Kids Books - Humor

Doctor Dolittle The Complete Collection, Vol. 1: The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle; The Story of Doctor Dolittle; Doctor Dolittle's Post Office (1)

Doctor Dolittle The Complete Collection, Vol. 1: The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle; The Story of Doctor Dolittle; Doctor Dolittle's Post Office (1)

By Hugh Lofting

I liked that this book has all three first books in it. It makes it so much easier to read. I read this book in hours because I really liked it. I read this right before watching the movie. Spoiler alert: It's nothing like the movie! Well, this book is about what Doctor Dolittle's adventures are like. He sets sail with a boy named Tommy Stubbins, how the doctor came to talking to animals, and how the doctor created a post office based on animals I liked this book, and if you are interested in books about animals, you will too.

The Ersatz Elevator (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 6)

The Ersatz Elevator (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 6)

By Lemony Snicket

If i were you, i would not read this extension to the Series of Unfortunate Events. In this dreadful story, the Baudelaires are sent to live in a penthouse apartment with Jerome and Esme Squalor who have taken them in because orphans are in. Esme Squalor is to obsessed with what is in and what is out to take real care of the orphans and Jerome Squalor is to cowardly to argue with his wife or anyone. One would think living in a enormous penthouse would be grand, but with busy gurdians and trying to find their way through the maze of bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, sitting rooms, standing rooms, and all the rooms with no pupose, life began to be as horrendous as any of the Baudelaire's past experiences. Then, with the arrival of Count Oalf- now dressed as an auctioneer named Gunther-and the discovery of an ersatz-a word which here means "false, faux, of mock"- elevator, the orphans lives head down a downward spiral. Literally. During this huge mess Violet, Klaus, and Sunny learn more about their friends disappearance, the meaning of V.F.D., and the hidden secrets of the Baudelaire mansion. For your sake and mine DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!

The Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate Events #8)

The Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate Events #8)

By Lemony Snicket

After escaping the Village of Fowl Devotees, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire arrive at a store to send a telegram to Mr. Poe, explaining their situation and pleading for help. The store's generous owner explains that a van of 'Volunteers Fighting Diseases' arrives once every day for a gas refill. The van arrives, and the Baudelaires, thinking it to be the acronym 'V.F.D.', escape into it after the owner recognizes them as the accused murderers in the Daily Punctilio, an unreliable newspaper series. The Baudelaire orphans find themselves in a hospital. They blend in with the volunteers fighting diseases. They get a job in the records department where they hope to find information that will help them prove that they are not murderers and tell them more about the evil Count Olaf. To find out what happens next read the Hostile Hospital. I give this book 5 stars because it is by far the most interesting one out of the Series of Unfortunate Events books I've read.

The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 10)

The Slippery Slope (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 10)

By Lemony Snicket

it is a very exciting book. There is suspence at every corner just waiting to pop out and give you a surprise that you knew was coming but didn't think it would come that way. I recommend this book for 3rd graders and up( 3rd graders with high reading level)

The Carnivorous Carnival (A Series of Unfortunate Events # 9)

The Carnivorous Carnival (A Series of Unfortunate Events # 9)

By Lemony Snicket

Following the events of The Hostile Hospital, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire arrive at Caligari Carnival in the trunk of Count Olaf and his theatre troupe's car, unknown to them. Olaf and his associates speak of seeking Madame Lulu, a mysterious fortune-teller and owner of Caligari Carnival, for answers of the whereabouts of the Snicket files, which apparently contains crucial information on V.F.D. I made a connection for text to text because it reminds me of books that I've read that leave wondering until you read more. I give this book five stars because of how it is written and how every time you read it you find out something new about the characters and their journey. To find out if the Baudelaires escape read the Carnivorous Carnival.

The Grim Grotto (Series of Unfortunate Events)

The Grim Grotto (Series of Unfortunate Events)

By Lemony Snicket

The Grim Grotto is about the Baudelaire orphans, who find themselves in a little submarine, which has Captain Widdershins, the captain, Fiona, a kid who is also a mycologist, and Phil, whom the Baudelaires met at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill. The Baudelaires soon find themselves actually kind of happy, and when Captain Widdershins tell them they are trying to find the sugar bowl before Count Olaf does and try to make it to the last safe place of V.F.D. But when they start searching, they find themselves soon in Count Olaf's hands again. But the Baudelaires know they can defeat him, but with the uncovering of a man,a betrayal of a friend, and Carmelita Spats, the Baudelaire orphans need all their strength for this!

The Penultimate Peril (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 12)

The Penultimate Peril (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 12)

By Lemony Snicket

The Penultimate Peril is such a chilling, but thrilling story! (it rhymes!) The Baudelaires go to the last safe place of V.F.D, Hotel Denounment, to find all the former people they met along their journey. The Baudelaires are disguised as concierges to not be noticed in the hotel. Through a tragic stay at the hotel, the Baudelaires are discovered, but they aren’t letting Count Olaf and his minions get them! But, is that the only choice they have?

[(The End )] [Author: Lemony Snicket] [Sep-2012]

[(The End )] [Author: Lemony Snicket] [Sep-2012]

By Lemony Snicket

9 year old: Best book series ever, but Count Olaf is a jerk. Lemony Snicket has lots of great books, but this series is my favorite. 7 year old: I liked it, because we read it together. 12 year old: It is the best book series, Lemony Snicket is a great author. Mom: Reading this series together as a family was incredible. We paused and discussed theories so much. We did end up watching both the film and Netflix show after, neither do the series justice, but it was fun to see how film portrayed our favorite series of all time.



By Kenneth Oppel

Henry D

“Splat!” a living splotch of ink escapes from a sketchbook. The name of this book is Inkling. The Author of this book is Kenneth Oppel. The year this book was published was 2018. This is a well written book that is funny and good for all good for all ages. First what happened in the book was Ethan meets a living splotch of ink that came from his father’s sketchbook. Next , the living blob of ink named Inkling helps Ethan with drawing. Then, Inkling starts to give Ethan drawing lessons. After, Vika Ethan’s classmate and mortal enemy finds out about inkling and steals him. Finally Ethan gets Inkling back and Ethan’s sister gets a dog. Here is one of the things I liked about the book.What I liked most about the book Inkling was how unique the characters were. No two of the characters are alike. Each of the ways the characters think and act are different from each other. I remember most of the book but the most memorable part was when Inking escaped from Ethan's father’s sketchbook. First what happened was Inkling pulled all his ink into the center of the book. Then he kept trying to pull himself out. Finally he shot out of the sketchbook with a great leap. Inkling is a funny well written book and is good for all ages. I recommend this book to people who like books that are longer. I also recommend it to people who like fiction books. I don’t recommend this book to people who like picture books or non-fiction books because Inkling is a fictional chapter book.

Science Fair from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures (Pb))

Science Fair from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures (Pb))

By Mike Thaler

In this book there is a science fair happening at school. Hubie really can't decide what to make he goes back in fourth with making a clone of himself or making a laugh machine cloneing or clowning as he says. Which one will be end up doing?or does he even do one of those? I recommend this book to younger kids and I rate this book 2/5 stars - Pizzagirl7 😉

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