Kids Books - Trending Books
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy
By Jeanne Birdsall
Don't ever judge a book by its cover you'll be sorry you did. About three years ago my mom picked up this book and said that she thought it would be a good read. I took one look at the cover and said " that looks boring ". She insisted that I try it and over the summer I did. It was fantastic! The very book is now sitting on my shelf and I have re-read it many times. Rosalind,Skye,Jane,and Batty are not entirely sure what this summer may hold for them but they are determined to make it a Penderwick one. Rosalind the oldest and the prettiest if you ask any of the other sisters acts like the girls' mother because their mother died years before while also trying to sort out her feeling about a teenage gardener named Cagney. Skye the only sister that looks anything like their mother with blond hair and blue eyes is ready for a relaxing summer with just the perfect amount of sisters fun and trouble. Jane the head in the clouds author sister is working on her new Sabrina Starr book. Batty the youngest is happy to be out playing with her best friend the family dog named Hound. What looks to be a good summer turns into a great one with adventures like a man goring bull, two rabbits, a grouchy neighbor, and a very mysterious boy.
Darkness of Dragons (Wings of Fire, Book 10)
By Tui T. Sutherland
A terribly displeasing ending to one of my favorite series ever. I understand that Tui T. Sutherland had backed herself into a corner with the major plot holes in Talons of Power, but she only digs herself deeper. At this point, I don’t think it was an accident or a poorly thought plan, just simply a bad idea executed pretty well. All things considered, I am extremely disappointed with this book, I was so connected to it, I had dreams of it, wrote fanfictions of it, was inspired by it, and its characters were always in my head…I’m not sure I will ever get over how upset I am with this. **SPOILER WARNING** If you have not read the book yet, please stop here. Firstly, it was bad enough that readers had to follow Turtle in Talons of Power, with his sadly pathetic demeanor and slow dopey train of thought, despite his obvious capabilities. But then we get a book with Qibli, whose cleverness and cunning I for one have been greatly looking forward to, only to find someone who thinks along the same lines. “Oh, woe is me, I’m useless and the world hates me…” Secondly, Tui has been showing signs of failing in the exact same place as many other authors, something as a critic I cannot stress enough-- character consistency. First shown in the fleeting glimpses of our beloved characters in Talons of Power, and now given as a blast to the face here. Thirdly-- and this is mostly due to Talons of Power, not inherently this book-- Darkstalker’s defeat was so…dumb. One of the unspoken laws of writing is to never, ever make any character-- good or evil-- all-powerful because then there is no really good way to get rid of them. I mean seriously, he teleported all animus dragons all over the world to his throne room in a second (by the way, where on earth is the animus enchanting in that spell?), and he supposedly made himself invulnerable to animus magic, yet both with Turtle's stick and with his defeat it didn't seem to work... Fourth, the greatest plot hole in the book, how did Darkstalker even get his power back or how did the piece of his scroll that Moon and Qibli used to defeat him have any power? The animus magic can only be in one place-- otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense-- but when they "destroyed" the scroll with his animus magic he got his power back, yet there was part of his scroll still left with magic in it. How does Tui explain this? She doesn't, which is the worst thing she could do. Fifth and finally-- and this one is about the character pairing in the book-- why the heck did Tui decide to do Moon and Qibli? Although I suppose it was obvious since she announced that the last book was going to be on Qibli. And this isn’t all about personal opinion! If you think about it, how many times before this book did Moon and Qibli even speak to each other, let alone exchange special looks, or were even alone together? In Winter Turning I would say that Winter and Moon had some romantically tense moments, which were very exciting to read about. On top of that, and this last part doesn’t matter as much but it is still significant, there were polls on what pair the readers wanted in several places on the internet, including Scholastic’s official website, and readers voted incontestably for Moon and Winter, with the polls going at an average of 76% to 24%. **End of Spoilers** All in all, a complete flunk from my point of view. I understand that the vast majority will be happy with whatever they are given, but I’m not. I only ask for three simple things: A good story. Consistent characters. And a good ending to the series. That’s it. Nothing more. I’m not asking for perfection, just decency, and although this was one of my favorite series ever, this book couldn’t even nearly reach those simple standards. And for that, my 2-Star Rating.
Across the Universe
By Beth Revis
this book was seriously everything about this book is amazing! everything was so thought out, and i love that. even though it was in two perspectives i still loved it! this is the first in a trilogy and it is about a girl named Amy who is frozen in order to go to this new planet that will arrive in 300 years! Amy is suddenly awaken, someone has unplugged her. now she is trying to find out who is killing all of these frozen people and why her. with the help of Elder, who she is not sure she should trust. 5 stars!!!!!!
Loser by Jerry Spinelli, Eileen Spinelli (Editor), Joanna Cotler (Editor)
By Eileen Spinelli (Editor), Joanna Cotler (Editor) by Jerry Spinelli
Dear readers, I know this looks like a long review, but please read it. This year, after summer, our English teacher showed us a book he liked. It was called Loser. He explained what the book was about but I didn't understand it. Because you can read better than explain, right? A month later he gave us an assignment. We had to read Loser and answer questions. Sometimes we read it out loud or on our own. In chapters 1, 2, and 3, I didn't understand it and it seemed boring. (If you're going to read the book, don't skip any chapters.) Then on every page, it got more interesting. I kept reading it and I finally finished it. This book is about a boy named Zinkoff (Donald Zinkoff), who's in first grade. On his very first day, he was very excited to go. He brought his favorite giraffe hat to school. The teacher tells him there are 2160 days of his life in school left. Zinkoff was happy. In his journey through his life, Zinkoff had many things happen to him. Like being left out. He's much different than other kids. He believes in many things you probably never thought of. But he never really lets anything bother him. Days pass, months, years. The end of fifth grade comes, and he's very sad. He will miss everything because he's going to middle school. And somehow, a loser became a hero. I never really had a favorite book, but this book deserves it. Trust me, it's much better than it seems. I'm in sixth grade and I recommend this book for grades 5-8. I hope you read it. You will laugh and you will cry. I hope you enjoy it.
5,000 Awesome Facts About Animals
By National Geographic
I got this in a free book giveaway. I love it! There are so many cool facts!! I wish I could give it 100 stars.
Pelé: The King of Soccer
By Eddy Simon
Title and author: Pele the king of soccer,Eddy Simon. I chose the rating 2 because it was kind of challenging. I read it for three days. This book had small sentences and easy words.But the main point of this book was hard. I learned from this book that nothing is easy but nothing is impossible also. Interesting I found was that Pele scored more than one thousand goals. And that his dad also played soccer. I would recommend this book to 3-5 grade because it has a strong main point but easy words and sentences.
Predator Cities #1: Mortal Engines (Predator Citites)
By Philip Reeve
Did not like it. I did not finish this book because I thought the writing style strange and the characters not well-developed. I think that some people would really enjoy this, but I will not be continuing the series.
The Chronicles Of Narnia (7 Book Series)
By C.S. Lewis
Yesterday I read Silverbell. It talks about a girl named Jill Pole to rescue a long lost prince. The prince’s father is sad because there’s no prince to become king after him. The girl travels through an underground world called The Land Of Bism where gnomes roam, eating diamonds.Gnomes are critters like humans, but have a hundred toes. My favorite part is when she gets to the house of the ManChomping Giants, giants who eat men for dinner. First, some lazy men were sleeping nearby. Jill picks the men up and tosses them into the ManChomping Giants’ house. The giants’ house was a big stone fortress, but it had windows on the floor. That part was the funny bit. Then, the girl goes to the Land Of The White Witch, and finds the prince by breaking the witch’s spell. They broke the spell by breaking a silver bell. Finally, they must battle the witch. That part was the scary bit. The moral of the story is to keep trying, even when things look hopeless. I like the story because they had a grand party at the end. If you want to see if they beat the witch, read the story!!!
Winter Turning (Wings of Fire, Book 7)
By Tui T. Sutherland
Not The best of the series. But still quite good. The writing is wonderful. The world Sutherland has created is vibrant and complex and oh so amazing well thought out for a middle grade series. Or frankly, for ANY epic fantasy series. I loved finally getting to see the Icewing culture, even though it was terribly depressing & must be so hard on all those poor Icewing dragonets. I'm loving how far the Darkstalker legend has come, has been expanded for the ghost stories of the terrified Nightwings in book 5. And it was great getting to know these new dragonets better. (Although I still can't figure out why they are suddenly so loyal to each other after knowing each other for like 5 days.) The story itself was well crafted and fun, with hints of "oh my god, this stuff is kinda dark, why is it for kids?" Thrown in. Like all the other "Wings of Fire" books. But, sadly, I didn't find "Winter Turning" QUITE as enjoyable as previous books. And again, sadly, I had to give it only 3 stars instead of a super excited 5 or 4. Mostly, due to Winter himself. It was painful, being stuck in his head. :( so sad, because I usually love the tortured soul, angry & sad type heroes. I found him annoying and whiney and mean. Why did Moon spend so much time telling how good & great he is? All I saw was a super whiny little dragon. A hateful dragon. I get that he spent his whole life being told to basically hate all other tribes, (& having unpleasable parents) but come on. It was a bit over the top.... And then the over the top-ness of it was undermined by how quickly he got over it all. Although I did feel how much he missed and loved Hailstorm so that was good. He just wasn't a very likable character. :( I know that they don't always have to be, but I was so looking forward to this book and this character & I felt so let down. :/ It wasn't a bad book really. It just wasn't as great as it could have been. I felt Winter could have been a great character. But really he was just obnoxious. At least I only had to deal with one book in his point of view. The series is still one of my favorites, so I look forward to reading and reviewing the next book "Escaping Peril" Recommended to fans of dragons, the rest of the series, and lovers of epic fantasy.
We Were There, Too!: Young People in U.S. History
By Phillip M Hoose
Author Phillip Hoose bringing the history of America which had started in 1600s-1700s. That book includes people like; Carrie Berry, Frederick Douglas, Kory Johnson, etc. When I had read this book, I felt like when I'm reading them about their life, it's like they are alive again. It's also truly shocking of how many people that I never heard of before had experienced the difficulties of war, starvation, etc. This book would be perfect for history-lovers or bookworms! - Happy Reading!