A fox stole 3 little chicks. First he wanted to eat them but then he grew quite attached to them. In the end, he tries to help the whole group of chickens to anti fox. I like the part where the chickens transform into a big gigantic chicken monster.

The Big Bad Fox
By Benjamin Renner
Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Fox? No one, it seems.
The fox dreams of being the terror of the barnyard. But no one is intimidated by him, least of all the hens―when he picks a fight with one, he always ends up on the losing end. Even the wolf, the most fearsome beast of the forest, can’t teach him how to be a proper predator. It looks like the fox will have to spend the rest of his life eating turnips.
But then the wolf comes up with the perfect scheme. If the fox steals some eggs, he could hatch the chicks himself and raise them to be a plump, juicy chicken dinner. Unfortunately, this plan falls apart when three adorable chicks hatch and call the fox Mommy.
Beautifully rendered in watercolor by Benjamin Renner, The Big Bad Fox is a hilarious and surprisingly tender parable about parenthood that's sure to be a hit with new parents (and their kids too).
Book Reviews (2)
it is about how a fox is lonley and wishes he was not and he wanted egg because he was hungey and so he stole eggs with the wolfs help but then he got atcahet to them