiral downward because of some unseen villain, while a hero swoops in and tries to save everyone? It sounds kind of stereotypical to me... So I know that all the stuff I've mentioned so far makes the book sound bad, but that's not what I'm going for. I really did think "Quests for Glory" was good, if not amazing. As I mentioned earlier, I loved the character of Nicola--she's smart, resourceful, and worldly. I didn't expect to like her that much, but I did. Rhian is also a pretty well-developed character. I know, he's the villain and we don't know anything about his past, but he still manages to be a cunning double agent whom (admit it) we all liked (as a character, not like THAT). The world building was awesome as usual, and I can tell Chainani works hard on that part of his books. The twist at the end added some drama and suspense, though it was kind of predictable. So I did like the book, and I might read the next one (there's something strangely addicting about a book series that you've started but not finished yet).

The School for Good and Evil #4: Quests for Glory
By Soman Chainani
If Good and Evil can’t find a way to work together, neither side will survive.
With every end comes a new beginning in the fourth installment of Soman Chainani’s New York Times bestselling School for Good and Evil series, Quests for Glory. Join Sophie, Agatha, Tedros, and the other students as they begin a new era in the Endless Woods—The Camelot Years—where Evers and Nevers alike must move beyond the bounds of school and into the biggest, boldest adventures of their lives.
The students at the School for Good and Evil thought they had found their final Ever After when they vanquished the malevolent School Master. Now, on their required fourth-year quests, the students face obstacles both dangerous and unpredictable, and the stakes are high: success brings eternal adoration, and failure means obscurity forever.
For their quests, Agatha and Tedros are trying to return Camelot to its former splendor as queen and king. For her quest, Dean Sophie seeks to mold Evil in her own image. But soon they all feel themselves growing more isolated and alone. When their classmates’ quests plunge into chaos, however, someone must lead the charge to save them...
Book Reviews (12)
Amazing his series is my favorite every I have read every book in the series including the one true king the new a nd finale book
This books are amazing
I found the first book of the series a while back, and I loved the series, recently, (2020) the final book came out, ending the saga, if I told you anymore, it would spoil how good it is.
Ooooh, this one was so good!!! So, Teddy has finally had his coronation, (which didn't go very well) and Agatha, as his princess, doesn't even get to see him. It has been 6 months since the coronation and they haven't talked (or kissed!!) since!! At the school, Sophie is the new Dean of Evil and all the fourth year students, Sopie & Agatha & Tedros included, have to go on Quests. Suddenly a student is killed on his Quest, and everyone rushes to find out what happened to him. There is this Evil character known as the Snake, he is the one who killed the student. Then a Lion comes and helps King Tedros kill the Snake. But is he Good, or is he Evil??? Read the book to find out!!
How to I access the book above I can’t manage to open any pages past page 33
This is making me crazy waiting for March 19th, when number 5 will come out. I thought the situation was bad in the beginning, but *SPOILER ALERT* then Sophie is forced to act as queen for someone who is a thousand times worse then Rafal (if you've got no idea who Rafal is, you should go and reed book 3). Also Tedros is made out as the one responsible for all the bad stuff in the woods and awaits execution as this wannabe king takes over Camelot. Everyone who knows the truth is imprisoned and only Agatha escapes, with a bounty over her head, as the formerly famous future queen of Camelot, hailed as one of the most illustrious students to attend the School for Good, is now fleeing from a kingdom that was once hers. This is at the END of the book.
There is a 4th one
Yes Can not wait to buy and read love this sereis
I didn't like this book at all. *SPOILER ALERT* One of my most favorite characters was killed, my most favorite of all (Sophie) was useless for the entire book and only screamed. She acted very un-Sophie like during the entire book, constantly acting like a wuss while actually she is supposed to be one of the most powerful characters in the School for Good and Evil world (She's a DEAN!). The character Nicola had no original ideas and was just a waste of time who annoyed the heck out of me and my friends. Tedros and the ridiculous Rhian annoyed me with their constant brilliance at everything and their brilliant ability to do everything while the girls just screamed or argued. There was no character development at all. The "Snake" was the most laughable and over-flaunted villain I have ever seen in my life. And the twist at the end almost made me throw my kindle across my room and scream.
Hey, that is not a good way of saying a book review. I mean, you know it's a good book to several people too. I think you can complement this book a bit too. This book was awesome!!!
If people don't like something they aren't going to say something nice about it :)