Kids Books - Humor

Miss Communication (Babymouse Tales from the Locker)

Miss Communication (Babymouse Tales from the Locker)

By Jennifer L. Holm

When there's a trend, don't count Babymouse out! When texting and surfing the Internet becomes all the rage, Babymouse will do everything in her power to obtain a cell phone of her very own. But when the obsession over funny animal videos, texting slang, and building up an empire of social media followers push her over the edge, can Babymouse really stick with the trends?

Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat (Emmy and the Rat)

Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat (Emmy and the Rat)

By Lynne Jonell

Emmy and the incredible Shrinking rat by Lynne Jonell is about a brave girl with some gigantic secrets. Emmy is a beautiful girl and her parents love her very much. When she gets home her dad comes and talks to her about school and then they read books since they live in a bookstore. Now that all happened before the move. The move. A horrible dreadful thing. Ever since they moved her parents have been gone a lot! They also got a new nanny. Emmy goes to school of course but her teacher never remembers her name! Not even the kids in her class can remember her name! Their class has a pet rat. Emmy enjoys her class’s rat. Sometimes she’ll stay inside for recess to talk to the rat. Then once it bit her! She still talked to it though. Once it talked back! Then she brought it home. She fed it peanut butter cups and other things. Her nanny didn’t know about this rat though. One day she met a friend and he had got bitten by the rat once and then right then he got bitten again. The second bite made him shrink so now Emmy had two tiny living things to take care of. She decided to skip out on tap classes and go to some shops. When her nanny came walking by she went into this antique shop to hide. She saw many animals that all had magical powers! And the rat that she is taking care of can talk to her so he said something about his sister in there! She leaves the shop to go home. A few days later her nanny tells her that her parents are coming home soon for a bit. When they get there their nanny makes yummy potato things. Emmy figures out that inside the potato things the nanny is putting something. That is part of the tale of Emmy and the incredible shrinking rat. If you want to know more than I think you should read this book! If you like mysteries this is the book for you. Also if you like funny books this will also be a good fit. I appreciate this book because it is very mysterious and still has some humor in it. That is why you should read this book.

Big Nate: Thunka, Thunka, Thunka

Big Nate: Thunka, Thunka, Thunka

By Lincoln Peirce

Wow! This book brings back memorys from when I was 10 . great book for preteens! Aww!

The Ghost Next Door (Goosebumps)

The Ghost Next Door (Goosebumps)

By R. L. Stine

During the summer a new kid moves in next door to Hannah she doesn't know when though it couldn't have happened just over night...he keeps disapiering every time she looks away or is distracted and he acts very odd........Could he be a ghost!!!!

The Teacher's Funeral

The Teacher's Funeral

By Richard Peck

I think that this book is great. It is so funny and I really like it. The only thing I would say is not my favorite would be how they talk. They're country, so it's hard to understand for me. I still recommend it though.

Spy School British Invasion

Spy School British Invasion

By Stuart Gibbs

Joey R.

***Spoiler Alert*** The book that I am doing a review on is called Spy School: British Invasion by Stuart Gibbs. This book is about a group of outlaws and they are trying to prove their names while also trying to get the evil organization, SPYDER arrested. They were framed for wrecking museums and different buildings. I learned from this book that people can change their minds when confronted with the reality of the situation. I liked the book and connected to it because it is a very suspenseful and cool story. For example their were a lot of double agents that suddenly switched sides. The setting was very cool because it had a lot of sightseeing places in it. In the setting there were a lot of historical landmarks that had different purposes than what people thought. They were made as lookout towers that don’t actually look like lookout towers. I think that Stuart Gibbs put these parts in the setting so it would show that things aren’t actually always what you think they are. For example the Eiffel Tower is actually a big antenna that transmits secret messages. For another example Tower Bridge is actually a spy hideout. Also in the catacombs there were secret entrances into houses. In one of the houses there is a woman who is called Mr. E that is the leader of the SPYDER organization. I think that Stuart Gibbs included this scene in the book to show that a woman is just as good as a man and sometimes even better. For an example, in the book “Mr. E” says that boys do not expect girls to be the leader of organizations so that way she can stay under the radar and she was able to sneak into the meetings dressed as a maid. This is an amazing book and I would give it 5 out of 5 stars.

Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping

Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping

By Peggy Parish

I want to read this book because I love reading Amelia Bedelia books she is one of my books

Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies (Baby Aliens)

Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies (Baby Aliens)

By Pamela Butchart


I read this book in school it amazing

Ready Player One: A Novel

Ready Player One: A Novel

By Ernest Cline

With a global energy crisis, over population, and many more problems, many people on Earth turn to the OASIS, a multiplayer simulation game, where everyone can live the life they want, just like Wade Watts did. The OASIS was created by the brilliant mind of James Halliday, and after he died, the whole world found out that he left his whole fortune for the most worthy OASIS user, who had to do to Easter Egg Halliday had hidden in the OASIS by finding the three keys, and passing the three gates, as well as the final task. Soon nearly everyone was on the OASIS to find the egg. The IOI also hired a task force just for the egg. Wade, on the other hand, considered himself to be a gunter, since he knew everything about Halliday and was always thinking about the clue for the location of the first key. Will Wade be worthy enough to find the Easter Egg, or will IOI beat him to it? Blinded by fame and love, will Wade really risk his relationships with all his friends, and isolate himself? Or will he get his head back into the game and not let his popularity change his personality? To find out, you should read Ready Player One. It is now one of my favorite books, and I really enjoyed reading it. Throughout the whole book, I found it fascinating how detailed it was, and my favorite part was how Wade changed from being blinded by popularity to becoming more humble thoughtful. There were always new twists in the book, and I recommend this book to anyone who loves science fiction. I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

Ivy and Bean: Take Care of the Babysitter - Book 4 (Ivy & Bean)

Ivy and Bean: Take Care of the Babysitter - Book 4 (Ivy & Bean)

By Annie Barrows

This book's genre is mischievous behavior and it was written by Annie Barrows,and Sophie Blackall. Once upon a time Bean was at her friend's house. Then her mom tells her that her older sister, Nancy will be babysitting her for the afternoon. Bean sneaks her best friend Ivy into her house and they both get stuck in the attic,while Nancy puts on makeup that her mom strictly told her she could not wear until she was older. The main characters are Ivy and Bean. Ivy is kind,an animal lover, and she is smart. I can infer this because on page 16 the illustration shows Ivy reading a big “`grown up book”. Bean loves adventures, getting dirty, she also doesn’t brush her hair, and Bean always does something weird. This is a fact because on page 1 the illustration shows Bean grinding corn on the sidewalk. Bean and Ivy change at the end of the book to become more sneaky, because they don’t get caught in the attic and makes Nancy give them both a little bit of money. Bean and Ivy can specifically make Nancy give them each $2 because while they both were trapped in the attic, Nancy was putting on makeup her mom told her she couldn’t wear. One unanswered question I'd like to ask the author is why are Bean and Ivy best friends they’re total opposites? What I enjoyed most about this book were the illustrations because they’re simple and detailed. The illustration I liked best was the cover because Bean and Ivy are tiptoeing somewhere looking sneaky. I would recommend this book because it’s a very unique book with compromises, dirt, and getting your older sister in trouble.

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