Kids Books - Trending Books
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
By Ann Brashares
4 best friends. 4 different destinations for the summer. 1 pair of magical pants. This is a recipe for a summer Carmen, Tibby, Lena, and Bridget will never forget!! The 4 friends are all going different places for the first time in their lives this summer. It’s going to be very different. On their last day together before parting ways, they find a seemingly normal pair of pants in Carmen’s closet. But when they try them on, they realize the pants fit everyone perfectly!!! They must be magic, because they all have different body types and heights. They decide to send the pants back and forth during the summer so they can each have some of its luck. Get ready for a wild ride, because this book has a lot of fun and energy inside! I personally really enjoyed this book, but it does have some mature content, so I recommend it for grades 8 and up, maybe 7th grade if you are a mature reader. What will the Pants have in store for you?? :)
All This Time
By Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott
I truly wanted to like this book. I did not. In All This Time, the protagonist, Kyle Lafferty, gets broken up with by his lifelong girl Kimberly right off the bat. Then, while they're fighting in Kyle's car about why they don't work together anymore, there's a freak storm that causes Kyle and Kimberly to get in a car crash. Kyle wakes up to learn that Kim is dead. Unable to cope, he defers his dream school, UCLA, which he was supposed to go to in September. After months of nightmares and not really living, he meets Marley, a sweet girl who shares similar trauma. Slowly, they fall in love while trying to heal together. But what first seems like an okay story takes a complete turn, and there are so many twists and inexplicable events that the story doesn't make any sense at all by the end. There are so many attempts at plot twists and shocking the reader that it's a confusing, nonsensical pile of pages. The beautiful cover and the famous authors first attracted me, but now, I can't look at this book the same way. Please do not let yourself down by reading this. It is truly confusing and overwhelming.
By John David Anderson
I did not like this book at all! I had read Ms. Bixby's Last day, another book by this author and loved it. It is about a kid, Eric who is dealing with a no phone policy, friends, and girls. It was not very put together, and was a disappointment. I would tell readers to NOT read this book.
Black Beauty (100 Copy Limited Edition)
By Anna Sewell
The story about Black Beauty had been started when he was just a foal. He was described as a horse with black coat, along with the black mane. But once when he got older, he got sold to many different hands (people who works with horses) such like; Squire and Lady Gordon, Miss W--, Miss Anna, etc. Beauty also friends with other horses; Merrylegs, Ginger, and Captain. Even though this book is fictional but the way the author, Anna Sewell wrote about Black Beauty has just felt so real. I had really enjoyed this book and this book would be perfect for any horses-lovers. - Happy Reading!
Miracle's Boys
By Jacqueline Woodson
Jacqueline Woodson, The author of Miracle Boys’ tells a story about three kids that are forced to grow up without any parents. Lafayette is one of the main characters. He is determined but also is very curious about his parents deaths. His brother, Tyree is forced to raise 2 other kids to as he is in charge of the house and has to have a job instead of working. It is often in a apartment in New York where they are forced to live in a small rundown room. They live in a poor rundown apartment with their brother, Tyree in charge even though he is 19 because both of their parents died. The story is written in paragraphs with it very descriptive. I like that there are chapters every 7 pages or so. It is not meant to be a very funny book but makes up for its lack of humor with description. One example from the book is, “Brothers is the baddest. Then comes Dominicans. Dominicans don’t mess around. I’m cool with Dominicans though” It shows how throughout the book they are forced to live in unity with each other. Another quote is, “Ty’ree was all right after Mama died. But I was all wrong. The year before, I’d seen this show about snakes. They showed this one snake slipping out of its old skin and then leaving the old skin on the ground behind him. That’s how I felt—like Mama’d been my skin. But I hadn’t grown a new skin underneath, like the snake had. I was just blood and bones spreading all over the place.” This show how Lafayette was still recovering throughout the story from his Mom’s death. Miracle Boy’s has won the Coretta Scott King award for authors. The author, Jacqueline Woodson has won the John Newbery awards for 2 of her other books. Woodson went to Adelphi University in Garden City, New York. Miracle Boy’s made me get into the book. It made me feel like I was right there with Lafayette in his journey without his parents. It made me experience what it felt like by putting me in the shoes of someone without parents.
Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot (Captain Underpants #12)
By Dav Pilkey
There's something rotten in the state of Ohio, and it's smellier than a pile of putrid gym socks! Steer clear -- it's Sir Stinks-A-Lot! George and Harold, and their doubles, Yesterday George and Yesterday Harold, have a good thing going. Two of them go to school, while the other two hide in the tree house and play video games all day -- then they switch! But when their malicious gym teacher, Mr. Meaner, creates a method of mind-control that turns their fellow students into attentive, obedient, perfect children, the future of all humanity will be in their hands Captain Underpants is so awesome! This one was super funny. George and Harold are the best! I wish I could be friends with them in real life and go on crazy adventures Exciting book I can’t wait to read the next one and I love the author!!!!! It was super fun and awesome to This final book in the Captain Underpants series is the best book in all of the series! It is funny and horrifying as the series comes to an end.Reading this book was kind of cool. Although, when I saw the drawing of the P.E. coach's armpit stink thing, it made my stomach flop. I legit also heard my stomach gurgle because the stink made me SICK. I never knew the drawings would hurt me that much. I did not like the book. The story makes no sense and jumps around. If I were you I would not read this book! I liked this book. I liked the gym teacher's advice," My advice for you is for you not to follow my advice said the gym teacher,' I think it was funny. I would have liked this book even more if the series continued Ok, I was not sure about this book. And you people seem to like it so I will try it out :)
Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 1: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
By Bryan Lee O'Malley
I can't believe I'm writing a book review on a website I used about six years ago for class. Anyway, I've watched the movie, the (newly released) TV show, and I have the game. Now, that I am a proud owner of this comic series I can tell you that it is a must-read. This story is about a man named Scott Pilgrim who starts dating a 17-year-old high school girl, Knvies Chau, but will eventually have to break up with her when he finds the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers. She is a delivery girl for Amazon and she just moved to Toronto, Canada. In order for Scott and Ramona to continue dating, Scott must defeat all of Ramona's seven evil exs. It has a great story, amazing characters, and is a great comedie.
A Faraway Island
By Annika Thor
This book is taking place in world war II in Sweden. A girl named Stephanie Steiner and her little sister, Nellie Steiner have to leave Sienna, there home because they are Jewish. They both are very sad that they have to leave their parents. It starts on a bus making their journey to Sweden. But lets skip that and go straight to when they arrive. ...soon after they arrive, a women named aunt Marta. Aunt Marta is married to a happy man named uncle Evert, now part of the reason they decided to be their foster parents is because they used to have a kid. But Stephie doesn't know that till later on in the book. Nellie and Stephie have to learn Swedish, because they only speak German. after learning some words, Nellie is taken to a woman named auntie Alma. Nellie is scared because she is being separated from her sister! the day after Stephie goes over to auntie Alma's house because Nellie is sobbing. Nellie tells her, "please take me home! I wet my bed!" Stephie has to explain for quite some time using her body to auntie Alma. Now Nellie wet her bed because she had to go to the bathroom, but she forgot she was safe from the soldiers. So auntie Alma puts a chamber pot under Nellies bed...
Where She Went
By Gayle Forman
Where she went is the sequel to the book If I stay. This is one of my favorite duology that I've ever read. i really likt the author's way of writing these books. The characters emotions are so raw and you can feel like you are going through what the characters are going through. Tears and giggles will all happen while you read. The basic summury of this book is that after Mia's whole family died, she went on and started performing in New York. She broke up with Adam three years ago and started a new life. But on that special day, where they both happen to be in the exact same place, the two former lovers meet again. This book really gave a closure to the story of Mia and Adam. I like how the author is describing Adam's emotion because it's so real. You can actually feel the things that he is going through. The best thing about this book is that all of the events that happend in the book happened in one single day. I am so impressed by how she could write something so touching and relatable yet in just one scene. The whole book doesn't have a stopping point, it's a continuous story that you would never want to put down. I definetly recommend this book to teens, tweens or even adults, because at some point later in your life, you would experience what the characters have. I would suggest that you read the first book If I Stay first before reading this one.
Fracture Me (Shatter Me Book 2)
By Tahereh Mafi
An harrowing eye-opening account of Adam's time after having broken up with Juliette. Necessary.