Kids Books - Cultures

Refugee 87

Refugee 87

By Ele Fountain

This is a really great book about friendship and love. There are terrible things that happen in this book like being wrongly helped captive, but the main character can find friendship in the darkest of places.

UC What Was the Underground Railroad?

UC What Was the Underground Railroad?

By Yona Zeldis McDonough,Lauren Mortimer James Bennett

Short yet informative, this book was awesome, and I would recommend it to those who are interested in American history. In this book, you’ll find the daring tales of several slaves who were willing to risk *everything* (and yes, literally everything) for their freedom. These true stories range from Henry “Box” Brown, whom mailed himself in a box to Philadelphia to escape slavery, all the way to Harriet Tubman, a very famous Underground Railroad “conductor” who was known for leading hundreds of slaves to their freedom. The only reason I didn’t rate this 5 stars was that some parts were not as interesting as others. Overall, however, this book was great!

What Was the Boston Tea Party?

What Was the Boston Tea Party?

By Kathleen Krull

This is a good book for information about the Boston Tea Party. It all starts off normal, people just living their own lives. When they started putting taxes on tea, people were very angry and upset. A few people dumped crates of tea into the water to show what they think of the taxes. This is why the Boston Tea Party happened. I made a connection with this book because this was a real life tragedy that actually happened a long time ago that shows we can't get what we want, and you shouldn't make things worse. I give this book a 5 star review because it provides many reasons and examples why this event occurred, and how we can prevent this from happening again.

Who Was Harry Houdini?

Who Was Harry Houdini?

By Tui Sutherland

when Harry was a kid he ran away at 12 so he could try to make money for his mom . I bet she never knew he would be so popular, or how much money he would make!. Harry went through a lot of different acts in his life. He did tons of dangerous acts. When Harry got to be older a war broke out . But he was too old to join the army . So he wanted to do his shows to raise money for the army . But during this time his mother died . This got Harry very sad. Harry was also getting pretty old and tired and stressed because Beth ( his wife ) had food poisoning. One day before a show a reporter was talking to him . ( but he wasn't really listening ) when he asked him if someone punched him would be really not be hurt. Then he said could be punch harry. Harry said yes because he wasn't listening and since he wasn't listening he didn't have time to get ready . Harry ended up getting very hurt . But still be performed his act. But in the middle of the show he collapsed on stage. He was brought to the hospital and it turned the guy who punched him ,accidentally ruptured his appendix which was very dangerous. The doctors removed it but they still knew that he would die from such a bad injury . I LOVED this book it was one of my favorites . I recommend it to all ages and I rate it 5/ 5 stars! - Pizzagirl7💋

Who Was Coretta Scott King?

Who Was Coretta Scott King?

By Gail Herman, Who HQ

I use to have the book from the library but I could not finish it in time😢😢

Who Was Princess Diana?

Who Was Princess Diana?

By Ellen Labrecque, Who HQ

Princess Diana, also known as Princess With A Purpose, was kind and caring. She was born on July 1, 1961, at the Park House in Sandringham, England. Her family was always close to the royal family and was very rich. When Princess Diana was young, she loved sports; especially swimming. She also liked to help people too. Even though she got bad grades, she was still smart at everything else. Later, when she was a young lady, she met Prince Charles. Soon after, she got married to Prince Charles. Together, they had two children. Shortly after their marriage, they got divorced. Then, she started dating Dodi Fayed. She still spent time helping people. One night, Princess Diana and Dodi went on a date. They wanted to not let photographers take a picture of them. So, they hopped into their car and started driving. But, the photographers went into their cars and started chasing them. So, Dodi and Diana went faster and faster. Then, they crashed. The driver and Dodi were dead. Diana was brought to the hospital. Shortly after, Diana died.

Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? (Who Was?)

Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? (Who Was?)

By Megan Stine, Who HQ

I love this book so much. Sonia Sotomayor was born in the Bronx to Juan and Celina Sotomayor, who were immigrants from Puerto Rico. Th Sotomayors worked hard to provide for their growing family. Sonia's parents worked at factories and hospitals. Her family was sweet, happy, and generous family. Sonia's family did not have it all good though. Her father lost his job, so Celina had to pick up extra shifts to provide for her family. Also, Sonia became a diabetic at a young age. This made her have to take responsibility for her diabetes, meaning she would have to inject herself with insulin because her mother was unable because of her work. As Sonia grew up, she began to pursue a carrier in law. She was familiar with this subject because of the many Nancy Drews she read and the many episodes of Perry Mason she watched on TV. In this book she is described as a legend. And she really is. She worked beside many famous lawyers including Ruth Badger Ginsburg. She lived life to its fullest because she never knew when her illness would get the best of her. Through it all, Sonia stood tall and became the first Latina US Supreme Court justice. She was not afraid to get her hands dirty, even if meant putting her life in jeopardy. I suggest this for the world's next Supreme Justices and people fascinated with judges, lawyers, and amazing people.

Who Was George Washington Carver?

Who Was George Washington Carver?

By Jim Gigliotti

I liked this book because it gives a good summary about George Washington Carver. It starts off with him being born, and his parents buying a slave, who they took good care of. Then it talks about his invention of peanuts. At the end it talks about his death. This is one of my favorite series of books. I think you should definitely read this book if you're interested in George Washington Carver.

Who Is Jeff Kinney? (Who Was?)

Who Is Jeff Kinney? (Who Was?)

By Patrick Kinney

When Jeff was young he was the youngest of 3 kids . But Jeff was so happy when he found out how he would be a big brother and not the smallest one. Jeff and Patrick ( the little brother ) loved to hang out , tell jokes , and tell stories . All through out Jeff's life he tried very hard to be a cartoonist.he got to be in newspapers and worked very hard to try. You probably didn't know this but it took him like 8 years to write diary of a wimpy kid. Finally after so many years someone liked his work ( diary of a wimpy kid) and what do u know!? It became a huge hit!. I recommend this book to all ages and I rate this book 4/5 stars - Pizzagirl7 😉

Who Was Michael Jackson?

Who Was Michael Jackson?

By Megan Stine

I give this book a 4 out of 5 if you like music and dancing this book is for you. This book gives a lot of information about how he grew up. When he was a kid he got in trouble a lot he was apart of the Jackson 5. He joined before he was eight years old he was born in Gary Indiana he had a good voice when he grew up he mad the moonwalk it became a popular dance.

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