Kids Books - Trending Books

Dora's Bedtime Adventures (Dora the Explorer)

Dora's Bedtime Adventures (Dora the Explorer)

By Various

omg i LOVE Dora? I readed this book every night .. and I always sing swiped no swiping: to bad Doras to young for me .

Dora's Storytime Collection (Dora the Explorer)

Dora's Storytime Collection (Dora the Explorer)

By Various

i would only read this if i was 2

The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones

By C. Alexander London

"I promise, heart to snap." Can you imagine a world where animals roamed without fear, but they were divided among two sides? On one side are the Wild Ones, consisting of rats, weasels, raccoons and pretty much everything in between - but on the other side are the bloodthirsty Flealess, People's pets who aren't as cuddly and soft as you imagined. Both sides are about to get in a bitter war about possession over Ankle Snap Alley, the most rundown, Slivered Sky-reminiscent place you could imagine - but still, a home for the Wild Ones. Meanwhile, a young, carefree raccoon named Kit thinks he's the farthest away as possible from Slivered Sky life. His parents are historians, travelling all over the world to find artifacts related to Azban, the first Raccoon. But when his parents die at the hands of bloodhounds, Kit must follow his mother's last words - he must protect the Footprint of Azban at all costs and find his uncle Rik. Kit doesn't know why his parents had to die protecting the Footprint of Azban - for all he knows, it's just an artifact, nothing important! But suddenly Kit finds out a shocking secret about his parents and the Footprint of Azban.. and suddenly, Kit finds out that he's the only one who can uncover the secret that gives Ankle Snap Alley to the Wild Ones.. but will he die at the hands of the Flealess trying to uncover it? An almost worthy successor to the great adventure novels that were Redwall, this novel has a big heart and a great bit of adventure. In one word, I think this book is refreshing. A fresh breath of spring air in an alley, you could say. I love how this book takes the "animal" genre towards a new direction, focusing not on dogs, cats, and the like, but on other animals that deserve the spotlight for a change! That being said, I love how this book has such a diverse cast of animals! Another thing I love about this book is the unlikely (at the beginning) friendship of Kit and Eeni. I'm also relieved there isn't a romantic relationship between any of the characters (except Kit's parents, of course), because it's honestly becoming cliche. I loved how their friendship was genuine, not some plot twist where one betrays the other, because honestly I've read too many of those books lately.. The character development and details really pulled me into this world of ragtag animals.. I think that the only thing that negatively surprised me was the surprising amount of violence (don't be turned away from this book because of that, there's only a little), I think I was expecting a feel-good, family book but there was actual hunting/war/violence and even a death at the beginning (not too many details) But what can you say - this book really tugged at my heart with its adventurous spirit. This book delved into a cutting-edge storyline.. but it also explored the true feelings of its characters, and that might be why I loved this book.

The Enchanted Files: Diary of a Mad Brownie

The Enchanted Files: Diary of a Mad Brownie

By Bruce Coville

When you find yourself smiling at the first few pages of any book, you know you're holding something special in your hands. "The Diary of the Mad Brownie" (part of the Enchanted Files) is one such book. It is filled with light-hearted humor and plenty of imagination, creativity, and fun to keep you laughing in the most unexpected moments. But as this book delves deeper, you will discover gentle reminders and morals about friendship, family, and the importances of promises.. there are several moments that will make you feel sorrow, or anger, or pity, or all the other emotions mixed in with joy that makes a book so special. This is a treat for any age (though I would recommend this book to ages 8-12..) Angus Cairns is a brownie - and not the kind you eat, nor a Girl Scout in a brown uniform. Nay, Angus Cairns is a genuine Scottish household brownie, and he is cursed to serve the youngest female (above the age of ten) in the McGonagall line because of his father, who made a foolish mistake way back in history. But is it a curse after all? Even though Angus (like any other sensible brownie) would much rather be human-free, he has taken a fondness to his mistress Sarah, who shares his same mischievousness and trickery in her heart. But alas - Sarah passes away, and Angus must leave his dear homeland of Scotland. He must travel through the Enchanted Realm in a short amount of time to his new land, America, where he must serve a new mistress, who goes by the name of Alex Carhart. Well, Angus Cairns' duty is to tidy up rooms and to serve his mistress, which seems easy enough. But after the tiring journey into America, Angus discovers that Alex is in possession of a MONSTER (a cat) and her room is a PIGSTY - way worse than a pigsty actually. And when he cleans everything up and makes it tidy as can be, she calls the POLICE? This is the first of many other unfortunate incidents between Alex and Angus Cairns. But once they get through all their differences and quarrels, they start to form a true friendship. But what happens when Alex's dad quits his job to become a songwriter (believe me, he is a horrible songwriter) and Angus learns WHAT exactly was the stupid mistake his dad made. And after the stupid mistake his dad made, the Shadow Queen cursed the McGonagall line to be horrible singers and writers.. and that the brownies can't be freed from this curse unless they rescue the Princess of Sunshine. Angus goes on a mission to save the Princess of Sunshine and therefore be free.. and accidentally drags Alex, Bennett, (Alex's brother who writes terrible poems), and Destiny (Alex's imaginative younger sister) for a wild adventure in the Enchanted Realm! Will they find the Princess of Sunshine or will they be doomed? Read this exciting, imaginative, and a roller-coaster of a ride book to find out! I like how this book was written in different formats, like diary for Angus and journal for Alex. I normally don't like when narrators switch frequently, but in this book, it was natural, it flowed, and it was a great addition. The characterization is great - these are characters that are REALLY fleshed out, that some people can relate to or have problems similar to these characters. The other supporting documents are really fun to read, and I like how there are modern things like text messages, in contrast with Angus' quite odd Scottish accent - which I found quirky and very charming. The author adds personal touches that can make readers connect with his writing and the characters, and the setting was very pleasant - I like how there are two main settings and some other backgrounds. I really think Bruce Coville scored a home run with this imaginative book - grade: A+

You're Invited

You're Invited

By Jen Malone, Gail Nall

This was such a fun read! YOU"RE INVITED is about four best friends (Vi, Becca, Sadie and Lauren) who start a party planning business and the adventures/obstacles that they face. I loved the personalities of all of the girls. Sometimes when I read a book with multiple narrations, I find one that I really love and may speed through the others to get back to that character. That wasn't the case here. Each of the girls' chapters were unique and I wanted to know what was happening with each of them. The setting for the book was great! It was a near the beach, which is place that I would love to go on vacation. And I loved reading about each of the theme parties the girls planned...they are so creative, and sounded super fun. I highly recommend this book, and can't wait for the second book to come out.

Fourth Grade Rats

Fourth Grade Rats

By Jerry Spinelli

This book tells the story of 2 boys, both wanting to achieve different things once they enter 4th grade. Influenced by his best friend, Sud quickly changes what he loves to what Joey loves. Follow the two boys along for this amazing book!

Secret of Red Gate Farm

Secret of Red Gate Farm

By Carolyn Keene

In the sixth book of the Nancy Drew mystery series, Nancy meets a young farm girl looking for a city job. Trying to be helpful, Nancy and her friends board at the farm to try to help solve the family’s money problems, and become involved in a mystery including a unauthorized clan dong some shady stuff.

The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew, Book 1)

The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew, Book 1)

By Carolyn Keene

I've got to say, i have had this series on my bookshelf for a long time now, so one night i got super bored and read it. And I LOVED it It has action suspense and fun! To start of the first chapter, Nancy saves a girl and brings her to her family, whom are very pore, who wish to give their child an education but can't afford it.The family tells Nancy about being in a will but when it was time to read the will, they weren't included in it, and several other people. To get the rest of the information , you have to read the rest of the book at your local library. But all in all, this is a amazing book and you should read it! I would recommend it to 9 + for age because of some places where the chapters take place. I would also recommend it to kids who love mysteries,like me!

The Hidden Staircase (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #2)

The Hidden Staircase (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #2)

By Carolyn Keene

I love this book! It is about a young detective named Nancy. She goes off to help out with a mystery of a ghost that has been bugging her friends aunt for a long time. While she tries to solve the mystery, she finds unexpected clues. She also finds a hidden staircase! The hidden staircase is where the person/ghost must have been hiding to get from place to place. In the end, the ghost was caught and Nancy went back home to her father and housekeeper in River Heights.

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