Kids Books - Trending Books
A Good Kind of Trouble
By Lisa Moore Ramée
Seventh Grade is filled with tough decisions for Shayla, she is faced with the fear of making wrong decisions, but even worse she scared to make the right decision. Shayla is very thankful for her long time best friends Julia and Isabella. However, now that Seventh grade has started, she feels like they are drifting apart. For some reason Shayla is faced with the problem of fitting in. Her older sister Hana encourages her to participate with her in the Black Lives Matter Movement, at first Shayla is skeptical about joining her sister, but with the way things are going for her in school and with her best friends, she decides to join her sister, however she is fearful of making wrong decisions! She's allergic to trouble! This book includes bonds of friendship and rising up against power I recommend this book to anyone who interested in social rights, self empowerment, and friendship
Real Friends
By Shannon Hale
I think this book is awesome, amazing and a great book this book is called Real Friends. The author's name is Shannon Hale and the illustrator is Leuyen Pham. The main characters are Shannon, Adrienne, Jenifer and Jenny. Shannon and Adrienne have been best friends ever since they were little. But one day, Adrienne starts hanging out with Jenifer, the most poplar girl in class and the leader of a circle of friends called The Group. Everyone in the group wants to be Jenifer's #1, and some girls would do anything to stay on top ... even if it means bullying others. I like this book because it was a awesome graphic novel. The book had exciting action when Shannon played wonder twins with Adrienne.Or when Shannon typed the story with all her friends in the story. And the story has a great message was in the book the message was don't choose to be mean choose to be the nicest as you can be! Other kids would like this book if they like graphic novels or if they like books with good message. That is why other kids would like this book. Read Real Friends to find out what happens next.
Big Nate Blasts Off
By Lincoln Peirce
Title and Author: Big Nate Blast of, Lincoln Peirce. Genre: fiction (adventure) l chose rating three because it has a lot of words but not a lot of sentences. Could choose rating two but this book has a lot of pages but the meaning of this book is easy. I learned from the weak that you can become the strongest. By only training and learning. I found it interesting that there is a game that is called a mud ball. There was a lot of surprises in this book
Looking for Alaska
By John Green
Looking for Alaska is a really unique, emotional, and tragical book. This book is about an unpopular and ordinary junior called Miles who goes to a boarding school to search for new opportunities and to be someone different. But when he met Alaska Young, his life made a 180 degree change. She was mysterious, moody, but also bought broke Miles out of his shell and made his life more unpredictable and adventurous. One of my favorite scenes in this book is the part where Miles is reading Takumi's letter. It revealed the truth about Alaska's death and how Takumi's role is important in this book. It also showed how much Miles had developed as a person. i think this book is also really similar to Paper Towns, also by John Green. Both books are discussing the topic of discovering who we truly are. Oftenly, when teenagers have crushes we see it as love at first sight and believe that we really love and know them. But the person we actually like is just our imaginations of who they are. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone, not only is it mysterious, but also heart wrenching and really interesting. Believe me, you won't regret reading it!
[The 5th Wave] (By: Rick Yancey) [published: July, 2013]
By Rick Yancey
The 5th Wave is probably my favourite book that I’ve read this year (it’s only February so hang on). I can’t believe that I have put off reading this for so long because it’s honestly so unbelievable, all of it. The author’s style of writing. The characters. The plot was so good it was insane! The pace of the book, the twists, the whole idea of the book in general - it was just amazing. The author’s writing can put you through a sort of trance; I spent three hours and finished the book in one sitting. This book was also really realistic which I like, because you can barely find any other realistic books that feature dystopian worlds/societies anymore. I especially loved the characters: Ben/Zombie, Cassie, Sam/Nugget, Ringer, Evan, each and every one of them. The author makes them come alive, with different personalities that never get boring. I really had fun reading this book. And as a plus this book gave me so much inspiration for writing my own stories, I literally could not stop writing! The author used a lot of literary devices that just enhanced the reading experience for me. The different points of view sort of made me confused but overall the book was perfect!
By Jerry Spinelli
David's mother died almost a year ago, and his father is burying his grief at work. So David, 9, lives with his grandmother and takes out all of his anger and pain on her. Primrose, 13, never knew her father, and her mother is so distant that Primrose has moved into a van in the backyard. David meets Primrose while she is pretending to be dead at an Easter egg hunt, and the two begin sneaking out at night, roaming the town looking for trash to sell. As these two angry, hurting children squabble and connect, both find something in the other that allows them to begin to heal. There's surreal magic to the scenes where David and Primrose are abroad together in the night, almost as if they have entered another world. By flashlight and moonlight, they explore their town, searching for trash or night crawlers, hanging out with a kindly junkman, constantly bickering, but learning more and more about each other. Spinelli has a keen eye for character and motivation, and even though from the outside the kids' behavior would seem bizarre, as Spinelli takes readers inside, their actions start to seem not just understandable -- but familiar. The central metaphor, which recurs again and again in ways both obvious and subtle, will give discussion groups lots to talk about. So will the difficult and complicated relationships here: the central one between David and Primrose, of course, but also between the children and the adults in their lives. By turns moving, magical, and startlingly original. 5/5 stars :)
Fashion Kitty
By Charise Mericle Harper
i love thiz book its the bomdigity and its super cool i love all of the books kitty is very cool and she really has fashion
Locomotion (Coretta Scott King Author Honor Books)
By Jacqueline Woodson
This is one of my All-Time Favorites!
Ghost (Track)
By Jason Reynolds
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get chased by your own dad with a gun. My book is Ghost by Jason Reynolds. The book’s setting is in modern times and it takes place in at the track field and middle school. The protagonist or main character is cash he is a african american boy who runs like no other boy on his middle school elite track team. He calls himself ghost he has two friends and is poor. First conflict is: he really doesn’t have a father figure in his life because his father tried to shoot his mom and him. So they ran to a little general store down the street where Mr.Charles the owner works they hid in back closet from his dad. The second conflict is this bully at school he bullies him about his clothes and that his mom works in a Cafeteria. He attempts to solve one of the conflicts by ignoring the bully but he can’t hold back and knocks the bully on the jaw. I would recommend this book to an audience of a mature level because it has some violence and swears other than that I personally think you should read this book.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14
By Jeff Kinney
It's spring so that means spring cleaning for Greg. He finds bunch of his old stuff that he either has to keep or throw away or donate so he decides to make some money out of it. Things don't go according to plan though. When his great aunt dies, she leaves some money for his family and his mum decides to do some additions to the house. Again, things don't go to plan. But then his mum has an even better idea to use the inheritance money which is to buy a bigger house in a new neighborhood. Greg is all excited to move and when he tells this news to his best friend, Rowley, he doesn't take it well. Will they stay best friends? I don't know may be or may be not or may be things will not go according to plan once again. Much like Greg, I am not a fan of spring cleaning, it stresses me out too. I never know what I want to keep, what I want to throw and what I want to give to charity either so I can relate there. A nice addition about renovations, dealing with cranky neighbors and looking for a new place and moving and above all telling your best friend that you are moving. I enjoyed this but I was also on an edge the entire time thinking what else is going to go wrong now and much, too much goes wrong which is funny but also anxiety inducing. Greg and Rowley's goodbye was pretty emotional too and that I did not expect. I also loved the part where Greg's dad wants Greg and Rodrick to learn things like fixing stuff around the house and he tries to lead by example, only to fail. That was hilarious. As usual, the sketches are absolutely brilliant. 4 stars