Kids Books - Social

Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? (Who Was?)

Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? (Who Was?)

By Megan Stine, Who HQ

I love this book so much. Sonia Sotomayor was born in the Bronx to Juan and Celina Sotomayor, who were immigrants from Puerto Rico. Th Sotomayors worked hard to provide for their growing family. Sonia's parents worked at factories and hospitals. Her family was sweet, happy, and generous family. Sonia's family did not have it all good though. Her father lost his job, so Celina had to pick up extra shifts to provide for her family. Also, Sonia became a diabetic at a young age. This made her have to take responsibility for her diabetes, meaning she would have to inject herself with insulin because her mother was unable because of her work. As Sonia grew up, she began to pursue a carrier in law. She was familiar with this subject because of the many Nancy Drews she read and the many episodes of Perry Mason she watched on TV. In this book she is described as a legend. And she really is. She worked beside many famous lawyers including Ruth Badger Ginsburg. She lived life to its fullest because she never knew when her illness would get the best of her. Through it all, Sonia stood tall and became the first Latina US Supreme Court justice. She was not afraid to get her hands dirty, even if meant putting her life in jeopardy. I suggest this for the world's next Supreme Justices and people fascinated with judges, lawyers, and amazing people.

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

By Dinah Brown

I like the Who was? series and when I saw this in the classroom library I knew I wanted to get it. Malala has always intrested me because of how she fought back at not even age fifteen. After reading this book now I know so much about Malala and the taliban. I reccomend this book for second grade to sixth grade.

Who Was Gandhi?

Who Was Gandhi?

By Dana Meachen Rau

I decided to read this book because i am from India and I wanted to learn about India got it's INDEPENDENCE. I recommend this book because there is a lot of history in it and Gandhi inspired Martin Luther King jr. Learn how violence is never the answer!

Who Was Nelson Mandela?

Who Was Nelson Mandela?

By Meg Belviso, Pamela D. Pollack

i love this book and he is my favorite historical figure but it's too bad he died.(new copies are sold as who was nelson mandela)

Who Was Amelia Earhart?

Who Was Amelia Earhart?

By Kate Boehm Jerome

The book’s genre is biography and it was written by Kate Boehm Jerome and illustrated by David Cain. The story is about a woman who shows she is brave and shows that women can work. It says on pg. 3 “Amelia’s action proved that bravery and brains were not for male only.” The main character of the story is Amelia Earhart because when she was a little girl she wanted to try to fly by using a small buggy. She pulled to the top of the shed. She side down but she bumps into the tree. She then made it not too steep and it was perfect. The two key events that happened in the story are in New York City and the store was the same as her name! It was called Amelia Earhart Flying Suit.” She wears a suit for speeches and she has over two hundred speeches. The main character changes from the beginning to the end by when she was a little girl she loved flying and in the middle she was taught how to fly a plane and each minute cost one dollar. She also helped poor kids that don’t have a family. She bought a plane and she tried to fly to Boston. In the end she wanted to fly all over the ocean but she didn’t fly to all the ocean because she was lost when she was flying in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Some people helped but they did not find the place that she was looking for so she and her plane may land in the ocean. Some people think that she was alive at that time but no one knows if she is alive. One unanswered question I have after reading this book is “who found her plane in the Pacific Ocean”. I have this question because it says she and her plane went into the ocean. I most enjoy this book because she knows how to show that only men can work but women can’t have a job. I would recommend this book because she was a pilot but it does not mean that she comes from a cover wagon, it means that she has a special spirit.

Who Was Rosa Parks?

Who Was Rosa Parks?

By Yona Zeldis McDonough


this book was inspiring it made me think i should stand up for what i believe and to never give up for ur rights thats why i think this book was inspiring to me.....

Tuck Everlasting

Tuck Everlasting


Natalie Babbitt, the author of Tuck Everlasting, sweeps readers along on the thought-stirring journey of Winnie Foster when she meets the eternally unaging Tuck family. The well-crafted characters included eleven-year-old Winnie Foster, a young girl who yearns to escape the confines of her yard and to be free of proper, beautiful clothing--and finally gets her wish. The Tuck family includes Mae Tuck, the caring, mentally old mother of the family, Angus Tuck, the weary father who wishes the Tucks could someday age and die to allow them back into the “wheel of life”, Miles, the oldest of two brothers whose wife left him under the belief he had sold his soul to the devil to say young, and Jesse, the eternally seventeen-year-old boy. There is also the eternally living horse, the yellow-suited man, and the somewhat dim constable. The book is set in the fictional town of Treegap, where there is a wood. In the middle of the wood, there is a pleasant touch-me-not cabin, in which the young Winnie foster lives with her parents and grandmother. The young girl escapes into the wood one day, and finds a spring, as which a boy, Jesse, is resting. When she sees the boy, she asks to drink from the spring, being dreadfully thirsty, but Jesse panically tries to stop her, and eventually Mae and Miles arrive, halting Winnie from drinking the water which would bless--or curse--her with eternal life. What follows is a story that can change how readers think forever. Personally, I admire Natalie's writing style and admire her ability to tell the story of the Tucks so creatively. She made me think a lot about what it might be like to live forever--is it really a good thing to never grow old? She also makes it easy to envision the wood and treegap in my mind’s eye; the amber and emerald light filtering through green leaves to the forest floor, the eternal ash tree, the animals, and the way she explains how things connect together. Samples of her writing style: “His tall body moved continuously; a foot tapped, a shoulder twitched. And it moved in angles, rather jerkily. But at the same time he had a kind of grace, like a well-handled marionette. Indeed, he seemed almost to hang suspended there in the twilight. But Winnie, though she was half charmed, was suddenly reminded of the stiff black ribbons they had hung on the door of the cottage for her grandfather's funeral.” “Into it all came Winnie, eyes wide, and very much amazed. It was a whole new idea to her that people could live in such disarray, but at the same time she was charmed. It was… comfortable. Climbing behind Mae up the stairs to see the loft, she thought to herself: ‘Maybe it's because they think they have forever to clean it up.’ And this was followed by another thought, far more revolutionary: ‘Maybe they just don't care!’” “There was a clearing directly in front of her, at the center of which an enormous tree thrust up, its thick roots rumpling the ground ten feet around in every direction. Sitting relaxed with his back against the trunk was a boy, almost a man. And he seemed so glorious to Winnie that she lost her heart at once.” “She rocked, gazing out at the twilight, and the soothing feeling came reliably into her bones. That feeling—it tied her to them, to her mother, her father, her grandmother, with strong threads too ancient and precious to be broken. But there were new threads now, tugging and insistent, which tied her just as firmly to the Tucks.” This book, despite being slightly short, really makes you think, and I love it--I plan on re-reading it until my eyes burn out. It makes the reader think and consider what it would be like to live forever, and it really makes you second-guess your first thoughts of immortality. It’s most certainly a must-read for anyone! -Dakota Corr.

The Secret of the Old Clock/The Bungalow Mystery/The Mystery of the 99 Steps (The Best of Nancy Drew, Classic Collection: Volume 1)

The Secret of the Old Clock/The Bungalow Mystery/The Mystery of the 99 Steps (The Best of Nancy Drew, Classic Collection: Volume 1)

By Carolyn Keene

Nancy Drew, a 18-years-old girl who is often helping her father, Carson Drew, a lawyer to handle the cases. Until Nancy gotten herself wounded up in her very first case, A Secret of the Old Clock. The first book is about one man who recently passed away have promised people that he knew to get their wills. And in the ending Nancy had solved it. And in second book, Nancy met one 16-years-old girl, Laura Pendleton who is an orphan and took under control of the fake Aborn couples. In the ending of Book 2, Nancy have found the real Aborn couple and the fake Aborn couples were acted by the Dowds. And in the third book, Nancy and her cousins, George and Bess have flew to France with Nancy's father, Mr. Carson Drew to solve the mystery of 99 steps. One man, Claude Aubert was in the jail in States while another one, Claude's twin, Louis is still around the country of France. In the ending , Nancy had solved the case, again. I would definitely recommend this book for mysterious lovers! - Happy Reading!

I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives

I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives

By Martin Ganda, Caitlin Alifirenka


This story opened up my eyes to other parts of our world, instead of just the United States. Caitlin Alifirenka is just a normal 7th grade girl. She has crushes on boys, wishes she could stay up later, and shops at the mall 24/7.  Martin Ganda is a boy from Zimbabwe, Africa. His life is hard- their family has no shoes, is going on the brink of poverty, and all sleep in the same room. Even with all of that going on, Martin is the best student in his whole school. He plans to finish school, unlike his mother and father. Unless some school fees will have to cut him off short. So when Caitlin has an assignment to write to a penpal in a different country, Caitlin picks Zimbabwe, for it sounds the most interesting. She asks in the letter what Zimbabwe is like, what they do there, what is their favorite so and so. Back in Zimbabwe, Martin is one of the smartest ones, so he is given one of the ten letters that received the classroom. His letter was from Caitlin, and asked him what life was like. Martin wrote back what they did and things like that.  But secretly, Martin was holding back. He was worried Caitlin wouldn't want to keep on writing if she found out that he was very poor. The letters are continuing, and both friends feel closer than they've ever been with anyone before. Caitlin goes through boy drama, and Martin is going through the drama of school fees and poverty. So Caitlin starts sending him money in their letters. This makes a tremendous impact on Martin's family and life. Realizing the impact, Caitlin and her family start sending Martin and his family care packages, gifts, and money. It seems like they've gotten over any obstacle. Except one. College. Trying to bring Martin to the US, Caitlin and her mother work frantically for colleges and money. Both pen pals have helped each other. Can they help each other one last time? A true story that is reread worthy, I Will Always Write Back, is definitely a fantastic book. Happy reading!

Long Walk to Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom

By Nelson Mandela

Title: Long walk to freedom. Author: Nelson Mandela. Genre: Autobiography. Long walk to freedom is a great book for older kids like high schoolers as it has some disturbing parts but I reccomend it for anyone who is interested in the struggle against aphartied.

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