In this book, Claudia takes a new job for Betsy Sobak. Betsy turns out to be a real practical joker. From a fake ice cube with a fly in it to pepper gum, this is too much. Could things get any worse? Yup. A prank gone wrong lands Claudia in the hospital with a broken leg, and she's talking about quitting the club. Now the rest of the cub wants revenge on Betsy. Will the BSC win the joke war? Or will they be out pranked by Betsy? Will Claudia leave the club?

The Baby-Sitters Club #19: Claudia and the Bad Joke
By Ann M. Martin
Claudia's not worried when she hears her newest baby-sitting charge, Betsy, is a great practical joker. After all, how much harm can one girl do?
As it turns out--plenty! Claudia breaks her leg because of one of Betsy's mean jokes . . . and now she's talking about quitting the club. Baby-sitting might be too dangerous. The rest of the BSC decides that Betsy needs to be taught a lesson--and the joke war is on!
The best friends you'll ever have--with classic BSC covers and a letter from Ann M. Martin!
Book Reviews (6)
Claudia is used to difficult charges, so Betsy, a practical jokester, will be no problem. But when one of Betsy's pranks makes Claud break her leg, Claudia now know what everyone meant; Betsy is a terror! Claudia now is considering leaving the BSC. The other BSC girls are mad; Besty's going to pay for this! I thought this book was funny, enjoyable to read, and relatable. It teaches the importance of never judging a book by its cover. It also taught the power of friendship. This book hinted at the true qualities friends need to have. I thought this book was extremely good and would suggest if you like friendship, practical jokes, and babysitting. Happy reading!
This book is cool. Poor Dawn ate some shaving cream.
Claudia takes a babysitting job for a new client and is excited. But Betty is horrible! She plays tons of pranks . But one of those pranks land Claudia in the hospital with a broken leg! The bsc are now going to prank Betty to good! I give this book 5 stars.
In this book written by Ann M. Martin Claudia isn't too deterred when she realizes that her new client, Betsy, is a little bit of a practical joker. After all, a few pranks won't hurt anyone... right? That's what Claudia think, but when joke gone too far causes her to get seriously hurt, Claudia isn't sure if baby sitting is right for her anymore. Read the book to find out if Claudia quits the baby sitters club! Happy Reading! I gave this book 4 stars because it was good but sometimes a little confusing.
This story must be interesting because all the baby sitters club books are awesome. They are about solving problems and baby sitting. The have suspense and good plots and problems. Hope you enjoy this book1 ~LV