Kids Books - Humor

Philadelphia Chickens: A Too-Illogical Zoological Musical Revue

Philadelphia Chickens: A Too-Illogical Zoological Musical Revue

By Sandra Boynton

This book is pretty funny. It has a CD with all the songs in the book on it. It is supposed to be sung by a bunch of animals, and here are some samples from the songs: "COWS! We're remarkable cows! And wherever we go it's a fabulous show, oh you know we are COWS!" "Nobody understands me, although I wish they would," "I've got those dinosaur blues, from my hat to my shoes, i'm so terribly blue, oh no oh what can i do, i've got those dinosaur blues." My brother loves a very fast song called busybusybusy, and my sister's favorite is faraway cookies. Mine is also faraway cookies.

Thea Stilton and the Prince's Emerald: A Geronimo Stilton Adventure

Thea Stilton and the Prince's Emerald: A Geronimo Stilton Adventure

By Thea Stilton

This is another amazing adventure of the Thea Sisters. This time, the Thea Sister' friend, Ashwin calls from Chennai, India. He was talking and suddenly a buzzing gray screen takes over. The Thea Sisters race to India and find monkeys all over. The find Ashwin and he told them about the chaotic monkeys. Also, the Maharaja, the king, is coming with his son, Lakshan, who is a good friend of Ashwin in a few days. When Lakshan comes, the monkeys see an emerald and steal. The Thea Sisters split up and find the monkey trainers capturing and train monkeys to steal gold. The Thea Sisters save the day once more!

Sixth-Grade Glommers, Norks, and Me

Sixth-Grade Glommers, Norks, and Me

By Lisa Papademetriou

I completely agree, this book is AMAZING!!! I was kinda sad when the book was ending because it is such a great book. I am in awe of Allie because she left her best friend for a boy who she didn't like. I REALLY recommend this book...again AMAZING!!!

Harry Potter, Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings: What You Need to Know About Fantasy Books and Movies

Harry Potter, Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings: What You Need to Know About Fantasy Books and Movies

By Richard Abanes

I think this book is awesome so I want to read it so bad.I just explode If my mom bot it for me.

Fancy Nancy: Just My Luck! (I Can Read Level 1)

Fancy Nancy: Just My Luck! (I Can Read Level 1)

By Jane O'Connor

In this book a girl brings a four year clover to school.after she tells Nancy about a bunch of things that cause had luck Nancy gets kinda worried.😪.after her teacher tells her none of it is real Nancy calms down.I recommend this to younger kids.thank you for reading my review !- Pizzagirl7💘

National Geographic Kids Funny Animals

National Geographic Kids Funny Animals

By National Geographic Kids

This book is so colorful and educational! It gives you fun facts about animals and also has many jokes inside! This book also includes many interesting species of animals that you may have not heard of before. This book is appropriate for any age. I recommend it for any grade level. I rate it 5/5.

Wonkenstein (The Creature from My Closet, No. 1)

Wonkenstein (The Creature from My Closet, No. 1)

By Obert Skye

This is the first book to the most HILARIOUS series I've ever read! 12-year-old Robert Columbo Burnside experimented with ordinary house items in his door-less closet, making it a big MESS. And when his mother gave him tons and tons of books to read, well, he just threw them into the chaos of a closet. Rob's dad came home with a weirdly shaped door and fitted it on his closet (where it stayed), proclaiming it looked just right. The door has an EMBARRASSING unicorn sticker on it that just would not come off, and a doorknob with a face that Rob named Beardy. But lo and behold, Beardy locked Rob out of his closet! When Rob finally gets back in, he discovers a little creature that was a, shall I say, interesting cross between Willy Wonka and Frankenstein. Rob stumbles into an adventure led by little Wonk, who grows his toes and is always ready to pull a prank. If there was anything Rob learned, it's that books aren't always what they seem! --BKS reviews

Sleeping Beauty, the One Who Took the Really Long Nap: A Wish Novel (Twice Upon a Time #2)

Sleeping Beauty, the One Who Took the Really Long Nap: A Wish Novel (Twice Upon a Time #2)

By Wendy Mass

I loved it sooooooo much!!!!!!!!! it made me lugh and was really cool how the prince's mom was a... TROLL! tottaley worth ready like all the other books by wendy Mass.

Danger Is Everywhere: A Handbook for Avoiding Danger

Danger Is Everywhere: A Handbook for Avoiding Danger

By David O'Doherty

Before reading this life-saving book and this review, you would have never thought that DANGER IS EVERYWHERE. You just don't take the time to think that, "Oh no, I better sleep in a bathtub today so I would be safe in case there's a flood!" or, "I should wear my garlic necklaces today in case the sub turns out to be a vampire!" This book is here for that purpose - Docter Noel Zone would like to warn everywhere that the world is full of danger, and he will carefully instruct you how to avoid it in this well-crafted handbook. This is the best handbook I have seen in years - it has precise instructions, pictures to go along with the steps, and surprises that will make you jump out of your seat (why didn't you pick a safe place to sit?) and more! Here are a few things to remember before reading this book (CAUTION, CAUTION): (1) make sure you are reading this book in a secure spot (2) check under the bed or the chair for any suspicious pets that could eat you (3) slowly turn the pages until you get to page 9 (4) stomp on the book until the page 9 scorpion has been squelched (5) sit back down and try to enjoy the book without having to stop reading because it is too frightening. There is an emergency TEPOC (the emergency page of calm) in case you are in urgent need, and another warning is that there are a lot of acronyms in this book. This is because if you are in an emergency (for example: a bear is attacking you) you don't have time to say, "OH MY GOSH A BEAR IS ATTACKING ME HELP SOMEBODY MOMMMYYYYY!" because then you would already be eaten. The correct way to handle a situation like this is to dance and say, "TIABA! TIABA!" (This is a bear alert!) Reader Tip: Put a spare bookmark in the acronym page, you'll need a photographic memory to memorize them all ;) It all started one day when Docter Noel Zone was a lifeguard at a swimming pool. It was a fine day until Docter Noel Zone noticed all the danger that could happen! So he set some new rules into place and no one came to the swimming pool again, but hey, that doesn't matter if you're safe? Right? :thumbs up: Even though Docter Noel Zone's first priority is safety, he knows how to have fun! He's just a regular guy (with extreme safety concerns) with pets, favorite foods, and the whole package! Here's a way to cook toast (Docter Noel's favorite food!) safely! First, put it in the toaster and back away from it. Wait 3 hours and then carefully pry it out from the toaster, using a safety device like toilet paper wrapped around your hands. Put it on your plate and wait another 3 hours. A perfect breakfast -- oops, it's lunch already! And check out some of Docter Noel's dance moves! Here is one dedicated to his pet Dennis, who is a stone! The dance move is called, "The Stone." Instead of "The Worm," which is VERY dangerous indeed, in "The Stone," you just have one not dangerous at all step! It is: (1) lie down carefully and delicately, and stay there with your eyes open as wide as you can. (2) That's it! Docter Noel Zone also tells you how to act in real emergencies! For example, there is a PIRATE on your school bus! (Forewarning: Pirates like to dress up as crossing guards..) (1) Pretend to speak in the language of the Pirates (I already gave away too much, so I'm not telling you this one until you read the book, arrr matey!) (2) Give them a treasure map LEADING AWAY FROM THE BUS. (3) You're a hero! And note of advice, vampires like to dress up as subs (not submarines, the teachers), so watch out if they ride segways! They might be vampires! But the most dangerous vehicle of all is the.. bicycle! But Gretel from the cabbage cabin rides one.. :swoons: :cues romantic music: Ahh, Gretel.. Cabbages+Pretty Girl = True Love.. :snaps out of it: Anyway, Docter Noel Zone has removed all bicyles and dangerous equipment in his yard.. and covered it with concrete. WHY?!??!?!?!??!? That makes it more dangerous??!?!??! Sometimes you don't have common sense.. Docter. In this hilarious, imaginative, creative book, you will learn A LOT of cool stuff, like how to chase away pirates, and how to ward off vampires, and how to prepare toast properly.. on and on! You might find this stuff ironic or funny or not take it seriously, but these tips might help you later in life! There's also a DETBAFOD at the end, a little "test" to show if you can become a Dangerologist (LEVEL 1) and have a chance at beating Docter Noel Zone at the title, "Best and Only Dangerologist". So there you have it - good luck, POD (pupils of Dangerology) Grade - B+ ~FelicisOwl (Dangerologist Level 3 - printed the test three time XDDD)



By David Lubar

When I first picked up this book, I felt like I was being a little bit of a curmudgeon and by the end, I was holding onto it like it was gold. Punished is about two boys, Logan and Benedict. Logan has to do 3 days of tasks, like finding oxymorons, palindromes and more. Punished is a short but sweet book.

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