Teen Talk with Dr. Gilda: A Girl's Guide to Dating
By Dr. Gilda Carle
Whassup with your relationships?
Do you have trouble snagging a guy -- or that guy?
Does your boyfriend not make you a priority?
Do your girlfriends run hot and cold more than you'd like?
Based on thousands of e-mails she receives from around the world, Dr. Gilda -- formerly MTV Online's "Love Doc" -- has written a book that addresses teen issues as they really are.
Teen Talk with Dr. Gilda shows girls how to protect themselves from the not-so-good guys and girlfriends, find stable, loving relationships , and prevent a lifetime of unhealthy and unhappy commitments. Jampacked with quizzes, exercises, and her famous "Gilda-Grams," Teen Talk with Dr. Gilda is a must-read for all teenage girls -- as well as their concerned moms.
Gilda-Grams to Remember
- No matter what a guy tells you, the only things to believe are his actions.
- To have a good friend, you must be a good friend.
- Attracting attention is not the same as attracting love.
- It's not important to be part of a couple. It's more important to be part of the right couple.
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