Kids Books - History

Where Is Alcatraz?

Where Is Alcatraz?

By Nico Medina

If you like learning about abandoned places then this is the book for you. If you would be interested in learning about a famous prison that housed some of the worst criminals ever, this is a good book to read. It gives you a lot of information about why it was built and why it was abandoned. The reason I rated it 4 stars was because I liked how they explained some of the most wanted and deadliest criminals in U.S. history as well as good descriptions of the island complex itself. So if you like to read the origins of abandoned places than this is the book for you.

Profiles #2: World War II - Library Edition

Profiles #2: World War II - Library Edition

By Aaron Rosenberg

A really great book to learn about World War II. It talks about six different people that played an important role during one of the world's darkest times. It is full of interesting facts and images. Really recommend to anybody that wants to know more about the people behind the war.

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

By Frances Hodgson [illustrated by ruth sanderson] Burnett

The book The Secret Garden was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett in 1911. It is about a rude and spoiled little girl named Mary. She came from India but isn’t Indian. When she was born she wasn't wanted By her father or mother, so they gave her to a lady to watch over her. Mostly, servants took care of Mary and had to do whatever she asked of them or demanded because people didn't want her to throw a fit or cry. This made her grow up, having everything her way and done for her. One day, a great number of people in the household had died from sickness or had fled away in terror and most everyone had seen to disappear. People later found Mary in her nursery and came to take her to live with her Uncle, who is depressed and ends up having no time to pay attention to or love her. Over time she slowly learns to do things on her own and not to rely on everybody else to do things for her. She finds out that there is a secret garden that her uncle’s wife used to love, but she passed away, Which devastated him. So, he shut away the garden and never wanted to see it again. He buried the key to the garden, and no one has seen it for 10 years. Mary later learns to like people other than herself and to enjoy nature and what it has to offer. She meets a kind boy named Dickon, who teaches her a lot about gardens and helps her learn about them. She starts to enjoy plants and animals and has the desire to learn more about them. She starts to spend more time playing outside and sees the beauty of nature. I truly enjoyed this book and rate it a five out of five. I would recommend it to anyone passionate about gardens/plants and classics. Thanks!



By Johanna Spyri

Warning! This review contains spoilers (not that it matters because there's absolutely no suspense in this book whatsoever). There's this little girl named Heidi, and both of her parents died when she was a baby. So went to go live with her aunt and her grandmother (on her mom's side). But then her grandmother dies. So, her aunt sends her to live with her grandfather (on her dad's side). Her grandfather lives in the mountains, and everyone who lives near him says he's really mean. But Heidi's aunt doesn't care and sends her to live with him anyway. Heidi then makes friends with a boy named Peter and his grandmother. After Heidi has lived with her grandfather for a few years, her aunt comes back. Then she basically takes her to live with some random rich people, so there daughter will have a companion. What I thought of it: This book was extremely boring. Heidi was an extremely irritating character. She basically prances around bringing joy and sunshine to everyone she comes in contact with for no apparent reason. It's like everyone loves her and no one knows why. Then, eventually, in addition to going around bringing joy to everyone, she starts going around and preaching to everyone. She's probably no more than 10 years old, and suddenly (after one talk with a girl's grandmamma) she knows everything about God. It's absolutely ridiculous. Also, she just magically learns how to read in two seconds. One minute she's completely illiterate, and the next, she's the world's best reader. What up with that? Not to mention the fact that she's a total jerk. Once some of her new friends come to visit her, she starts completely (and pretty much without a reason), ignoring her friend Peter. This causes Peter to become VERY angry. I mean some of his reactions were a bit extreme, but he definitely had a right to be mad. And Heidi just continues to prance around as if nothing has happened. I mean she never even addresses the fact that he's angry. Ever. But there was one thing that REALLY bothered me about this situation. When Heidi wanted Peter to do something, and he refused, she had the nerve to threaten him! And he listened! I really couldn't believe it. But for now, I'm going to take break from talking about Heidi, and talk about the other characters. Heidi's grandfather was completely inconsistent character. He was said to have been really mean, but he's never portrayed doing anything mean. As soon as Heidi shows up he pretty much welcomes her with open arms. Then when she leaves, he says he never wants to see her again. But then she comes back again, he's perfectly happy to see her. People are always saying how terrible he is, but we never see him do anything terrible. I mean the writer meant to write him as one of those "Don't judge a book by it's cover" character, but did a really bad job. I also didn't like the fact that Heidi's friend Klara just came to the mountains and magically got better. I mean the girl couldn't walk her entire life, and then she comes to the mountains and has the ability to walk by the end of the summer. Yet another unrealistic thing that happened in this book to add to the list. I could go on forever picking out the flaws in this book, but I think I'm going to go ahead and wrap this review up. I can't help but feel that this entire book was just completely dedicated to making Heidi seem like she was a perfect little angel, when in reality, she was a total brat. I mean they never addressed any of her flaws. But instead, they tried (and failed) to completely cover them all up. The morals of the story seemed to be: Trust in God and he will fix all your problems (which isn't a bad thing, but they could have portrayed that in a way that wasn't completely preachy. I mean they pretty much had the same conversation over and over with different people.), The mountains are a magical place and if you go there all your health issues will magically disappear, and Heidi is the best thing since sliced bread. You should love her with all her heart even though she doesn't really have any really good character traits. Overall, it was a very boring and preachy book, and I have no idea why this is a classic. On second thought, it being boring and preachy is probably the very reason it's a classic.

The Light in Hidden Places

The Light in Hidden Places

By Sharon Cameron

This book is so amazing. If you are a fan of Realistic Fiction, this is your book. This book happens during World War 2. The main character is Stefania who hides 15 Jew. Will she survive? Will the Nazi catch her? Read the book to find out more. Have fun reading!!!

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber (Xtreme Military Aircraft)

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber (Xtreme Military Aircraft)

By Professor John Hamilton

The B-2 Spirit is a big stealth bomber aircraft, it has a wingspan of 172 ft.

F-35 Lightning II (Xtreme Military Aircraft)

F-35 Lightning II (Xtreme Military Aircraft)

By Professor John Hamilton

The F-35 is a stealth fighter which first flew in 2006. The only F-35 aircraft that lands like a helicopter is the F-35B.

Poop: A Natural History of the Unmentionable (Bccb Blue Ribbon Nonfiction Book Award (Awards))

Poop: A Natural History of the Unmentionable (Bccb Blue Ribbon Nonfiction Book Award (Awards))

By Nicola Davies

Wierd, but funny, I guess. Prepare to read the unecspected facts about down under and in the toilet. By the way, if this is your favorite book and you read it whenever you read, seriously people! Talk, read, and THINK about something other than POOP sometime.

Jacob Have I Loved

Jacob Have I Loved

By Katherine Paterson

Louise lives on Rass Island, a strict Methodist island in the middle of Chesapeake Bay. For all her life, her twin sister Caroline has gotten all the attention. Caroline is talented and artistic, while Louise likes catching crabs with her friend, Call. The book tells about Louise's adventures on Rass as well as how she tries to escape the shadow of her twin. It was really entertaining and very funny at the beginning.

[(The Hiding Place)] [Author: Corrie Ten Boom] published on (April, 2009)

[(The Hiding Place)] [Author: Corrie Ten Boom] published on (April, 2009)


This book is incredible! It is sad, happy and heartbreaking all at the same time! I read it a while ago, and I want to read it again! Definitely recommended!

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